rate.module in Rate 7
Same filename and directory in other branches
Rate module
rate.moduleView source
* @file
* Rate module
// Define display modes for the rate widget.
define('RATE_FULL', 1);
define('RATE_COMPACT', 2);
define('RATE_DISABLED', 3);
define('RATE_CLOSED', 4);
// Define display modes for node / comment bodies.
// Define modes for which rating to display
define('RATE_AVERAGE', 1);
define('RATE_USER', 2);
define('RATE_USER_OR_AVERAGE', 3);
// Define modes for behaviour with users w/o permission to vote.
// Define constants for paths.
define('RATE_PATH_ADMIN_PAGE', 'admin/structure/rate');
define('RATE_PATH_ADMIN_PAGE_LIST', 'admin/structure/rate/list');
define('RATE_PATH_ADMIN_PAGE_ADD', 'admin/structure/rate/add');
define('RATE_PATH_ADMIN_PAGE_EDIT', 'admin/structure/rate/%/edit');
define('RATE_PATH_ADMIN_PAGE_DELETE', 'admin/structure/rate/%/delete');
define('RATE_PATH_ADMIN_PAGE_TEMPLATE', 'admin/structure/rate/%/template');
define('RATE_PATH_ADMIN_PAGE_SETTINGS', 'admin/structure/rate/settings');
define('RATE_PATH_AHAH', 'rate/vote/js');
define('RATE_PATH_RESULTS_PAGE', 'node/%node/rating');
define('RATE_PATH_LOGIN_PAGE', 'user/login-to-rate');
// Define constants for variable names.
define('RATE_VAR_WIDGETS', 'rate_widgets');
define('RATE_VAR_BOT_MINUTE_THRESHOLD', 'rate_bot_minute_threshold');
define('RATE_VAR_BOT_HOUR_THRESHOLD', 'rate_bot_hour_threshold');
define('RATE_VAR_BOT_RETROACTIVE', 'rate_bot_retroactive');
define('RATE_VAR_BOT_BOTSCOUT_KEY', 'rate_bot_botscout_key');
define('RATE_VAR_CRON_DELETE_LIMIT', 'rate_cron_delete_limit');
// Define constants for permission status.
define('RATE_PERMISSION_OK', 1);
* Implements hook_perm().
function rate_permission() {
return array(
'view rate results page' => array(
'title' => t('View rate results page'),
'description' => t('View rate results page'),
* Implements hook_menu().
function rate_menu() {
$menu = array();
$menu[RATE_PATH_ADMIN_PAGE] = array(
'title' => 'Rate widgets',
'description' => 'Manage rating widgets.',
'page callback' => 'rate_admin_page',
'access arguments' => array(
'administer site configuration',
'file' => 'rate.admin.inc',
'title' => 'List',
'page callback' => 'rate_admin_page',
'access arguments' => array(
'administer site configuration',
'file' => 'rate.admin.inc',
'weight' => 0,
$menu[RATE_PATH_ADMIN_PAGE_ADD] = array(
'title' => 'Add widget',
'page callback' => 'drupal_get_form',
'page arguments' => array(
'access arguments' => array(
'administer site configuration',
'type' => MENU_CALLBACK,
'file' => 'rate.admin.inc',
'weight' => 1,
'title' => 'Edit widget',
'page callback' => 'drupal_get_form',
'page arguments' => array(
'access arguments' => array(
'administer site configuration',
'type' => MENU_CALLBACK,
'file' => 'rate.admin.inc',
'title' => 'Delete widget',
'page callback' => 'drupal_get_form',
'page arguments' => array(
'access arguments' => array(
'administer site configuration',
'type' => MENU_CALLBACK,
'file' => 'rate.admin.inc',
'title' => 'Switch template',
'page callback' => 'drupal_get_form',
'page arguments' => array(
'access arguments' => array(
'administer site configuration',
'type' => MENU_CALLBACK,
'file' => 'rate.admin.inc',
$menu[RATE_PATH_AHAH] = array(
'page callback' => 'rate_vote_ahah',
'access arguments' => array(
'access content',
'type' => MENU_CALLBACK,
$menu[RATE_PATH_RESULTS_PAGE] = array(
'title' => 'Voting results',
'page callback' => 'rate_results_page',
'page arguments' => array(
'access callback' => 'rate_results_page_access',
'access arguments' => array(
'view rate results page',
'type' => MENU_LOCAL_TASK,
'weight' => 10,
'file' => 'rate.results.inc',
$menu[RATE_PATH_LOGIN_PAGE] = array(
'title' => 'Log in',
'page callback' => 'rate_login_page',
'access callback' => TRUE,
'type' => MENU_CALLBACK,
'title' => 'Settings',
'page callback' => 'drupal_get_form',
'page arguments' => array(
'access arguments' => array(
'administer site settings',
'type' => MENU_LOCAL_TASK,
'file' => 'rate.admin.inc',
return $menu;
* Implements hook_ctools_plugin_directory().
* It simply tells panels where to find the .inc files that define various
* args, contexts, content_types. In this case the subdirectories of
* ctools_plugin_example/panels are used.
function rate_ctools_plugin_directory($module, $plugin) {
if ($module == 'ctools' && !empty($plugin)) {
return "plugins/{$plugin}";
* Get list of active widgets.
* @param string $content_type Node type
* @param string $type "node" or "comment"
* @return array
function rate_get_active_widgets($content_type, $type, $view_mode = 'full') {
$widgets = variable_get(RATE_VAR_WIDGETS, array());
$active = array();
foreach ($widgets as $widget_id => $widget) {
if ($content_type == 'node' && in_array($type, $widget->node_types)) {
isset($widget->teaser_display) or $widget->teaser_display = TRUE;
if ($view_mode == 'full' || $view_mode == 'embed' || $widget->teaser_display) {
$active[$widget_id] = $widget;
if ($content_type == 'comment' && in_array($type, $widget->comment_types)) {
$active[$widget_id] = $widget;
return $active;
* Generate a widget.
