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Files in Porter-Stemmer 6.2

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File namesort descending Location Namespace Description
CHANGELOG.txt CHANGELOG.txt Porter Stemmer x.x-x.x, xxxx-xx-xx ---------------------------------- Porter Stemmer 6.x-2.x, xxxx-xx-xx ---------------------------------- Porter Stemmer 6.x-2.6, 2010-08-30 ---------------------------------- #850950 by jhodgdon, gpk: Fix…
INSTALL.txt INSTALL.txt For general information about this module, check the README.txt file. Installation ------------ 1. Unzip the files, and upload them as a subdirectory of the sites/all/modules directory of your Drupal installation (or the location you normally use… name = Porter Stemmer description = "Improve English language searching by simplifying related words to their root (conjugations, plurals, ...)." core = 6.x package = "Search"
porterstemmer.module porterstemmer.module This is an implementation of the Porter 2 Stemming algorithm from by Jennifer Hodgdon of Poplar ProductivityWare,
porterstemmer.test porterstemmer.test Tests for the Porter Stemmer module. By Jennifer Hodgdon of Poplar ProductivityWare, Unit tests are based on sample words from which are stored in a separate file…
README.txt README.txt GENERAL INFORMATION ------------------- This module implements the Porter-Stemmer algorithm, version 2, to improve English-language searching with the Drupal built-in Search module. Information about the algorithm can be found…
testwords.txt testwords.txt ' ' '' '' 'a 'a 's 's 'aa aa 'as …

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