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porterstemmer.test in Porter-Stemmer 6.2

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  1. 7 porterstemmer.test

Tests for the Porter Stemmer module. By Jennifer Hodgdon of Poplar ProductivityWare, Unit tests are based on sample words from which are stored in a separate file (testwords.txt).


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 * @file
 * Tests for the Porter Stemmer module.
 * By Jennifer Hodgdon of Poplar ProductivityWare,
 * Unit tests are based on sample words from
 * which are stored in a separate file (testwords.txt).

 * Functional test for Porter Stemmer.
class PorterStemmerFunctionalTest extends DrupalWebTestCase {
  public static function getInfo() {
    return array(
      'name' => t('Functional test'),
      'description' => t('Test that stemmed searching works.'),
      'group' => t('Porter Stemmer'),
  public function setUp() {
    parent::setUp('porterstemmer', 'search');

    // Set up a super-user
    $this->superuser = $this
      'administer nodes',
      'access content',
      'administer content types',
      'administer search',
      'search content',
      'access administration pages',
      'administer site configuration',

    // Create some content to search, with the words walk, walking, and walked.
    $info = array(
      'body' => 'I walk through the streets, looking around for trouble',
      'type' => 'page',
      'title' => 'first page',
    $node = $this
    $info = array(
      'body' => 'I walked home from work today.',
      'type' => 'page',
      'title' => 'second page',
    $node = $this
    $info = array(
      'body' => 'I am always walking everywhere.',
      'type' => 'page',
      'title' => 'third page',
    $node = $this

    // Run cron to ensure this content is indexed
    // Note: Could use $this->cronRun(), but not available in 6.x SimpleTest,
    // so using the body of cronRun() from Drupal 7 instead
      ->drupalGet($GLOBALS['base_url'] . '/cron.php', array(
      'external' => TRUE,
      'query' => array(
        'cron_key' => variable_get('cron_key', 'drupal'),

   * Tests that all three pages can be found in searches.
  function testSearch() {

    // Search for 'walk' and verify all three pages were found.
      ->drupalPost('search', array(
      'keys' => 'walk',
    ), 'Search');
      ->assertText('first', 'First page was found with search for walk');
      ->assertText('second', 'Second page was found with search for walk');
      ->assertText('third', 'Third page was found with search for walk');

    // Search for 'walking' and verify all three pages were found.
      ->drupalPost('search', array(
      'keys' => 'walking',
    ), 'Search');
      ->assertText('first', 'First page was found with search for walking');
      ->assertText('second', 'Second page was found with search for walking');
      ->assertText('third', 'Third page was found with search for walking');

    // Search for 'walked' and verify all three pages were found.
      ->drupalPost('search', array(
      'keys' => 'walked',
    ), 'Search');
      ->assertText('first', 'First page was found with search for walked');
      ->assertText('second', 'Second page was found with search for walked');
      ->assertText('third', 'Third page was found with search for walked');

    // Search for 'blahblahblah' and verify none of the pages were found.
      ->drupalPost('search', array(
      'keys' => 'blahblahblah',
    ), 'Search');
      ->assertNoText('first', 'First page was not found with bogus search');
      ->assertNoText('second', 'Second page was not found with bogus search');
      ->assertNoText('third', 'Third page was not found with bogus search');


 * Unit tests for Porter Stemmer - Stemming output part 1.
class PorterStemmerOutput1UnitTest extends DrupalWebTestCase {
  public $has_pecl_stem = FALSE;
  public static function getInfo() {
    return array(
      'name' => t('Stemming output 1'),
      'description' => t('Test that the stemming function returns the correct stemmed words'),
      'group' => t('Porter Stemmer'),
  public function setUp() {

    // See if the PECL stemming library is installed
    $this->has_pecl_stem = _porterstemmer_pecl_loaded();

   * Tests the first 2000 words in the file for stemming accuracy.
  function testStemmingUnitTest() {
      ->_run_porterstemmer_stem_test(0, 2000);