* @param int $widget_id Widget id
* @param string $content_type "node" or "comment"
* @param int $content_id Node id (nid) or comment id (cid)
* @param bool $teaser
* @param bool $include_div
* @return array
function rate_generate_widget($widget_id, $content_type, $content_id, $mode = RATE_FULL, $include_div = TRUE, $just_voted = FALSE, $displayed = NULL) {
global $user;
// Check input.
if (!is_numeric($widget_id) || empty($content_type) || !is_numeric($content_id)) {
return NULL;
$widgets = variable_get(RATE_VAR_WIDGETS, array());
$widget = $widgets[$widget_id];
// Determine if the user may vote.
$entities = entity_load($content_type, array(
$node = $entities[$content_id];
$permission_status = _rate_check_permissions($widget, $node);
// This option should be available, check for legacy.
isset($widget->noperm_behaviour) or $widget->noperm_behaviour = RATE_NOPERM_REDIRECT_WITH_MESSAGE;
isset($widget->displayed) or $widget->displayed = RATE_AVERAGE;
if ($permission_status != RATE_PERMISSION_OK && $widget->noperm_behaviour == RATE_NOPERM_HIDE_WIDGET) {
return NULL;
elseif ($permission_status == RATE_PERMISSION_DISALLOWED_ROLE && $widget->noperm_behaviour == RATE_NOPERM_SHOW_DISABLED_WIDGET) {
elseif ($permission_status == RATE_PERMISSION_DISALLOWED_AUTHOR) {
// Store the display mode in $widget, so it can be altered by hook_rate_widget.
$widget->mode = $mode;
// Let other modules alter the rate widget.
$context = array(
'content_type' => $content_type,
'content_id' => $content_id,
drupal_alter('rate_widget', $widget, $context);
$div_id = "rate-{$content_type}-{$content_id}-{$widget_id}-{$mode}";
$theme_name = str_replace('-', '_', $widget->name);
$theme = array(
'rate_widget__' . $theme_name,
if (isset($widget->theme)) {
// Insert the general widget template suggestion at second position to go
// after the specific widget template and before the overall general
// template.
array_splice($theme, 1, 0, $widget->theme);
// Get voting results.
$results = rate_get_results($content_type, $content_id, $widget_id);
$results['empty'] = $results['count'] ? FALSE : TRUE;
// Handle interaction modes.
if (is_null($displayed)) {
$displayed = RATE_AVERAGE;
if ($just_voted) {
if ($widget->displayed_just_voted == RATE_USER) {
$displayed = RATE_USER;
else {
if (isset($results['user_vote']) && $widget->displayed == RATE_USER_OR_AVERAGE) {
$displayed = RATE_USER;
if ($widget->displayed == RATE_USER) {
$displayed = RATE_USER;
elseif ($displayed == RATE_USER_OR_AVERAGE && isset($results['user_vote'])) {
$displayed = RATE_USER;
elseif ($displayed == RATE_USER) {
$displayed = RATE_USER;
else {
$displayed = RATE_AVERAGE;
if ($displayed == RATE_USER) {
$results['rating'] = isset($results['user_vote']) ? $results['user_vote'] : 0;
if (!isset($results['user_vote'])) {
// We should display an empty rating in this case.
$results['empty'] = TRUE;
// Add generic javascript.
$dest = drupal_get_destination();
'rate' => array(
'basePath' => url('rate/vote/js'),
'destination' => $dest['destination'],
), array(
'type' => 'setting',
drupal_add_js(drupal_get_path('module', 'rate') . '/rate.js');
$links = array();
foreach ($widget->options as $option) {
// This name must be unique for all submit buttons across the page.
$id = "opt-{$widget_id}-{$content_type}-{$content_id}-{$option[0]}";
$token = rate_get_token($id);
if (isset($_GET['rate']) && $_GET['rate'] == $token) {
rate_save_vote($widget, $content_type, $content_id, $option[0]);
drupal_goto($_GET['q'], array(
'query' => _rate_get_query(),
isset($widget->translate) or $widget->translate = TRUE;
$link_text = $widget->translate ? t($option[1]) : $option[1];
$link_href = url($_GET['q'], array(
'query' => _rate_get_query($token),
if (isset($results['options']) && isset($results['options'][$option[0]])) {
$link_votes = $results['options'][$option[0]];
else {
$link_votes = NULL;
$disabled = FALSE;
if ($widget->mode == RATE_DISABLED || $widget->mode == RATE_COMPACT_DISABLED || $widget->mode == RATE_CLOSED) {
$disabled = TRUE;
$links[] = array(
'text' => $link_text,
'href' => $disabled ? NULL : $link_href,
'value' => $option[0],
'votes' => $link_votes,
if (isset($widget->css)) {
if (isset($widget->js)) {
if ($widget->mode == RATE_CLOSED && ($mode == RATE_COMPACT || $mode == RATE_DISABLED || $mode == RATE_COMPACT_DISABLED)) {
// The widget was closed by hook_rate_widget, but we want to display a compact or disabled
// widget. Set the mode back to compact / disabled in order to display a compact / disabled
// widget with disabled voting buttons.
$display_options = array(
'description' => '',
'title' => check_plain($widget->title),
if ($widget->mode != RATE_COMPACT && $widget->mode != RATE_COMPACT_DISABLED || $widget->description_in_compact) {
$display_options['description'] = check_plain($widget->description);
$widget_html = theme($theme, array(
'links' => $links,
'results' => $results,
'mode' => $widget->mode,
'just_voted' => $just_voted,
'content_type' => $content_type,
'content_id' => $content_id,
'display_options' => $display_options,
if ($include_div) {
$classes = array(
'rate-widget-' . $widget_id,
$classes[] = $displayed == RATE_AVERAGE ? 'rate-average' : 'rate-user';
if (!empty($widget->template)) {
$classes[] = 'rate-widget-' . $widget->template;
// This token is required for the AHAH callback when using arbitrary values.
$id = "rate-{$widget_id}-{$content_type}-{$content_id}";
$token = _rate_get_token($id);
$classes[] = 'rate-' . $token;
return '<div class="' . implode(' ', $classes) . ' ' . $div_id . '" id="' . drupal_html_id($div_id) . '">' . $widget_html . '</div>';
else {
// We do not want the div for AJAX callbacks, we would have 2 div's otherwise.
return $widget_html;
* Get a query string used for links to the same page.
