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function _rate_get_token in Rate 7

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 6.2 rate.module \_rate_get_token()

Get a token for the voting button.

This is a wrapper around drupal_get_token() to make this compatible with Pressflow. This function uses session_id(), which will generate a different id for each request from anonymous users when using Pressflow. Tokens will never match in this case, thus the votes are not cast.


string $value:

Return value


2 calls to _rate_get_token()
rate_generate_widget in ./rate.module
Generate a widget.
rate_vote_ahah in ./rate.module
AHAH callback for the vote buttons.


./rate.module, line 1086
Rate module


function _rate_get_token($value) {
  global $user;
  if ($user->uid) {
    return drupal_get_token($value);
  else {
    return md5($value . drupal_get_private_key());