   * Runs a unit test for a portion of words in the test file.
   * The output of the porterstemmer_stem() function is tested against
   * known input/output pairs from
   * Or if $use_pecl is set to TRUE, the PECL stem_english() function is
   * used instead.
   * @param $skipto
   *    Line of file to start on (count starts at 0), not counting short ones.
   * @param $runto
   *    Number of lines to test, not counting short ones.
   * @param $use_pecl
   *    If TRUE, use the PECL library if it is installed. If it isn't installed,
   *    no tests are performed.
  function _run_porterstemmer_stem_test($skipto = 0, $runto = 2000, $use_pecl = FALSE) {
    if ($use_pecl && !$this->has_pecl_stem) {
        ->assertTrue(1, "No PECL stem library found, aborting test");

    // Open word file
    $file = drupal_get_path('module', 'porterstemmer') . '/testwords.txt';
    $handle = @fopen($file, "r");
      ->assertTrue($handle, "Open file containing words to test", 'Startup');
    if (!$handle) {

      // no point doing rest of test...

    // Set min characters for search to 2 so we test whole word list
    variable_set('minimum_word_size', 2);
    porterstemmer_too_short('', TRUE);
    $ran = 0;
    $skipped = 0;
    $start = time();
    $mstart = 0;
    if (function_exists('microtime')) {
      $mstart = microtime(TRUE);
    while (!feof($handle) && $ran < $runto) {

      // Read a line of the file, and split into words
      $line = fgets($handle, 4096);
      $words = preg_split("/\\s+/", $line, -1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY);
      if (count($words) < 2) {
      $in = $words[0];
      $right = $words[1];

      // Skip words less than 2 characters, which is minimum for Porter
      if (drupal_strlen($in) < 2 || drupal_strlen($right) < 2) {
      if ($skipped < $skipto) {

      // Stem the word
      if ($use_pecl && $this->has_pecl_stem) {
        $stem = stem_english($in);
      else {
        $stem = porterstemmer_stem($in);

      // Test correctness
        ->assertEqual($right, $stem, "Stemming {$in} results in {$right} (was {$stem})", t('Stemming test'));
    $start = time() - $start;
    if (function_exists('microtime')) {
      $mstart = microtime(TRUE) - $mstart;
      ->assertTrue(1, "Elapsed time: {$start} seconds ({$mstart})");


 * Unit tests for Porter Stemmer - Stemming output part 2.
class PorterStemmerOutput2UnitTest extends PorterStemmerOutput1UnitTest {
  public static function getInfo() {
    return array(
      'name' => t('Stemming output 2'),
      'description' => t('Test that the stemming function returns the correct stemmed words'),
      'group' => t('Porter Stemmer'),

   * Tests the next 2000 words in the file for stemming accuracy.
  function testStemmingUnitTest() {
      ->_run_porterstemmer_stem_test(2000, 2000);


 * Unit tests for Porter Stemmer - Stemming output part 3.
class PorterStemmerOutput3UnitTest extends PorterStemmerOutput1UnitTest {
  public static function getInfo() {
    return array(
      'name' => t('Stemming output 3'),
      'description' => t('Test that the stemming function returns the correct stemmed words'),
      'group' => t('Porter Stemmer'),

   * Tests the next 2000 words in the file for stemming accuracy.
  function testStemmingUnitTest() {
      ->_run_porterstemmer_stem_test(4000, 2000);


 * Unit tests for Porter Stemmer - Stemming output part 4.
class PorterStemmerOutput4UnitTest extends PorterStemmerOutput1UnitTest {
  public static function getInfo() {
    return array(
      'name' => t('Stemming output 4'),
      'description' => t('Test that the stemming function returns the correct stemmed words'),
      'group' => t('Porter Stemmer'),

   * Tests the next 2000 words in the file for stemming accuracy.
  function testStemmingUnitTest() {
      ->_run_porterstemmer_stem_test(6000, 2000);


 * Unit tests for Porter Stemmer - Stemming output part 5.
class PorterStemmerOutput5UnitTest extends PorterStemmerOutput1UnitTest {
  public static function getInfo() {
    return array(
      'name' => t('Stemming output 5'),
      'description' => t('Test that the stemming function returns the correct stemmed words'),
      'group' => t('Porter Stemmer'),

   * Tests the next 2000 words in the file for stemming accuracy.
  function testStemmingUnitTest() {
      ->_run_porterstemmer_stem_test(8000, 2000);