* @param string $token
* @return string
function _rate_get_query($token = NULL) {
$args = $_GET;
if (isset($args['q'])) {
if (isset($args['rate'])) {
if ($token) {
$args['rate'] = $token;
return $args;
* Check if the current user has permission to vote on the given widget.
* @param object $widget
* @return bool
function _rate_check_permissions($widget, $node = NULL) {
global $user;
// This option should be available, check for legacy.
isset($widget->roles) or $widget->roles = array();
isset($widget->allow_voting_by_author) or $widget->allow_voting_by_author = TRUE;
if (!$widget->allow_voting_by_author) {
// This option only affects authenticated users.
if ($node && $user->uid && $node->uid == $user->uid) {
$roles_selected = FALSE;
foreach ($widget->roles as $rid => $role) {
if ($role) {
$roles_selected = TRUE;
if (isset($user->roles[$rid])) {
if (!$roles_selected) {
// Allow voting for all roles if no roles are selected.
* Get entity id for source translation.
* This function is safe for use with unsupported entity types.
* @param string $entity_type
* @param int $entity_id
* @return int
function _rate_get_source_translation($entity_type, $entity_id) {
if ($entity_type == 'node' && module_exists('translation')) {
if (arg(0) == 'node' && arg(1) == $entity_id) {
// We are on the node page. Use node_load since the node is in static cache.
$entity_id = node_load($entity_id)->tnid;
else {
// We are not on the node page. Do not use node_load to prevent executing many useless queries.
$tnid = db_select('node', 'n')
->fields('n', array(
->condition('n.nid', $entity_id)
if ($tnid) {
$entity_id = $tnid;
return $entity_id;
* Get results for a voting widget.
* @param string $content_type "node" or "comment"
* @param int $content_id Node id (nid) or comment id (cid)
* @param int $widget_id Widget id
* @return array
function rate_get_results($content_type, $content_id, $widget_id) {
global $user;
$widgets = variable_get(RATE_VAR_WIDGETS, array());
$widget = $widgets[$widget_id];
$criteria = array(
'entity_type' => $content_type,
'entity_id' => $content_id,
'tag' => $widget->tag,
'value_type' => $widget->value_type,
// Check if we should use the source translation.
if ($widget->use_source_translation) {
$criteria['entity_id'] = _rate_get_source_translation($criteria['entity_type'], $criteria['entity_id']);
$results = votingapi_select_results($criteria);
$output = array(
'count' => 0,
if ($widget->value_type != 'option') {
// Set a default. Does not apply to options.
$output['rating'] = 0;
if ($widget->value_type == 'option') {
$output['options'] = array();
foreach ($widget->options as $option) {
$output['options'][$option[0]] = 0;
foreach ($results as $result) {
if ($widget->value_type == 'percent' && $result['function'] == 'average') {
$output['rating'] = $result['value'];
elseif ($widget->value_type == 'points' && $result['function'] == 'sum') {
$output['rating'] = $result['value'];
elseif ($result['function'] == 'count') {
$output['count'] = $result['value'];
elseif (preg_match('/^option\\-([\\-0-9]+)$/', $result['function'], $match)) {
$output['options'][$match[1]] = $result['value'];
$output['count'] += $result['value'];
// Check if this is a thumbs up / down voting, if so, calculate thumbs up / down percentages
if ($widget->value_type == 'points' && count($widget->options) == 2) {
// Votes down have a -1 value, votes up +1, $output['rating'] are the summed votes
$output['down'] = (int) ($output['count'] - $output['rating']) / 2;
$output['up'] = $output['count'] - $output['down'];
if ($output['count'] == 0) {
// If no one voted its 50-50
$output['up_percent'] = 50;
else {
$output['up_percent'] = (int) ($output['up'] * 100 / $output['count']);
$output['down_percent'] = 100 - $output['up_percent'];
$criteria += array(
'uid' => $user->uid,
'value_type' => $widget->value_type,
if (!$user->uid) {
$criteria += array(
'vote_source' => ip_address(),
if ($user_vote = votingapi_select_votes($criteria)) {
// Check the anonymous window. We should not display this vote when its anonymous and casted too long ago.
$anonymous_window = variable_get('votingapi_anonymous_window', 86400);
// Use a minimum of 5 seconds. Needed to get the anonymous vote directly after the user has voted.
if ($anonymous_window != -1) {
$anonymous_window = max(5, $anonymous_window);
if ($user->uid || $user_vote[0]['timestamp'] > REQUEST_TIME - $anonymous_window || $anonymous_window == -1) {
$output['user_vote'] = $user_vote[0]['value'];
if ($widget->value_type == 'option') {
foreach ($widget->options as $option) {
if ($option[0] == $user_vote[0]['value']) {
$output['user_vote'] = $option[1];
return $output;
* Save a vote to the database.
* @param object $widget
* @param string $content_type
* @param int $content_id
* @param int $value
* @param bool $ahah
* @param bool $reset
function rate_save_vote($widget, $content_type, $content_id, $value, $ahah = FALSE, $reset = FALSE) {
// Prevent votes from saved twice. This does not check for different widgets /
// content id's, but it's only possible to save a single vote per request for now,
// unless one uses the $reset flag with a TRUE value
static $saved = FALSE;
if ($saved && !$reset) {
$saved = TRUE;
module_load_include('inc', 'rate', 'rate.bots');
if (rate_bots_is_blocked()) {
if (variable_get(RATE_VAR_BOT_RETROACTIVE, TRUE)) {
$ip = ip_address();
if (!rate_bots_is_local($ip)) {
$queue = DrupalQueue::get('rate_delete_votes');
// Check if we should use the source translation.
if ($widget->use_source_translation) {
$content_id = _rate_get_source_translation($content_type, $content_id);
// Determine if the user may vote.
