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10 calls to porterstemmer_too_short() in Porter-Stemmer 6.2

PorterStemmerInternalsUnitTest::testAdministered in ./porterstemmer.test
Test internal steps on the word "administered".
PorterStemmerInternalsUnitTest::testBaked in ./porterstemmer.test
Test internal steps on the word "baked".
PorterStemmerInternalsUnitTest::testGeology in ./porterstemmer.test
Test internal steps on the word "geology".
PorterStemmerInternalsUnitTest::testIesIed in ./porterstemmer.test
Test internal steps on the words "ies" and "ied".
PorterStemmerInternalsUnitTest::testShortWord in ./porterstemmer.test
Tests the function that determines if a word is "short".
PorterStemmerInternalsUnitTest::testStemLength3UnitTest in ./porterstemmer.test
Verify that short words are not stemmed, and longer ones are.
PorterStemmerInternalsUnitTest::testStemLength4UnitTest in ./porterstemmer.test
Verify that short words are not stemmed, and longer ones are.
PorterStemmerOutput1UnitTest::_run_porterstemmer_stem_test in ./porterstemmer.test
Runs a unit test for a portion of words in the test file.
porterstemmer_prestemming in ./porterstemmer.module
Pre-processes a word for the Porter Stemmer 2 algorithm.
porterstemmer_step_ending in ./porterstemmer.module
Replaces word and calculates return value for steps.