 * Unit tests for Porter Stemmer - Stemming output part 6.
class PorterStemmerOutput6UnitTest extends PorterStemmerOutput1UnitTest {
  public static function getInfo() {
    return array(
      'name' => t('Stemming output 6'),
      'description' => t('Test that the stemming function returns the correct stemmed words'),
      'group' => t('Porter Stemmer'),

   * Tests the next 2000 words in the file for stemming accuracy.
  function testStemmingUnitTest() {
      ->_run_porterstemmer_stem_test(10000, 2000);


 * Unit tests for Porter Stemmer - Stemming output part 7.
class PorterStemmerOutput7UnitTest extends PorterStemmerOutput1UnitTest {
  public static function getInfo() {
    return array(
      'name' => t('Stemming output 7'),
      'description' => t('Test that the stemming function returns the correct stemmed words'),
      'group' => t('Porter Stemmer'),

   * Tests the next 2000 words in the file for stemming accuracy.
  function testStemmingUnitTest() {
      ->_run_porterstemmer_stem_test(12000, 2000);


 * Unit tests for Porter Stemmer - Stemming output part 8.
class PorterStemmerOutput8UnitTest extends PorterStemmerOutput1UnitTest {
  public static function getInfo() {
    return array(
      'name' => t('Stemming output 8'),
      'description' => t('Test that the stemming function returns the correct stemmed words'),
      'group' => t('Porter Stemmer'),

   * Tests the next 2000 words in the file for stemming accuracy.
  function testStemmingUnitTest() {
      ->_run_porterstemmer_stem_test(14000, 2000);


 * Unit tests for Porter Stemmer - Stemming output part 9.
class PorterStemmerOutput9UnitTest extends PorterStemmerOutput1UnitTest {
  public static function getInfo() {
    return array(
      'name' => t('Stemming output 9'),
      'description' => t('Test that the stemming function returns the correct stemmed words'),
      'group' => t('Porter Stemmer'),

   * Tests the next 2000 words in the file for stemming accuracy.
  function testStemmingUnitTest() {
      ->_run_porterstemmer_stem_test(16000, 2000);


 * Unit tests for Porter Stemmer - Stemming output part 10.
class PorterStemmerOutput10UnitTest extends PorterStemmerOutput1UnitTest {
  public static function getInfo() {
    return array(
      'name' => t('Stemming output 10'),
      'description' => t('Test that the stemming function returns the correct stemmed words'),
      'group' => t('Porter Stemmer'),

   * Tests the next 2000 words in the file for stemming accuracy.
  function testStemmingUnitTest() {
      ->_run_porterstemmer_stem_test(18000, 2000);


 * Unit tests for Porter Stemmer - Stemming output part 11.
class PorterStemmerOutput11UnitTest extends PorterStemmerOutput1UnitTest {
  public static function getInfo() {
    return array(
      'name' => t('Stemming output 11'),
      'description' => t('Test that the stemming function returns the correct stemmed words'),
      'group' => t('Porter Stemmer'),

   * Tests the next 2000 words in the file for stemming accuracy.
  function testStemmingUnitTest() {
      ->_run_porterstemmer_stem_test(20000, 2000);


 * Unit tests for Porter Stemmer - Stemming output part 12.
class PorterStemmerOutput12UnitTest extends PorterStemmerOutput1UnitTest {
  public static function getInfo() {
    return array(
      'name' => t('Stemming output 12'),
      'description' => t('Test that the stemming function returns the correct stemmed words'),
      'group' => t('Porter Stemmer'),

   * Tests the next 2000 words in the file for stemming accuracy.
  function testStemmingUnitTest() {
      ->_run_porterstemmer_stem_test(22000, 2000);


 * Unit tests for Porter Stemmer - Stemming output part 13.
class PorterStemmerOutput13UnitTest extends PorterStemmerOutput1UnitTest {
  public static function getInfo() {
    return array(
      'name' => t('Stemming output 13'),
      'description' => t('Test that the stemming function returns the correct stemmed words'),
      'group' => t('Porter Stemmer'),

   * Tests the next 2000 words in the file for stemming accuracy.
  function testStemmingUnitTest() {
      ->_run_porterstemmer_stem_test(24000, 2000);


 * Unit tests for Porter Stemmer - Stemming output part 14.
class PorterStemmerOutput14UnitTest extends PorterStemmerOutput1UnitTest {
  public static function getInfo() {
    return array(
      'name' => t('Stemming output 14'),
      'description' => t('Test that the stemming function returns the correct stemmed words'),
      'group' => t('Porter Stemmer'),