$entities = entity_load($content_type, array(
$node = $entities[$content_id];
$permission_status = _rate_check_permissions($widget, $node);
// This option should be available, check for legacy.
isset($widget->noperm_behaviour) or $widget->noperm_behaviour = RATE_NOPERM_REDIRECT_WITH_MESSAGE;
if ($permission_status != RATE_PERMISSION_OK) {
switch ($widget->noperm_behaviour) {
// Redirects via AHAH have a destination param to prevent redirecting to the AJAX callback.
$destination = isset($_GET['destination']) ? $_GET['destination'] : $_GET['q'];
// Strip off protocol domain name to prevent long query strings in URL.
$destination = preg_replace('/http:\\/\\/[^\\/]+\\//', '', $destination);
$query = array(
'destination' => $destination,
if ($ahah) {
print url('user/login-to-rate', array(
'query' => $query,
'absolute' => TRUE,
module_invoke_all('exit') & exit;
else {
drupal_goto('user/login-to-rate', array(
'query' => $query,
$destination = isset($_GET['destination']) ? $_GET['destination'] : $_GET['q'];
$query = array(
'destination' => $destination,
if ($ahah) {
print url('user', array(
'query' => $query,
'absolute' => TRUE,
module_invoke_all('exit') & exit;
else {
drupal_goto('user', array(
'query' => $query,
$votes = array(
'entity_type' => $content_type,
'entity_id' => $content_id,
'value_type' => $widget->value_type,
'value' => $value,
'tag' => $widget->tag,
$criteria = NULL;
// Call hook_rate_vote_alter().
$redirect = FALSE;
$save = TRUE;
$context = array(
'redirect' => &$redirect,
'save' => &$save,
'criteria' => &$criteria,
'widget' => $widget,
drupal_alter('rate_vote', $votes, $context);
if ($save) {
votingapi_set_votes($votes, $criteria);
if ($redirect) {
preg_match('/^(.+?)(\\?(.*?))?(\\#(.*))?$/', $redirect, $parts);
$path = $parts[1];
if (isset($parts[3])) {
parse_str($parts[3], $query);
else {
$query = array();
$fragment = isset($parts[5]) ? $parts[5] : '';
if ($ahah) {
print url($path, array(
'absolute' => TRUE,
'query' => $query,
'fragment' => $fragment,
module_invoke_all('exit') & exit;
else {
drupal_goto($path, $query, $fragment);
Delete same up/down vote on second click
Check to see if the vote already exists.
We also check to see if this feature is enabled.
If it exists and this feature is enabled then,
delete it and disable the saving of a new one.
function rate_rate_vote_alter($votes, &$context) {
// Make sure that this feature is enabled for the widget.
if (!$context['widget']->delete_vote_on_second_click) {
$criteria = $context['criteria'];
// This might create problems for other modules doing this so soon.
// Which is why I don't pass in the $votes variable by reference,
// so that it doesn't get changed before other hooks get to run.
if (!empty($votes['entity_id'])) {
$votes = array(
// Handle clearing out old votes if they exists.
if (empty($criteria)) {
// If the calling function didn't explicitly set criteria for vote deletion,
// build up the delete queries here.
foreach ($votes as $vote) {
$tmp = votingapi_current_user_identifier();
$tmp += $vote;
$tmp_v = votingapi_select_votes($tmp);
if (!empty($tmp_v)) {
$context['save'] = FALSE;
// We have to recalculate all the results for it.
votingapi_recalculate_results($vote['entity_type'], $vote['entity_id']);
elseif (is_array($criteria)) {
// The calling function passed in an explicit set of delete filters.
if (!empty($criteria['entity_id'])) {
$criteria = array(
foreach ($criteria as $c) {
$tmp_v = votingapi_select_votes($c);
if (!empty($tmp_v)) {
$context['save'] = FALSE;
// We have to recalculate all the results for it.
votingapi_recalculate_results($c['entity_type'], $c['entity_id']);
* Implements hook_node_view().
function rate_node_view($node, $view_mode, $langcode = '') {
if ($view_mode != 'rss') {
// Adding the form to the node view
$widgets = rate_get_active_widgets('node', $node->type, $view_mode);
foreach ($widgets as $widget_id => $widget) {
$widget_name = 'rate_' . $widget->name;
$display_mode = $view_mode == 'teaser' ? $widget->teaser_display_mode : $widget->node_display_mode;
$widget_code = array(
'#weight' => $widget->node_display == RATE_DISPLAY_ABOVE_CONTENT ? -50 : 50,
'#markup' => rate_generate_widget($widget_id, 'node', $node->nid, $display_mode),
'#title' => check_plain($widget->title),
'#type' => 'item',
if ($widget->node_display == RATE_DISPLAY_DISABLE) {
$node->{$widget_name} = $widget_code;
else {
$node->content[$widget_name] = $widget_code;
* Get the widget code to embed.
* @param object $node
* @param string $machine_name
* @param int $mode
function rate_embed(&$node, $machine_name, $mode = RATE_FULL) {
// Adding the form to the node view
$widgets = rate_get_active_widgets('node', $node->type, 'full');
foreach ($widgets as $widget_id => $widget) {
if ($widget->name != $machine_name) {
return rate_generate_widget($widget_id, 'node', $node->nid, $mode);
return FALSE;
* Implements hook_comment_view_alter().
function rate_comment_view_alter(&$comment) {
$node = $comment['#node'];
$widgets = rate_get_active_widgets('comment', $node->type);
foreach ($widgets as $widget_id => $widget) {
$widget_name = 'rate_' . $widget->name;
$widget_code = array(
'#weight' => $widget->comment_display == RATE_DISPLAY_ABOVE_CONTENT ? -50 : 50,
'#markup' => rate_generate_widget($widget_id, 'comment', $comment['#comment']->cid, $widget->comment_display_mode),
if ($widget->comment_display == RATE_DISPLAY_DISABLE) {
$comment['#' . $widget_name] = $widget_code;
else {
$comment[$widget_name] = $widget_code;
* AHAH callback for the vote buttons.
function rate_vote_ahah() {
$content_type = preg_replace('/[^\\w\\-]/', '', $_GET['content_type']);
$content_id = (int) $_GET['content_id'];
$widget_id = (int) $_GET['widget_id'];
$widget_mode = (int) $_GET['widget_mode'];
$widgets = variable_get(RATE_VAR_WIDGETS, array());
$widget = $widgets[$widget_id];
// Process options.
foreach ($widget->options as $option) {
// This name must be unique for all submit buttons across the page, AHAH will fail otherwise.
