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function PorterStemmerInternalsUnitTest::testBaked in Porter-Stemmer 6.2

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 7 porterstemmer.test \PorterStemmerInternalsUnitTest::testBaked()

Test internal steps on the word "baked".


./porterstemmer.test, line 660
Tests for the Porter Stemmer module. By Jennifer Hodgdon of Poplar ProductivityWare, Unit tests are based on sample words from which are stored in a separate file…


Unit tests for Porter Stemmer - Stemming internals.


function testBaked() {
  variable_set('minimum_word_size', 2);
  porterstemmer_too_short('', TRUE);
  $r1 = 0;
  $r2 = 0;
  $word = 'baked';
  porterstemmer_prestemming($word, $r1, $r2);

  // Test calculation of R1 and R2
    ->assertEqual($r1, 3, "R1 for baked should be 3, was {$r1}", 'Stemmer steps');
    ->assertEqual($r2, 5, "R2 for baked should be 5, was {$r2}", 'Stemmer steps');

  // Test step 1b of the algorithm
  porterstemmer_step1b($word, $r1);
    ->assertEqual($word, 'bake', "Step1b should be bake, was {$word}", 'Stemmer steps');

  // Test step 5 of the algorithm
  porterstemmer_step5($word, $r1, $r2);
    ->assertEqual($word, 'bake', "Step5 should be bake, was {$word}", 'Stemmer steps');