   * Tests the next 2000 words in the file for stemming accuracy.
  function testStemmingUnitTest() {
      ->_run_porterstemmer_stem_test(26000, 2000);


 * Unit tests for Porter Stemmer - Stemming output part 15.
class PorterStemmerOutput15UnitTest extends PorterStemmerOutput1UnitTest {
  public static function getInfo() {
    return array(
      'name' => t('Stemming output 15'),
      'description' => t('Test that the stemming function returns the correct stemmed words'),
      'group' => t('Porter Stemmer'),

   * Tests the next 2000 words in the file for stemming accuracy.
  function testStemmingUnitTest() {
      ->_run_porterstemmer_stem_test(28000, 2000);


 * Unit tests for Porter Stemmer - Stemming internals.
class PorterStemmerInternalsUnitTest extends DrupalWebTestCase {
  public static function getInfo() {
    return array(
      'name' => t('Stemming internals'),
      'description' => t('Test that various algorithm steps and internal functions are working correctly'),
      'group' => t('Porter Stemmer'),
  public function setUp() {

   * Verify that short words are not stemmed, and longer ones are.
  function testStemLength3UnitTest() {

    // Words 3 letters or less should not be stemmed if min word length is 3
    variable_set('minimum_word_size', 3);
    porterstemmer_too_short('', TRUE);
    $words = array(
      'a' => 'a',
      'at' => 'at',
      'say' => 'say',
      'fished' => 'fish',
      'saying' => 'say',
    foreach ($words as $in => $out) {
      $stem = porterstemmer_stem($in);
        ->assertEqual($out, $stem, "Stemming length 3 test for {$in} gives {$out} (was {$stem})", t('Stemming length'));

   * Verify that short words are not stemmed, and longer ones are.
  function testStemLength4UnitTest() {

    // Words 4 letters or less should not be stemmed if min word length is 4
    variable_set('minimum_word_size', 4);
    porterstemmer_too_short('', TRUE);
    $words = array(
      'a' => 'a',
      'at' => 'at',
      'say' => 'say',
      'fished' => 'fish',
      'saying' => 'saying',
    foreach ($words as $in => $out) {
      $stem = porterstemmer_stem($in);
        ->assertEqual($out, $stem, "Stemming length 4 test for {$in} gives {$out} (was {$stem})", t('Stemming length'));

   * Tests the function that determines if a word is "short".
  function testShortWord() {

    // Test "shortness", using examples from algorithm web page,
    // as well as several variations on the word "administ...".
    variable_set('minimum_word_size', 2);
    porterstemmer_too_short('', TRUE);
      ->assertFalse(porterstemmer_short_word('administered', 2, 'Stemmer steps'), "administered should not be a short word");
      ->assertFalse(porterstemmer_short_word('administer', 2, 'Stemmer steps'), "administer should not be a short word");
      ->assertFalse(porterstemmer_short_word('admin', 2, 'Stemmer steps'), "admin should not be a short word");
      ->assertTrue(porterstemmer_short_word('bed', 3, 'Stemmer steps'), "bed should be a short word");
      ->assertTrue(porterstemmer_short_word('shed', 4, 'Stemmer steps'), "shed should be a short word");
      ->assertTrue(porterstemmer_short_word('shred', 5, 'Stemmer steps'), "shred should be a short word");
      ->assertFalse(porterstemmer_short_word('bead', 4, 'Stemmer steps'), "bead should not be a short word");
      ->assertFalse(porterstemmer_short_word('beds', 3, 'Stemmer steps'), "beds should not be a short word");
      ->assertFalse(porterstemmer_short_word('bake', 3, 'Stemmer steps'), "bake should not be a short word");
      ->assertTrue(porterstemmer_short_word('bak', 3, 'Stemmer steps'), "bak should be a short word");

   * Test internal steps on the word "administered".
  function testAdministered() {
    variable_set('minimum_word_size', 2);
    porterstemmer_too_short('', TRUE);
    $r1 = 0;
    $r2 = 0;
    $word = 'administered';
    porterstemmer_prestemming($word, $r1, $r2);

