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porterstemmer.module in Porter-Stemmer 6.2

This is an implementation of the Porter 2 Stemming algorithm from by Jennifer Hodgdon of Poplar ProductivityWare,


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 * @file
 * This is an implementation of the Porter 2 Stemming algorithm from
 * by Jennifer Hodgdon of Poplar ProductivityWare,

 * Implementation of hook_search_preprocess().
 * Stems the words in $text, using the Porter Stemmer 2 algorithm.
function porterstemmer_search_preprocess($text) {

  // Convert text to lower case, and replace special apostrophes with regular
  // apostrophes.
  $text = drupal_strtolower(str_replace('’', "'", $text));

  // Split into words
  $words = preg_split('/(' . PORTERSTEMMER_BOUNDARY . '+)/', $text, -1, PREG_SPLIT_DELIM_CAPTURE);
  if (!count($words)) {
    return $text;
  $has_pecl_stem = _porterstemmer_pecl_loaded();

  // Process each word, skipping delimiters.
  $isword = !preg_match('/' . PORTERSTEMMER_BOUNDARY . '/', $words[0]);
  foreach ($words as $k => $word) {
    if ($isword) {
      if ($has_pecl_stem) {
        $words[$k] = stem_english($word);
      else {
        $words[$k] = porterstemmer_stem($word);
    $isword = !$isword;

  // Put it all back together (note that delimiters are in $words).
  return implode('', $words);

 * Implements hook_help().
function porterstemmer_help($path, $arg) {
  switch ($path) {
    case 'admin/help#porterstemmer':
      $output = '';
      $output .= '<p>' . t('The Porter Stemmer module implements version 2 of the <a href="@algorithm">Porter Stemmer algorithm</a>, to improve American English-language searching with the core <a href="@search-help">Search module</a>. Stemming reduces a word to its basic root or stem (e.g. "blogging" to "blog") so that variations on a word ("blogs", "blogged", "blogging", "blog") are considered equivalent when searching. This generally results in more relevant results.', array(
        '@search-help' => url('admin/help/search'),
        '@algorithm' => '',
      )) . '</p>';
      return $output;

 * Implementation of hook_sbp_excerpt_match().
 * Allows Porter Stemmer to display better search excerpts with the
 * Search by page module.
function porterstemmer_sbp_excerpt_match($key, $text, $offset, $boundary) {

  // Stem the keyword down to its root form.
  $key = porterstemmer_stem($key);

  // In many cases, the root word is a substring of the full word, but not
  // all. The cases where it is not, the root ends in e, i, or y, and if this
  // last letter is removed, the root is a substring of the full word.
  // So remove these letters at the end of the root.
  $didit = FALSE;
  porterstemmer_suffix($key, 'i', '', $didit, NULL, 2) or porterstemmer_suffix($key, 'e', '', $didit, NULL, 2) or porterstemmer_suffix($key, 'y', '', $didit, NULL, 2);

  // Look for this modified key at the start of a word.
  $match = array();
  if (!preg_match('/' . $boundary . '(' . $key . ')/iu', $text, $match, PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE, $offset)) {

    // Didn't match our modified key.
    return FALSE;

  // If we get here, we have a potential match. Find the beginning and end of
  // the word we actually matched, so it can be highlighted (making sure it's a
  // real match for our key).
  $newmatch = array();
  $pos = $match[1][1];

  // Note: Do not use drupal_strlen/drupal_substr here! Need the real PHP
  // string lengths/pos.
  if (preg_match('/' . $boundary . '/iu', $text, $newmatch, PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE, $pos + strlen($key))) {
    $keyfound = substr($text, $pos, $newmatch[0][1] - $pos);
  else {

    // Assume we're going to the end of the string.
    $keyfound = substr($text, $pos);
  $foundstem = porterstemmer_stem($keyfound);
  $didit = FALSE;
  porterstemmer_suffix($foundstem, 'i', '', $didit, NULL, 2) or porterstemmer_suffix($foundstem, 'e', '', $didit, NULL, 2) or porterstemmer_suffix($foundstem, 'y', '', $didit, NULL, 2);

  // Both $foundstem and $key may contain upper case.
  if (drupal_strtolower($foundstem) == drupal_strtolower($key)) {
    return array(
      'where' => $pos,
      'keyword' => $keyfound,

  // If we get here, then it was a false match, and we should probably
  // search again later in the string.
  return porterstemmer_sbp_excerpt_match($key, $text, $pos + strlen($keyfound), $boundary);

 * Checks to see if the PECL stem extension has been loaded.
 * @return
 *    TRUE if the stem_english() function from the PECL stem library can be
 *    used, FALSE if not.
function _porterstemmer_pecl_loaded() {
  static $has_pecl_stem = FALSE;
  static $already_checked = FALSE;
  if ($already_checked) {
    return $has_pecl_stem;
  $has_pecl_stem = extension_loaded('stem') && function_exists('stem_english');
  $already_checked = TRUE;
  return $has_pecl_stem;

 * Regular expression defining a vowel for Porter Stemmer.
define('PORTERSTEMMER_VOWEL', '[aeiouy]');