$id = "opt-{$widget_id}-{$content_type}-{$content_id}-{$option[0]}";
$token = rate_get_token($id);
if (isset($_GET['token']) && $_GET['token'] == $token) {
rate_save_vote($widget, $content_type, $content_id, $option[0], TRUE);
// Process arbitrary value, used for sliders.
if (isset($_GET['value']) && $widget->value_type == 'percent') {
// Validate the token against the general widget token (found in the widget classes).
$id = "rate-{$widget_id}-{$content_type}-{$content_id}";
$token = _rate_get_token($id);
$value = (int) $_GET['value'];
if (isset($_GET['token']) && $_GET['token'] == $token && $value >= 0 && $value <= 100) {
rate_save_vote($widget, $content_type, $content_id, $value, TRUE);
print rate_generate_widget($widget_id, $content_type, $content_id, $widget_mode, TRUE, TRUE);
module_invoke_all('exit') & exit;
* Get a template object by name.
* @param string $name
* @return object
function _rate_get_template($name) {
$templates = array();
foreach (module_implements('rate_templates') as $module) {
if ($module_templates = module_invoke($module, 'rate_templates')) {
$templates = array_merge($module_templates, $templates);
return isset($templates[$name]) ? $templates[$name] : FALSE;
* Implements hook_rate_templates().
function rate_rate_templates() {
$templates = array();
$templates['thumbs_up'] = new stdClass();
$templates['thumbs_up']->value_type = 'points';
$templates['thumbs_up']->options = array(
$templates['thumbs_up']->theme = 'rate_template_thumbs_up';
$templates['thumbs_up']->css = drupal_get_path('module', 'rate') . '/templates/thumbs-up/thumbs-up.css';
$templates['thumbs_up']->customizable = FALSE;
$templates['thumbs_up']->translate = TRUE;
$templates['thumbs_up']->template_title = t('Thumbs up');
$templates['thumbs_up_down'] = new stdClass();
$templates['thumbs_up_down']->value_type = 'points';
$templates['thumbs_up_down']->options = array(
$templates['thumbs_up_down']->theme = 'rate_template_thumbs_up_down';
$templates['thumbs_up_down']->css = drupal_get_path('module', 'rate') . '/templates/thumbs-up-down/thumbs-up-down.css';
$templates['thumbs_up_down']->customizable = FALSE;
$templates['thumbs_up_down']->translate = TRUE;
$templates['thumbs_up_down']->template_title = t('Thumbs up / down');
$templates['number_up_down'] = new stdClass();
$templates['number_up_down']->value_type = 'points';
$templates['number_up_down']->options = array(
$templates['number_up_down']->theme = 'rate_template_number_up_down';
$templates['number_up_down']->css = drupal_get_path('module', 'rate') . '/templates/number-up-down/number-up-down.css';
$templates['number_up_down']->customizable = FALSE;
$templates['number_up_down']->translate = TRUE;
$templates['number_up_down']->template_title = t('Number up / down');
$templates['fivestar'] = new stdClass();
$templates['fivestar']->value_type = 'percent';
$templates['fivestar']->options = array(
$templates['fivestar']->theme = 'rate_template_fivestar';
$templates['fivestar']->css = drupal_get_path('module', 'rate') . '/templates/fivestar/fivestar.css';
$templates['fivestar']->js = drupal_get_path('module', 'rate') . '/templates/fivestar/fivestar.js';
$templates['fivestar']->customizable = TRUE;
$templates['fivestar']->translate = FALSE;
$templates['fivestar']->template_title = t('Fivestar');
$templates['emotion'] = new stdClass();
$templates['emotion']->value_type = 'option';
$templates['emotion']->options = array(
$templates['emotion']->theme = 'rate_template_emotion';
$templates['emotion']->css = drupal_get_path('module', 'rate') . '/templates/emotion/emotion.css';
$templates['emotion']->customizable = TRUE;
$templates['emotion']->translate = TRUE;
$templates['emotion']->template_title = t('Emotion');
$templates['yesno'] = new stdClass();
$templates['yesno']->value_type = 'option';
$templates['yesno']->options = array(
$templates['yesno']->theme = 'rate_template_yesno';
$templates['yesno']->css = drupal_get_path('module', 'rate') . '/templates/yesno/yesno.css';
$templates['yesno']->customizable = TRUE;
$templates['yesno']->translate = TRUE;
$templates['yesno']->template_title = t('Yes / no');
return $templates;
* Implements hook_init().
function rate_init() {
drupal_add_css(drupal_get_path('module', 'rate') . '/rate.css');
* Menu access callback.
function rate_results_page_access($permission, $node) {
if (!user_access($permission)) {
return FALSE;
if (!rate_get_active_widgets('node', $node->type)) {
return FALSE;
return TRUE;
* Implements hook_votingapi_views_formatters().
function rate_votingapi_views_formatters($details = array()) {
if ($details->field == 'value') {
return array(
'rate_views_widget_disabled' => t('Rate widget (display only)'),
'rate_views_widget_compact_disabled' => t('Rate widget (display only, compact)'),
'rate_views_widget_compact' => t('Rate widget (compact)'),
'rate_views_widget' => t('Rate widget'),
function rate_views_widget($value, $field, $columns, $mode = RATE_FULL) {
if ($field->view->base_table != 'node' && $field->view->base_table != 'comment') {
return '';
// Find the VotingAPI tag and value_type for this field.
foreach ($field->query->table_queue[$field->relationship]['join']->extra as $votingapi_setting) {
if ($votingapi_setting['field'] == 'tag') {
$tag = $votingapi_setting['value'];
elseif ($votingapi_setting['field'] == 'value_type') {
$value_type = $votingapi_setting['value'];
switch ($field->view->base_table) {
case 'node':
$content_type = 'node';
$content_id = $columns->nid;
if (isset($columns->node_type)) {
$node_type = $columns->node_type;
else {
$node_type = db_select('node', 'n')
->fields('n', array(
->condition('nid', $columns->nid)
case 'comment':
$content_type = 'comment';
$content_id = $columns->cid;
if (isset($columns->node_type)) {
$node_type = $columns->node_type;
else {
$query = db_select('comment', 'c');
->join('node', 'n', 'n.nid = c.nid');
$node_type = $query
->fields('n', array(
->condition('c.cid', $columns->cid)
if ($field->query->table_queue[$field->relationship]['table'] == 'votingapi_cache') {
$displayed_rating = RATE_AVERAGE;
else {
$displayed_rating = RATE_USER;
// Loop through all the widgets and search for a suitable widget to display.