    // Test calculation of R1 and R2
      ->assertEqual($r1, 2, "R1 for administered should be 2, was {$r1}", 'Stemmer steps');
      ->assertEqual($r2, 5, "R2 for administered should be 5, was {$r2}", 'Stemmer steps');

    // Test step 1b of the algorithm
    porterstemmer_step1b($word, $r1);
      ->assertEqual($word, 'administer', "Step1b should be administer, was {$word}", 'Stemmer steps');

    // Test step 4 of the algorithm
    porterstemmer_step4($word, $r2);
      ->assertEqual($word, 'administ', "Step4 should be administ, was {$word}", 'Stemmer steps');

   * Test internal steps on the word "baked".
  function testBaked() {
    variable_set('minimum_word_size', 2);
    porterstemmer_too_short('', TRUE);
    $r1 = 0;
    $r2 = 0;
    $word = 'baked';
    porterstemmer_prestemming($word, $r1, $r2);

    // Test calculation of R1 and R2
      ->assertEqual($r1, 3, "R1 for baked should be 3, was {$r1}", 'Stemmer steps');
      ->assertEqual($r2, 5, "R2 for baked should be 5, was {$r2}", 'Stemmer steps');

    // Test step 1b of the algorithm
    porterstemmer_step1b($word, $r1);
      ->assertEqual($word, 'bake', "Step1b should be bake, was {$word}", 'Stemmer steps');

    // Test step 5 of the algorithm
    porterstemmer_step5($word, $r1, $r2);
      ->assertEqual($word, 'bake', "Step5 should be bake, was {$word}", 'Stemmer steps');

   * Test internal steps on the word "geology".
  function testGeology() {
    $r1 = 0;
    $r2 = 0;
    $word = 'geology';
    variable_set('minimum_word_size', 2);
    porterstemmer_too_short('', TRUE);
    porterstemmer_prestemming($word, $r1, $r2);

    // Test calculation of R1 and R2
      ->assertEqual($r1, 4, "R1 for geology should be 4, was {$r1}", 'Stemmer steps');
      ->assertEqual($r2, 6, "R2 for geology should be 6, was {$r2}", 'Stemmer steps');

    // Test step 1c of the algorithm
      ->assertEqual($word, 'geologi', "Step1c should be geologi, was {$word}", 'Stemmer steps');

    // Test step 2 of the algorithm
    porterstemmer_step2($word, $r1);
      ->assertEqual($word, 'geolog', "Step2 should be geolog, was {$word}", 'Stemmer steps');

   * Test internal steps on the words "ies" and "ied".
  function testIesIed() {
    $r1a = 0;
    $r2a = 0;
    $r1b = 0;
    $r2b = 0;
    $worda = 'ied';
    $wordb = 'ies';
    variable_set('minimum_word_size', 2);
    porterstemmer_too_short('', TRUE);
    porterstemmer_prestemming($worda, $r1a, $r2a);
    porterstemmer_prestemming($wordb, $r1b, $r2b);

    // Test step 1a of the algorithm
      ->assertEqual($worda, 'ie', "Step1a should be ie, was {$worda}", 'Stemmer steps');
      ->assertEqual($wordb, 'ie', "Step1a should be ie, was {$wordb}", 'Stemmer steps');

   * Tests the excerpt function porterstemmer_sbp_excerpt_match().
  function testExcerpts() {

    // Test with simple stemmed match.
    $key = 'walking';
    $text = 'I walked to the Grand Walks yesterday.';
    $offset = 0;
    $boundary = '[ ]+';
    $result1 = porterstemmer_sbp_excerpt_match($key, $text, $offset, $boundary);
      ->assertEqual($result1['where'], 2, 'Found match 1 in right place', 'Excerpt');
      ->assertEqual($result1['keyword'], 'walked', 'Found right keyword for match 1', 'Excerpt');

    // Test with upper-case in the keyword.
    $result1b = porterstemmer_sbp_excerpt_match('waLk', $text, $offset, $boundary);
      ->assertEqual($result1b['where'], 2, 'Found match 1b in right place', 'Excerpt');
      ->assertEqual($result1b['keyword'], 'walked', 'Found right keyword for match 1b', 'Excerpt');

