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Functions in Quiz 6.5

Primary tabs

Namesort descending Location Description Direct uses Strings
quiz_store_question_result ./quiz.module 1
quiz_take_quiz ./quiz.module Handles quiz taking. 1
quiz_theme ./quiz.module Implementation of hook_theme().
quiz_translate_form_date ./ @file Handles the start and end times in a node form submission. 3
quiz_type_access_load ./quiz.module Load a quiz node and validate it.
quiz_uninstall ./quiz.install Implementation of hook_uninstall()
quiz_update ./quiz.module Implementation of hook_update().
quiz_update_6300 ./quiz.install Implementation of hook_update_N(). Add aid to quiz_node_properties table.
quiz_update_6301 ./quiz.install Implementation of hook_update_N(). Add is_skipped column to quiz answer field. This allows questions to be skipped.
quiz_update_6302 ./quiz.install Implementation of hook_update_N(). Add and rearrange indexes across several of the tables.
quiz_update_6303 ./quiz.install Implementation of hook_update_N(). Add new field for invalidating entire quizzes. Use it on those mean cheaters.
quiz_update_6304 ./quiz.install Implementation of hook_update_N().
quiz_update_6305 ./quiz.install Implementation of hook_update_N(). Adding new field to integrate quiz node and userpoints modules
quiz_update_6306 ./quiz.install Implementation of hook_update_N(). Adding a new field to save timer status for a timed quiz.
quiz_update_questions Deprecated ./quiz.module Updates the status of questions assigned to the quiz. Possible statuses are 'random', 'always', 'never'.
quiz_update_quiz_question_relationship ./quiz.module Updates quiz-question relation entries in the quiz_node_relationship table. 1
quiz_update_total_score ./quiz.module Update a score for a quiz. 2
quiz_user_results ./ 1
quiz_validate ./quiz.module Implementation of hook_validate().
quiz_view ./quiz.module Implementation of hook_view(). 1
quiz_views_api ./quiz.module This module is Views 2.0 enabled. Implementation of hook_views_api().
quiz_views_data includes/views/ Implementation of hook_views_data().
quiz_views_default_views includes/views/
quiz_views_handlers includes/views/ @file This file provides metadata to the Views 2 API for views integration.
quiz_xmldata includes/moodle/question/format/coursetestmanager/format.php 1
quiz_xmlend includes/moodle/question/format/coursetestmanager/format.php 1
quiz_xmlstart includes/moodle/question/format/coursetestmanager/format.php 1
random_string includes/moodle_support.php 1
regrade_question_in_attempt includes/moodle/lib/questionlib.php For a given question in an attempt we walk the complete history of states and recalculate the grades as we go along.
remove_dir includes/moodle_support.php Delete directory or only it's content 1
restore_question_state includes/moodle/lib/questionlib.php Creates the run-time fields for the states 2
results_export_as_full_view includes/results_export/ 1
results_export_as_teaser_view includes/results_export/ 1
results_export_help includes/results_export/results_export.module Implementation of hook_help().
results_export_invoke_file_transfer includes/results_export/ 2
results_export_menu includes/results_export/results_export.module Implementation of hook_menu
results_export_perm includes/results_export/results_export.module Implementation of hook_perm() Valid permissions for this module
s includes/moodle_support.php 4
save_question_options includes/moodle/lib/questionlib.php Saves question options 1
save_question_session includes/moodle/lib/questionlib.php Saves the current state of the question session to the database 1
short_answer_autoload_info question_types/short_answer/short_answer.module Implementation of hook_autoload_info().
short_answer_edit_score question_types/short_answer/ Page handler for displaying a scoring form. This function is called directly from the menu router. It generates a form for scoring a quiz. 1
short_answer_get_answer question_types/short_answer/short_answer.module Set the answer for a question. 1
short_answer_help question_types/short_answer/short_answer.module Implementation of hook_help().
short_answer_install question_types/short_answer/short_answer.install Implementation of hook_install().
short_answer_menu question_types/short_answer/short_answer.module Implementation of hook_menu().
short_answer_perm question_types/short_answer/short_answer.module Implementation of hook_perm().
short_answer_quiz_question_info question_types/short_answer/short_answer.module Implementation of hook_quiz_question_info().
short_answer_schema question_types/short_answer/short_answer.install Implementation of hook_schema().
short_answer_score_an_answer question_types/short_answer/short_answer.module Set a score for a short answer question. 1


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