$widgets = variable_get(RATE_VAR_WIDGETS, array());
foreach ($widgets as $widget_id => $widget) {
if ((!isset($tag) || $tag == $widget->tag) && (!isset($value_type) || $value_type == $widget->value_type) && (in_array($node_type, $widget->node_types) || $field->view->base_table == 'comment')) {
return rate_generate_widget($widget_id, $content_type, $content_id, $mode, TRUE, FALSE, $displayed_rating);
// No suitable widget was found.
return '';
function rate_views_widget_disabled($value, $field, $columns) {
return rate_views_widget($value, $field, $columns, RATE_DISABLED);
function rate_views_widget_compact($value, $field, $columns) {
return rate_views_widget($value, $field, $columns, RATE_COMPACT);
function rate_views_widget_compact_disabled($value, $field, $columns) {
return rate_views_widget($value, $field, $columns, RATE_COMPACT_DISABLED);
* Get a token for the voting button.
* This is a wrapper around drupal_get_token() to make this compatible with
* Pressflow. This function uses session_id(), which will generate a different
* id for each request from anonymous users when using Pressflow. Tokens will
* never match in this case, thus the votes are not cast.
* @param string $value
* @return string
function _rate_get_token($value) {
global $user;
if ($user->uid) {
return drupal_get_token($value);
else {
return md5($value . drupal_get_private_key());
* Check widget object for missing values.
* We use this for legacy reasons. Values may not be available after updating
* from an old version.
* @param object $widget
function _rate_check_widget(&$widget) {
isset($widget->translate) or $widget->translate = TRUE;
isset($widget->node_display) or $widget->node_display = RATE_DISPLAY_BELOW_CONTENT;
isset($widget->teaser_display) or $widget->teaser_display = TRUE;
isset($widget->comment_display) or $widget->comment_display = RATE_DISPLAY_BELOW_CONTENT;
isset($widget->node_display_mode) or $widget->node_display_mode = RATE_FULL;
isset($widget->teaser_display_mode) or $widget->teaser_display_mode = RATE_FULL;
isset($widget->comment_display_mode) or $widget->comment_display_mode = RATE_FULL;
isset($widget->roles) or $widget->roles = array();
isset($widget->allow_voting_by_author) or $widget->allow_voting_by_author = TRUE;
isset($widget->noperm_behaviour) or $widget->noperm_behaviour = RATE_NOPERM_REDIRECT_WITH_MESSAGE;
isset($widget->displayed) or $widget->displayed = RATE_AVERAGE;
isset($widget->displayed_just_voted) or $widget->displayed_just_voted = RATE_USER;
isset($widget->template) or $widget->template = 'custom';
isset($widget->customizable) or $widget->customizable = TRUE;
isset($widget->description) or $widget->description = '';
isset($widget->description_in_compact) or $widget->description_in_compact = TRUE;
* Implements hook_theme().
function rate_theme() {
return array(
'rate_widget' => array(
'pattern' => 'rate_widget__',
'variables' => array(
'links' => NULL,
'results' => NULL,
'mode' => NULL,
'just_voted' => FALSE,
'content_type' => NULL,
'content_id' => NULL,
'display_options' => NULL,
'template' => 'rate-widget',
'rate_button' => array(
'pattern' => 'rate_button__',
'variables' => array(
'text' => NULL,
'href' => NULL,
'class' => NULL,
'rate_admin_types' => array(
'render element' => 'element',
'file' => 'rate.admin.inc',
'rate_admin_options' => array(
'render element' => 'element',
'file' => 'rate.admin.inc',
// Templates for default widget types.
'rate_template_thumbs_up' => array(
'variables' => array(
'links' => NULL,
'results' => NULL,
'mode' => NULL,
'just_voted' => FALSE,
'content_type' => NULL,
'content_id' => NULL,
'display_options' => NULL,
'template' => 'rate-template-thumbs-up',
'path' => drupal_get_path('module', 'rate') . '/templates/thumbs-up',
'rate_template_thumbs_up_down' => array(
'variables' => array(
'links' => NULL,
'results' => NULL,
'mode' => NULL,
'just_voted' => FALSE,
'content_type' => NULL,
'content_id' => NULL,
'display_options' => NULL,
'template' => 'rate-template-thumbs-up-down',
'path' => drupal_get_path('module', 'rate') . '/templates/thumbs-up-down',
'rate_template_number_up_down' => array(
'variables' => array(
'links' => NULL,
'results' => NULL,
'mode' => NULL,
'just_voted' => FALSE,
'content_type' => NULL,
'content_id' => NULL,
'display_options' => NULL,
'template' => 'rate-template-number-up-down',
'path' => drupal_get_path('module', 'rate') . '/templates/number-up-down',
'rate_template_fivestar' => array(
'variables' => array(
'links' => NULL,
'results' => NULL,
'mode' => NULL,
'just_voted' => FALSE,
'content_type' => NULL,
'content_id' => NULL,
'display_options' => NULL,
'template' => 'rate-template-fivestar',
'path' => drupal_get_path('module', 'rate') . '/templates/fivestar',
'rate_template_emotion' => array(
'variables' => array(
'links' => NULL,
'results' => NULL,
'mode' => NULL,
'just_voted' => FALSE,
'content_type' => NULL,
'content_id' => NULL,
'display_options' => NULL,
'template' => 'rate-template-emotion',
'path' => drupal_get_path('module', 'rate') . '/templates/emotion',
'rate_template_yesno' => array(
'variables' => array(
'links' => NULL,
'results' => NULL,
'mode' => NULL,
'just_voted' => FALSE,
'content_type' => NULL,
'content_id' => NULL,
'display_options' => NULL,
'template' => 'rate-template-yesno',
'path' => drupal_get_path('module', 'rate') . '/templates/yesno',
* Preprocess function for the emotion template.