    // Test with upper-case in the text.
    $offset = 12;
    $result2 = porterstemmer_sbp_excerpt_match($key, $text, $offset, $boundary);
      ->assertEqual($result2['where'], 22, 'Found match 2 in right place', 'Excerpt');
      ->assertEqual($result2['keyword'], 'Walks', 'Found right keyword for match 2', 'Excerpt');

    // Test with a false match followed by a real match.
    $text = 'I walknotawordhere to walk to school.';
    $offset = 0;
    $result3 = porterstemmer_sbp_excerpt_match($key, $text, $offset, $boundary);
      ->assertEqual($result3['where'], 22, 'Found match 3 in right place', 'Excerpt');
      ->assertEqual($result3['keyword'], 'walk', 'Found right keyword for match 3', 'Excerpt');


 * Unit tests for Porter Stemmer - Stemming output part 1 PECL.
class PorterStemmerPECLOutput1UnitTest extends PorterStemmerOutput1UnitTest {
  public static function getInfo() {
    return array(
      'name' => t('Stemming output 1 PECL'),
      'description' => t('Test that the stemming function returns the correct stemmed words with PECL library'),
      'group' => t('Porter Stemmer'),

   * Tests the next 2000 words in the file for stemming accuracy.
  function testStemmingUnitTest() {
      ->_run_porterstemmer_stem_test(0, 2000, TRUE);


 * Unit tests for Porter Stemmer - Stemming output part 2 PECL.
class PorterStemmerPECLOutput2UnitTest extends PorterStemmerOutput1UnitTest {
  public static function getInfo() {
    return array(
      'name' => t('Stemming output 2 PECL'),
      'description' => t('Test that the stemming function returns the correct stemmed words with PECL library'),
      'group' => t('Porter Stemmer'),

   * Tests the next 2000 words in the file for stemming accuracy.
  function testStemmingUnitTest() {
      ->_run_porterstemmer_stem_test(2000, 2000, TRUE);


 * Unit tests for Porter Stemmer - Stemming output part 3 PECL.
class PorterStemmerPECLOutput3UnitTest extends PorterStemmerOutput1UnitTest {
  public static function getInfo() {
    return array(
      'name' => t('Stemming output 3 PECL'),
      'description' => t('Test that the stemming function returns the correct stemmed words with PECL library'),
      'group' => t('Porter Stemmer'),

   * Tests the next 2000 words in the file for stemming accuracy.
  function testStemmingUnitTest() {
      ->_run_porterstemmer_stem_test(4000, 2000, TRUE);


 * Unit tests for Porter Stemmer - Stemming output part 4 PECL.
class PorterStemmerPECLOutput4UnitTest extends PorterStemmerOutput1UnitTest {
  public static function getInfo() {
    return array(
      'name' => t('Stemming output 4 PECL'),
      'description' => t('Test that the stemming function returns the correct stemmed words with PECL library'),
      'group' => t('Porter Stemmer'),

   * Tests the next 2000 words in the file for stemming accuracy.
  function testStemmingUnitTest() {
      ->_run_porterstemmer_stem_test(6000, 2000, TRUE);


 * Unit tests for Porter Stemmer - Stemming output part 5 PECL.
class PorterStemmerPECLOutput5UnitTest extends PorterStemmerOutput1UnitTest {
  public static function getInfo() {
    return array(
      'name' => t('Stemming output 5 PECL'),
      'description' => t('Test that the stemming function returns the correct stemmed words with PECL library'),
      'group' => t('Porter Stemmer'),

   * Tests the next 2000 words in the file for stemming accuracy.
  function testStemmingUnitTest() {
      ->_run_porterstemmer_stem_test(8000, 2000, TRUE);


 * Unit tests for Porter Stemmer - Stemming output part 6 PECL.
class PorterStemmerPECLOutput6UnitTest extends PorterStemmerOutput1UnitTest {
  public static function getInfo() {
    return array(
      'name' => t('Stemming output 6 PECL'),
      'description' => t('Test that the stemming function returns the correct stemmed words with PECL library'),
      'group' => t('Porter Stemmer'),

   * Tests the next 2000 words in the file for stemming accuracy.
  function testStemmingUnitTest() {
      ->_run_porterstemmer_stem_test(10000, 2000, TRUE);


