You are here in Quiz 6.5

Example Action Implementation.

This does not provide functional code, but is an illustration of how actions can be created for Quiz.

This file was created with the intent of providing some documentation for a good starting point when creating actions for utilization with the quiz module. Most of this documentation was taken from, the API documentation provided by Drupal. For more understanding of these functions and hooks, please see that Drupal API documentation for further reading.

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 * @file
 * Example Action Implementation.
 * This does not provide functional code, but is an illustration of how actions can be created for
 * Quiz.
 * This file was created with the intent of providing
 * some documentation for a good starting point when creating actions for utilization with
 * the quiz module.  Most of this documentation was taken from, the API
 * documentation provided by Drupal.  For more understanding of these functions and hooks, please
 * see that Drupal API documentation for further reading.
 * @file

 * Implementation of hook_action_info().
 * An action consists of two or three parts:
 * (1) an action definition (returned by this hook),
 * (2) a function which does the action
 *   (which by convention is named module + '_' + description of what the function does + '_action'),
 * (3) and an optional form definition function that defines a configuration form
 *   (which has the name of the action with '_form' appended to it.)
function quiz_action_info() {

  //this is the name of your function to execute (custom_action)
  //whatever your name here is you MUST have a function that matches
  $info['custom_action'] = array(
    //this is how we can filter the dropdown box on the quiz create page there will be an
    //admin setting that will allow you to filter your dropdown results by 'type'
    'type' => 'quiz',
    //self explainatory
    'description' => t('Custom Desription'),
    //This allows you to configure your action with parameters through the admin
    //If set to TRUE then you will need a custom form function for your options
    'configurable' => TRUE,
    //this will filter out actions based hooks, You will only use this if your going to get
    //extremely advanced.
    'hooks' => array(
      'any' => TRUE,

  //return your array of actions
  return $info;

 * This will be your custom action to perform.  What do you want to happen?
 * When creating your quiz and you select your custom_action you defined in quiz_action_info()
 * then this function will be called to perform whatever you want to happen.
function quiz_custom_action() {

  //perform your action here

 * Form for configurable Drupal action.
 * This form will be called when you choose the 'Make a new advanced action available' from the
 * actions page in the admin.  An example of utilizing this type of dynamics would be if you were
 * giving away playing cards.  You could create a custom function that would take an 'id' as a parameter
 * to query the playing card database by.  So you would have ONE function that could give away any
 * playing card based on the parameter (id).  So you create a new action and this form will come
 * up.  In your form you select the playing card to give away, then click save and your new action
 * that gives away the playing card is created.  Then you just select that new action from the
 * dropdown when creating/editing the quiz.
 * @param array $context
 * @return $form
function quiz_custom_action_form($context) {

  $options = get_a_list_of_playing_cards();  //you would need to create an option list from a function
  $form['playing_card_id'] = array(
    '#title' => t('Playing Card'),
    '#type' => 'select',
    '#description' => t('Please select the playing card to give away.'),
    '#options' => $options,
    '#default_value' => isset($context['playing_card_id']) ? $context['playing_card_id'] : '',
  $form['submit'] = array(
    '#type' => 'sumbit',
    '#value' => t('Submit')
  return $form;

 * Validates the custom action form to make sure they have selected a playing card
 * when creating a new action
 * @param array $form
 * @param array $form_state
function quiz_custom_action_validate($form, $form_state) {

  $playing_card = $form_state['values']['playing_card_id'];
  if(empty($playing_card)) {
    form_set_error('playing_card_id', t('Please select the pllaying card to give away.'));

 * Custom submit handler when creating a new action for a playing card.
 * @param array $form
 * @param array $form_state
 * @return array
function quiz_custom_action_submit($form, $form_state) {

  return array('playing_card_id' => (int) $form_state['values']['playing_card_id']);


Namesort descending Description
quiz_action_info Implementation of hook_action_info(). An action consists of two or three parts: (1) an action definition (returned by this hook), (2) a function which does the action (which by convention is named module + '_' + description of what the…
quiz_custom_action This will be your custom action to perform. What do you want to happen? When creating your quiz and you select your custom_action you defined in quiz_action_info() then this function will be called to perform whatever you want to happen.
quiz_custom_action_form Form for configurable Drupal action. This form will be called when you choose the 'Make a new advanced action available' from the actions page in the admin. An example of utilizing this type of dynamics would be if you were giving away…
quiz_custom_action_submit Custom submit handler when creating a new action for a playing card.
quiz_custom_action_validate Validates the custom action form to make sure they have selected a playing card when creating a new action