function rate_preprocess_rate_widget(&$variables) {
$buttons = array();
foreach ($links as $link) {
$classes = 'rate-btn';
if (isset($results['user_vote']) && $results['user_vote'] == $link['value']) {
$classes .= ' user-voted';
$button = theme('rate_button', array(
'text' => $link['text'],
'href' => $link['href'],
'class' => $classes,
$buttons[] = $button;
$variables['buttons'] = $buttons;
$info = array();
if ($mode == RATE_CLOSED) {
$info[] = t('Voting is closed.');
if ($mode != RATE_COMPACT && $mode != RATE_COMPACT_DISABLED) {
if (isset($results['user_vote'])) {
$info[] = t('You voted \'@option\'.', array(
'@option' => t($results['user_vote']),
$variables['info'] = implode(' ', $info);
* Preprocess function for the emotion template.
function rate_preprocess_rate_template_emotion(&$variables) {
$buttons = array();
foreach ($links as $link) {
$button = theme('rate_button', array(
'text' => $link['text'],
'href' => $link['href'],
'class' => 'rate-emotion-btn',
$button .= $link['votes'];
$buttons[] = $button;
$variables['buttons'] = $buttons;
$info = array();
if ($mode == RATE_CLOSED) {
$info[] = t('Voting is closed.');
if ($mode != RATE_COMPACT && $mode != RATE_COMPACT_DISABLED) {
if (isset($results['user_vote'])) {
$info[] = t('You voted \'@option\'.', array(
'@option' => t($results['user_vote']),
$variables['info'] = implode(' ', $info);
* Preprocess function for the fivestar template.
function rate_preprocess_rate_template_fivestar(&$variables) {
$stars = array();
$count = count($links);
$percent_per_star = 100 / ($count - 1);
for ($i = 0; $i < $count; $i++) {
if (round($results['rating'] / $percent_per_star) >= $i && !$results['empty']) {
$class = 'rate-fivestar-btn-filled';
else {
$class = 'rate-fivestar-btn-empty';
$class .= ' rate-fivestar-' . ($i + 1);
$stars[] = theme('rate_button', array(
'text' => $links[$i]['text'],
'href' => $links[$i]['href'],
'class' => $class,
$variables['stars'] = $stars;
$info = array();
if ($mode == RATE_CLOSED) {
$info[] = t('Voting is closed.');
if ($mode != RATE_COMPACT && $mode != RATE_COMPACT_DISABLED) {
if (isset($results['user_vote'])) {
$vote = round($results['user_vote'] / 25) + 1;
$info[] = t('You voted !vote.', array(
'!vote' => $vote,
$info[] = t('Total votes: !count', array(
'!count' => $results['count'],
$variables['info'] = implode(' ', $info);
* Preprocess function for the thumbs_up_down template.
function rate_preprocess_rate_template_thumbs_up_down(&$variables) {
$up_classes = 'rate-thumbs-up-down-btn-up';
$down_classes = 'rate-thumbs-up-down-btn-down';
if (isset($results['user_vote'])) {
switch ($results['user_vote']) {
case $links[0]['value']:
$up_classes .= ' rate-voted';
case $links[1]['value']:
$down_classes .= ' rate-voted';
$variables['up_button'] = theme('rate_button', array(
'text' => $links[0]['text'],
'href' => $links[0]['href'],
'class' => $up_classes,
$variables['down_button'] = theme('rate_button', array(
'text' => $links[1]['text'],
'href' => $links[1]['href'],
'class' => $down_classes,
$info = array();
if ($mode == RATE_CLOSED) {
$info[] = t('Voting is closed.');
if ($mode != RATE_COMPACT && $mode != RATE_COMPACT_DISABLED) {
if (isset($results['user_vote'])) {
$info[] = t('You voted \'@option\'.', array(
'@option' => $results['user_vote'] == 1 ? $links[0]['text'] : $links[1]['text'],
$variables['info'] = implode(' ', $info);
* Preprocess function for the number_up_down template.
function rate_preprocess_rate_template_number_up_down(&$variables) {
$up_classes = 'rate-number-up-down-btn-up';
$down_classes = 'rate-number-up-down-btn-down';
if (isset($results['user_vote'])) {
switch ($results['user_vote']) {
case $links[0]['value']:
$up_classes .= ' rate-voted';
case $links[1]['value']:
$down_classes .= ' rate-voted';
$variables['up_button'] = theme('rate_button', array(
'text' => $links[0]['text'],
'href' => $links[0]['href'],
'class' => $up_classes,
$variables['down_button'] = theme('rate_button', array(
'text' => $links[1]['text'],
'href' => $links[1]['href'],
'class' => $down_classes,
if ($results['rating'] > 0) {
$score = '+' . $results['rating'];
$score_class = 'positive';
elseif ($results['rating'] < 0) {
$score = $results['rating'];
$score_class = 'negative';
else {
$score = 0;
$score_class = 'neutral';
$variables['score'] = $score;
$variables['score_class'] = $score_class;
$info = array();
if ($mode == RATE_CLOSED) {
$info[] = t('Voting is closed.');
if ($mode != RATE_COMPACT && $mode != RATE_COMPACT_DISABLED) {
if (isset($results['user_vote'])) {
$info[] = t('You voted \'@option\'.', array(
'@option' => $results['user_vote'] == 1 ? $links[0]['text'] : $links[1]['text'],
$variables['info'] = implode(' ', $info);
* Preprocess function for the thumbs_up_down template.