 * Unit tests for Porter Stemmer - Stemming output part 7 PECL.
class PorterStemmerPECLOutput7UnitTest extends PorterStemmerOutput1UnitTest {
  public static function getInfo() {
    return array(
      'name' => t('Stemming output 7 PECL'),
      'description' => t('Test that the stemming function returns the correct stemmed words with PECL library'),
      'group' => t('Porter Stemmer'),

   * Tests the next 2000 words in the file for stemming accuracy.
  function testStemmingUnitTest() {
      ->_run_porterstemmer_stem_test(12000, 2000, TRUE);


 * Unit tests for Porter Stemmer - Stemming output part 8 PECL.
class PorterStemmerPECLOutput8UnitTest extends PorterStemmerOutput1UnitTest {
  public static function getInfo() {
    return array(
      'name' => t('Stemming output 8 PECL'),
      'description' => t('Test that the stemming function returns the correct stemmed words with PECL library'),
      'group' => t('Porter Stemmer'),

   * Tests the next 2000 words in the file for stemming accuracy.
  function testStemmingUnitTest() {
      ->_run_porterstemmer_stem_test(14000, 2000, TRUE);


 * Unit tests for Porter Stemmer - Stemming output part 9 PECL.
class PorterStemmerPECLOutput9UnitTest extends PorterStemmerOutput1UnitTest {
  public static function getInfo() {
    return array(
      'name' => t('Stemming output 9 PECL'),
      'description' => t('Test that the stemming function returns the correct stemmed words with PECL library'),
      'group' => t('Porter Stemmer'),

   * Tests the next 2000 words in the file for stemming accuracy.
  function testStemmingUnitTest() {
      ->_run_porterstemmer_stem_test(16000, 2000, TRUE);


 * Unit tests for Porter Stemmer - Stemming output part 10 PECL.
class PorterStemmerPECLOutput10UnitTest extends PorterStemmerOutput1UnitTest {
  public static function getInfo() {
    return array(
      'name' => t('Stemming output 10 PECL'),
      'description' => t('Test that the stemming function returns the correct stemmed words with PECL library'),
      'group' => t('Porter Stemmer'),

   * Tests the next 2000 words in the file for stemming accuracy.
  function testStemmingUnitTest() {
      ->_run_porterstemmer_stem_test(18000, 2000, TRUE);


 * Unit tests for Porter Stemmer - Stemming output part 11 PECL.
class PorterStemmerPECLOutput11UnitTest extends PorterStemmerOutput1UnitTest {
  public static function getInfo() {
    return array(
      'name' => t('Stemming output 11 PECL'),
      'description' => t('Test that the stemming function returns the correct stemmed words with PECL library'),
      'group' => t('Porter Stemmer'),

   * Tests the next 2000 words in the file for stemming accuracy.
  function testStemmingUnitTest() {
      ->_run_porterstemmer_stem_test(20000, 2000, TRUE);


 * Unit tests for Porter Stemmer - Stemming output part 12 PECL.
class PorterStemmerPECLOutput12UnitTest extends PorterStemmerOutput1UnitTest {
  public static function getInfo() {
    return array(
      'name' => t('Stemming output 12 PECL'),
      'description' => t('Test that the stemming function returns the correct stemmed words with PECL library'),
      'group' => t('Porter Stemmer'),

   * Tests the next 2000 words in the file for stemming accuracy.
  function testStemmingUnitTest() {
      ->_run_porterstemmer_stem_test(22000, 2000, TRUE);


 * Unit tests for Porter Stemmer - Stemming output part 13 PECL.
class PorterStemmerPECLOutput13UnitTest extends PorterStemmerOutput1UnitTest {
  public static function getInfo() {
    return array(
      'name' => t('Stemming output 13 PECL'),
      'description' => t('Test that the stemming function returns the correct stemmed words with PECL library'),
      'group' => t('Porter Stemmer'),

   * Tests the next 2000 words in the file for stemming accuracy.
  function testStemmingUnitTest() {
      ->_run_porterstemmer_stem_test(24000, 2000, TRUE);


 * Unit tests for Porter Stemmer - Stemming output part 14 PECL.
class PorterStemmerPECLOutput14UnitTest extends PorterStemmerOutput1UnitTest {
  public static function getInfo() {
    return array(
      'name' => t('Stemming output 14 PECL'),
      'description' => t('Test that the stemming function returns the correct stemmed words with PECL library'),
      'group' => t('Porter Stemmer'),