 * Regular expression defining not a vowel for Porter Stemmer.
define('PORTERSTEMMER_NOT_VOWEL', '[^aeiouy]');

 * Regular expression defining not a vowel, w, x, or Y, for Porter Stemmer.
define('PORTERSTEMMER_NOT_VOWEL_WXY', '[^aeiouywxY]');

 * Regular expression defining a double consonant for Porter Stemmer.
define('PORTERSTEMMER_DOUBLE', '(bb|dd|ff|gg|mm|nn|pp|rr|tt)');

 * Regular expression defining an li-ending for Porter Stemmer.
define('PORTERSTEMMER_LI_END', '[cdeghkmnrt]');

 * Regular expression defining a word boundary for Porter Stemmer.
 * A word boundary is anything not a letter or an apostrophe.
define('PORTERSTEMMER_BOUNDARY', "[^a-zA-Z']+");

 * Stems a word, using the Porter Stemmer 2 algorithm.
 * @param $word
 *   Word to stem.
 * @return
 *   Stemmed word
function porterstemmer_stem($word) {

  // Each of these helper functions returns TRUE if it is time to stop
  // stemming and return. If everything is fine, they modify params by
  // reference, as necessary, for the next function.
  $r1 = 0;

  // position of R1 region in original word
  $r2 = 0;

  // position of R1 region in original word
  porterstemmer_prestemming($word, $r1, $r2) or porterstemmer_exception1($word) or porterstemmer_step0($word) or porterstemmer_step1a($word) or porterstemmer_exception2($word) or porterstemmer_step1b($word, $r1) or porterstemmer_step1c($word) or porterstemmer_step2($word, $r1) or porterstemmer_step3($word, $r1, $r2) or porterstemmer_step4($word, $r2) or porterstemmer_step5($word, $r1, $r2);
  return $word;

 * Returns TRUE if word is too short to continue stemming.
function porterstemmer_too_short($word, $reset = FALSE) {
  static $min_chars = 0;
  if (!$min_chars || $reset) {

    // Get Search module's idea of minimum characters
    $min_chars = intval(variable_get('minimum_word_size', 3));

    // Porter algorithm cannot handle less than 2 characters
    if ($min_chars < 2) {
      $min_chars = 2;
  if (drupal_strlen($word) < $min_chars) {
    return TRUE;
  return FALSE;

 * Replaces word and calculates return value for steps.
 * If $tmp is long enough, replaces $word with $tmp and returns FALSE
 * to continue stemming process. If $tmp is too short, no replacement
 * and returns TRUE to end stemming process.
function porterstemmer_step_ending(&$word, $tmp) {
  if (porterstemmer_too_short($tmp)) {
    return TRUE;
  $word = $tmp;
  return FALSE;

 * Replaces one word ending with another, if tests pass.
 * The return value is TRUE of the ending is present at the end
 * of the word, and FALSE if the ending is not present. The found
 * word ending is also replaced with the given replacement, only if
 * the additional regular expression (if present) matches and if the
 * word is at least the given length.
 * @param $word
 *    Word to performm search/replace on.
 * @param $oldend
 *    Ending to check for.
 * @param $newend
 *    Replacement ending.
 * @param $didit
 *    Set to TRUE in the case that a replacement is done; left alone
 *    otherwise.
 * @param $other
 *    Extra regular expression; must match to allow ending replacement.
 * @param $minlen
 *    Minimum word length required to allow ending replacement. For
 *    instance, to see if a particular ending is in the R1 region,
 *    pass in $r1 + length of ending as the minimum word length.
 * @return
 *    TRUE if ending was at the end of the word, FALSE if not.
function porterstemmer_suffix(&$word, $oldend, $newend, &$didit, $other = NULL, $minlen = 1) {

  // Check to see if the ending is there
  $end_regexp = '/' . $oldend . '$/';
  if (!preg_match($end_regexp, $word)) {

    // ending isn't even there
    return FALSE;

  // Does word match other regular expression?
  if ($other && !preg_match($other, $word)) {

    // no match, so just return without replacing
    return TRUE;

  // Is word long enough?
  if (drupal_strlen($word) < $minlen) {

    // too short, so just return without replacing
    return TRUE;

  // Replace word ending
  $word = preg_replace($end_regexp, $newend, $word);
  $didit = TRUE;
  return TRUE;

 * Checks to see if a word is considered "short" in Porter Stemmer 2.
 * A word is "short" if region R1 doesn't exist, and if it ends in a
 * short syllable. A short syllable is consonant, followed by vowel,
 * followed by consonant not w, x, Y; or else vowel starting a word,
 * followed by a non-vowel.
 * @param $word
 *   Word to check.
 * @param $r1
 *   Start position of R1 region in word.
 * @return
 *   TRUE if the word is short, false if not.
function porterstemmer_short_word($word, $r1) {
  if (drupal_strlen($word) > $r1) {

    // R1 region exists, so this is not a short word
    return FALSE;

