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Functions in Quiz 6.5

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question_process_comment includes/moodle/lib/questionlib.php Process a manual grading action. That is, use $comment and $grade to update $state and $attempt. The attempt and the comment text are stored in the database. $state is only updated in memory, it is up to the call to store that, if appropriate. 1
question_process_responses includes/moodle/lib/questionlib.php Processes an array of student responses, grading and saving them as appropriate 2
question_register_questiontype includes/moodle/lib/questionlib.php Add a new question type to the various global arrays above.
question_replace_file_links_in_html includes/moodle/lib/questionlib.php
question_require_capability_on includes/moodle/lib/questionlib.php Require capability on question. 1
question_save_from_deletion includes/moodle/lib/questionlib.php Enter description here... 1
question_state_is_closed includes/moodle/lib/questionlib.php Determines whether a state has been closed by looking at the event field 1
question_state_is_graded includes/moodle/lib/questionlib.php Determines whether a state has been graded by looking at the event field 3
question_type_menu includes/moodle/lib/questionlib.php An array of question type names translated to the user's language, suitable for use when creating a drop-down menu of options.
question_url_check includes/moodle/lib/questionlib.php 1
quiz_access ./quiz.module Implementation of hook_access().
quiz_action_info ./ Implementation of hook_action_info(). An action consists of two or three parts: (1) an action definition (returned by this hook), (2) a function which does the action (which by convention is named module + '_' + description of what the…
quiz_action_options ./quiz.module This function was copied from the triggers module as to prevent having to be dependent on that module for the actions to work. The trigger function is called trigger_options() 1
quiz_admin ./ Quiz Admin. 1
quiz_admin_add_question_ahah ./ AHAH form completion for adding new questions. 1
quiz_admin_list_questions_ac ./ Autocompletion function for quiz questions. 1
quiz_admin_quizzes ./ Displays the quizzes by title with a link to the appropriate results for that specific quiz. 1
quiz_admin_results ./ Quiz Results Admin. 1
quiz_admin_result_delete ./ Delete Result. 1
quiz_admin_result_delete_form ./ Creates a form used for deleting a set of quiz results. 1
quiz_admin_result_delete_form_submit ./
quiz_admin_settings ./ Implementation of hook_settings(). 1
quiz_build_question_list ./quiz.module Retrieves a question list for a given quiz. 2
quiz_calculate_personality_score ./quiz.module Calculates score for a personality quiz. 1
quiz_calculate_score ./quiz.module Calculates the score user received on quiz. 4
quiz_cron ./quiz.module
quiz_custom_action ./ This will be your custom action to perform. What do you want to happen? When creating your quiz and you select your custom_action you defined in quiz_action_info() then this function will be called to perform whatever you want to happen.
quiz_custom_action_form ./ Form for configurable Drupal action. This form will be called when you choose the 'Make a new advanced action available' from the actions page in the admin. An example of utilizing this type of dynamics would be if you were giving away…
quiz_custom_action_submit ./ Custom submit handler when creating a new action for a playing card.
quiz_custom_action_validate ./ Validates the custom action form to make sure they have selected a playing card when creating a new action
quiz_delete ./quiz.module Implementation of hook_delete().
quiz_directions_autoload_info question_types/quiz_directions/quiz_directions.module Implementation of hook_autoload_info().
quiz_directions_help question_types/quiz_directions/quiz_directions.module Implementation of hook_help().
quiz_directions_quiz_question_info question_types/quiz_directions/quiz_directions.module Implementation of hook_quiz_question_info().
quiz_email_results_format ./quiz.module 2
quiz_end_actions ./quiz.module Actions to take at the end of a quiz. 1
quiz_form ./quiz.module Implementation of hook_form().
quiz_form_alter ./quiz.module Implementation of hook_form_alter().
quiz_get_all_quiz_title ./quiz.module 1
quiz_get_answers ./quiz.module Get answers the user actually tried.
quiz_get_corrects ./quiz.module Get an array of correct answer(s) for a question.
quiz_get_feedback ./quiz.module Get feedback for one question. 1
quiz_get_number_of_questions ./quiz.module Finds out the number of questions for the quiz. 2
quiz_get_num_questions ./quiz.module Gets the number questions of a given type for a quiz.
quiz_get_pass_rate ./quiz.module Finds out the pass rate for the quiz.
quiz_get_questions_type ./quiz.module
quiz_get_time_taken_in_minutes ./ 1
quiz_get_user_results ./ Displays all the quizzes the user has taken part in. 1
quiz_help ./quiz.module Implementation of hook_help().
quiz_init ./quiz.module Implementation of hook_init().


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