function rate_preprocess_rate_template_thumbs_up(&$variables) {
$variables['up_button'] = theme('rate_button', array(
'text' => $links[0]['text'],
'href' => $links[0]['href'],
'class' => 'rate-thumbs-up-btn-up',
$info = array();
if ($mode == RATE_CLOSED) {
$info[] = t('Voting is closed.');
if ($mode != RATE_COMPACT && $mode != RATE_COMPACT_DISABLED) {
if (isset($results['user_vote'])) {
$info[] = format_plural($results['count'], 'Only you voted.', '@count users have voted, including you.');
else {
$info[] = format_plural($results['count'], '@count user has voted.', '@count users have voted.');
$variables['info'] = implode(' ', $info);
* Preprocess function for the yesno template.
function rate_preprocess_rate_template_yesno(&$variables) {
$buttons = array();
foreach ($links as $link) {
$button = theme('rate_button', array(
'text' => $link['text'],
'href' => $link['href'],
'class' => 'rate-yesno-btn',
$button .= $link['votes'];
$buttons[] = $button;
$variables['buttons'] = $buttons;
$info = array();
if ($mode == RATE_CLOSED) {
$info[] = t('Voting is closed.');
if ($mode != RATE_COMPACT && $mode != RATE_COMPACT_DISABLED) {
if (isset($results['user_vote'])) {
$info[] = t('You voted \'@option\'.', array(
'@option' => t($results['user_vote']),
$variables['info'] = implode(' ', $info);
* Theme rate button.
* @param array $variables
* @return string
function theme_rate_button($variables) {
$text = $variables['text'];
$href = $variables['href'];
$class = $variables['class'];
static $id = 0;
$classes = 'rate-button';
if ($class) {
$classes .= ' ' . $class;
if (empty($href)) {
// Widget is disabled or closed.
return '<span class="' . $classes . '" id="rate-button-' . $id . '">' . check_plain($text) . '</span>';
else {
return '<a class="' . $classes . '" id="rate-button-' . $id . '" rel="nofollow" href="' . htmlentities($href) . '" title="' . check_plain($text) . '">' . check_plain($text) . '</a>';
* Check if a machine readable name is already in use.
* @param string $machine_name Machine readable name
* @return bool
function rate_machine_name_exists($machine_name) {
$widgets = variable_get(RATE_VAR_WIDGETS, array());
$active = array();
foreach ($widgets as $widget_id => $widget) {
if ($widget->name == $machine_name) {
return TRUE;
return FALSE;
* Generate a rate token
* This function is very similar to drupal_get_token(). The reason not to use
* drupal_get_token() is that that function uses session_id(), which generates
* different session id's for each page request when not logged in.
* @param string $values
* @return string
function rate_get_token($value = '') {
global $user;
return drupal_hmac_base64($value, $user->uid . drupal_get_private_key() . drupal_get_hash_salt());
* Page callback to generate a user login page with message.
* @return string
function rate_login_page() {
drupal_set_message(t('You must login before you can vote.'));
drupal_set_title(t('Log in'));
module_load_include('inc', 'user', 'user.pages');
return user_page();
* Implements hook_votingapi_metadata_alter().
* Make tags and option value type visible to VotingAPI.
* @see votingapi_metadata()
function rate_votingapi_metadata_alter(&$data) {
$widgets = variable_get(RATE_VAR_WIDGETS, array());
foreach ($widgets as $widget) {
if (isset($data['tags'][$widget->tag])) {
$data['tags'][$widget->tag] = array(
'name' => $widget->tag,
'description' => t('Tag used for %name Rate widget', array(
'%name' => $widget->title,
if (!isset($data['value_types']['option'])) {
$data['value_types']['option'] = array(
'name' => t('Options'),
'description' => t('Votes that are counted per option without meaningful average.'),
* Implements hook_cron().
function rate_cron() {
module_load_include('inc', 'rate', 'rate.bots');
Name![]() |
Description |
rate_comment_view_alter | Implements hook_comment_view_alter(). |
rate_cron | Implements hook_cron(). |
rate_ctools_plugin_directory | Implements hook_ctools_plugin_directory(). |
rate_embed | Get the widget code to embed. |
rate_generate_widget | Generate a widget. |
rate_get_active_widgets | Get list of active widgets. |
rate_get_results | Get results for a voting widget. |
rate_get_token | Generate a rate token |
rate_init | Implements hook_init(). |
rate_login_page | Page callback to generate a user login page with message. |
rate_machine_name_exists | Check if a machine readable name is already in use. |
rate_menu | Implements hook_menu(). |
rate_node_view | Implements hook_node_view(). |
rate_permission | Implements hook_perm(). |
rate_preprocess_rate_template_emotion | Preprocess function for the emotion template. |
rate_preprocess_rate_template_fivestar | Preprocess function for the fivestar template. |
rate_preprocess_rate_template_number_up_down | Preprocess function for the number_up_down template. |
rate_preprocess_rate_template_thumbs_up | Preprocess function for the thumbs_up_down template. |
rate_preprocess_rate_template_thumbs_up_down | Preprocess function for the thumbs_up_down template. |
rate_preprocess_rate_template_yesno | Preprocess function for the yesno template. |
rate_preprocess_rate_widget | Preprocess function for the emotion template. |
rate_rate_templates | Implements hook_rate_templates(). |
rate_rate_vote_alter | |
rate_results_page_access | Menu access callback. |
rate_save_vote | Save a vote to the database. |
rate_theme | Implements hook_theme(). |
rate_views_widget | |
rate_views_widget_compact | |
rate_views_widget_compact_disabled | |
rate_views_widget_disabled | |
rate_vote_ahah | AHAH callback for the vote buttons. |
rate_votingapi_metadata_alter | Implements hook_votingapi_metadata_alter(). |
rate_votingapi_views_formatters | Implements hook_votingapi_views_formatters(). |
theme_rate_button | Theme rate button. |
_rate_check_permissions | Check if the current user has permission to vote on the given widget. |
_rate_check_widget | Check widget object for missing values. We use this for legacy reasons. Values may not be available after updating from an old version. |
_rate_get_query | Get a query string used for links to the same page. |
_rate_get_source_translation | Get entity id for source translation. |
_rate_get_template | Get a template object by name. |
_rate_get_token | Get a token for the voting button. |