   * Tests the next 2000 words in the file for stemming accuracy.
  function testStemmingUnitTest() {
      ->_run_porterstemmer_stem_test(26000, 2000, TRUE);


 * Unit tests for Porter Stemmer - Stemming output part 15 PECL.
class PorterStemmerPECLOutput15UnitTest extends PorterStemmerOutput1UnitTest {
  public static function getInfo() {
    return array(
      'name' => t('Stemming output 15 PECL'),
      'description' => t('Test that the stemming function returns the correct stemmed words with PECL library'),
      'group' => t('Porter Stemmer'),

   * Tests the next 2000 words in the file for stemming accuracy.
  function testStemmingUnitTest() {
      ->_run_porterstemmer_stem_test(28000, 2000, TRUE);



Namesort descending Description
PorterStemmerFunctionalTest Functional test for Porter Stemmer.
PorterStemmerInternalsUnitTest Unit tests for Porter Stemmer - Stemming internals.
PorterStemmerOutput10UnitTest Unit tests for Porter Stemmer - Stemming output part 10.
PorterStemmerOutput11UnitTest Unit tests for Porter Stemmer - Stemming output part 11.
PorterStemmerOutput12UnitTest Unit tests for Porter Stemmer - Stemming output part 12.
PorterStemmerOutput13UnitTest Unit tests for Porter Stemmer - Stemming output part 13.
PorterStemmerOutput14UnitTest Unit tests for Porter Stemmer - Stemming output part 14.
PorterStemmerOutput15UnitTest Unit tests for Porter Stemmer - Stemming output part 15.
PorterStemmerOutput1UnitTest Unit tests for Porter Stemmer - Stemming output part 1.
PorterStemmerOutput2UnitTest Unit tests for Porter Stemmer - Stemming output part 2.
PorterStemmerOutput3UnitTest Unit tests for Porter Stemmer - Stemming output part 3.
PorterStemmerOutput4UnitTest Unit tests for Porter Stemmer - Stemming output part 4.
PorterStemmerOutput5UnitTest Unit tests for Porter Stemmer - Stemming output part 5.
PorterStemmerOutput6UnitTest Unit tests for Porter Stemmer - Stemming output part 6.
PorterStemmerOutput7UnitTest Unit tests for Porter Stemmer - Stemming output part 7.
PorterStemmerOutput8UnitTest Unit tests for Porter Stemmer - Stemming output part 8.
PorterStemmerOutput9UnitTest Unit tests for Porter Stemmer - Stemming output part 9.
PorterStemmerPECLOutput10UnitTest Unit tests for Porter Stemmer - Stemming output part 10 PECL.
PorterStemmerPECLOutput11UnitTest Unit tests for Porter Stemmer - Stemming output part 11 PECL.
PorterStemmerPECLOutput12UnitTest Unit tests for Porter Stemmer - Stemming output part 12 PECL.
PorterStemmerPECLOutput13UnitTest Unit tests for Porter Stemmer - Stemming output part 13 PECL.
PorterStemmerPECLOutput14UnitTest Unit tests for Porter Stemmer - Stemming output part 14 PECL.
PorterStemmerPECLOutput15UnitTest Unit tests for Porter Stemmer - Stemming output part 15 PECL.
PorterStemmerPECLOutput1UnitTest Unit tests for Porter Stemmer - Stemming output part 1 PECL.
PorterStemmerPECLOutput2UnitTest Unit tests for Porter Stemmer - Stemming output part 2 PECL.
PorterStemmerPECLOutput3UnitTest Unit tests for Porter Stemmer - Stemming output part 3 PECL.
PorterStemmerPECLOutput4UnitTest Unit tests for Porter Stemmer - Stemming output part 4 PECL.
PorterStemmerPECLOutput5UnitTest Unit tests for Porter Stemmer - Stemming output part 5 PECL.
PorterStemmerPECLOutput6UnitTest Unit tests for Porter Stemmer - Stemming output part 6 PECL.
PorterStemmerPECLOutput7UnitTest Unit tests for Porter Stemmer - Stemming output part 7 PECL.
PorterStemmerPECLOutput8UnitTest Unit tests for Porter Stemmer - Stemming output part 8 PECL.
PorterStemmerPECLOutput9UnitTest Unit tests for Porter Stemmer - Stemming output part 9 PECL.