  // Does it end in one type of short syllable?
  if (preg_match('/^' . PORTERSTEMMER_VOWEL . PORTERSTEMMER_NOT_VOWEL . '$/', $word)) {
    return TRUE;

  // Does it end in the other type of short syllable?
    return TRUE;
  return FALSE;

 * Pre-processes a word for the Porter Stemmer 2 algorithm.
 * Checks for too-short words, removes initial apostrophes, sets y to
 * Y (so as not to be considered a vowel) if y is at start of word or
 * after a vowel. Then calculates the position of the R1 and R2
 * regions in the word.
 * @param $word
 *   Word to stem, modified in place if successful.
 * @param $r1
 *   Returns the start position of the "R1" region in the word.
 * @param $r2
 *   Returns the start position of the "R2" region in the word.
 * @return
 *   TRUE if it is time to stop stemming, FALSE to continue.
function porterstemmer_prestemming(&$word, &$r1, &$r2) {
  if (porterstemmer_too_short($word)) {
    return TRUE;
  $tmp = $word;

  // Remove initial apostrophe
  $tmp = preg_replace("/^'/", '', $tmp);
  if (porterstemmer_too_short($tmp)) {
    return TRUE;

  // y -> Y if we should treat it as consonant
  $tmp = preg_replace('/^y/', 'Y', $tmp);
  $before = 'not going to match';
  while ($before != $tmp) {

    // Do this replacement one by one, to avoid unlikely yyyy issues
    $before = $tmp;

    // Note: do not use count param to preg_replace - added in 5.10!!
    $tmp = preg_replace('/(' . PORTERSTEMMER_VOWEL . ')y/', '$1Y', $tmp, 1);

  // This y/Y step should not have changed the word length
  $word = $tmp;

  // Find R1 and R2. R1 is the region after the first non-vowel
  // following a vowel. R2 is the region after the first non-vowel
  // following a vowel in R1.
  $max = drupal_strlen($word);
  $r1 = $max;
  $r2 = $max;
  $matches = array();

  // Exceptions to R1: If word begins with 'gener', 'commun', or 'arsen',
  // R1 is the remainder of the word.
  if (preg_match('/^(gener|commun|arsen)/', $word, $matches)) {
    $r1 = drupal_strlen($matches[1]);
  elseif (preg_match($rdef, $word, $matches, PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE)) {
    $r1 = $matches[1][1] + 1;
  $R1 = drupal_substr($word, $r1);
  if ($R1 && preg_match($rdef, $R1, $matches, PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE)) {
    $r2 = $r1 + $matches[1][1] + 1;
  return FALSE;

 * Turn Y back into y to undo pre-processing.
function porterstemmer_poststemming(&$word) {
  $word = str_replace('Y', 'y', $word);

 * Step 0 of the algorithm: remove possessive endings.
 * @param $word
 *   Word to stem, modified in place if successful.
 * @return
 *   TRUE if it is time to stop stemming, FALSE to continue.
function porterstemmer_step0(&$word) {
  $tmp = $word;
  $didit = FALSE;
  porterstemmer_suffix($tmp, "'s'", '', $didit) or porterstemmer_suffix($tmp, "'s", '', $didit) or porterstemmer_suffix($tmp, "'", '', $didit);
  return porterstemmer_step_ending($word, $tmp);

 * Step 1a of algorithm: plurals, etc.
 * @param $word
 *   Word to stem, modified in place if successful.
 * @return
 *   TRUE if it is time to stop stemming, FALSE to continue.
function porterstemmer_step1a(&$word) {
  $tmp = $word;
  $didit = FALSE;
  $done = porterstemmer_suffix($tmp, 'sses', 'ss', $didit);

  // ies/ied endings -- have different replacements depending on
  // if there is more than one letter preceeding. So make sure to
  // test/replace for both conditions.
  if (!$done && porterstemmer_suffix($tmp, 'ies', 'ie', $didit, '/^.?ies$/')) {
    if (!$didit) {
      porterstemmer_suffix($tmp, 'ies', 'i', $didit);
    $done = TRUE;
  if (!$done && porterstemmer_suffix($tmp, 'ied', 'ie', $didit, '/^.?ied$/')) {
    if (!$didit) {
      porterstemmer_suffix($tmp, 'ied', 'i', $didit);
    $done = TRUE;
  if (!$done) {
    porterstemmer_suffix($tmp, 'ss', 'ss', $didit) or porterstemmer_suffix($tmp, 'us', 'us', $didit) or porterstemmer_suffix($tmp, 's', '', $didit, '/' . PORTERSTEMMER_VOWEL . '.+s$/');
  return porterstemmer_step_ending($word, $tmp);

 * Step 1b of algorithm: eed, eedly, ed, edly, ing, ingly
 * @param $word
 *   Word to stem, modified in place if successful.
 * @param $r1
 *   Position of start of R1 region in word.
 * @return
 *   TRUE if it is time to stop stemming, FALSE to continue.
function porterstemmer_step1b(&$word, $r1) {
  $tmp = $word;
  $didit = FALSE;

  // Replace these endings if in R1 region
  $done = (porterstemmer_suffix($tmp, 'eedly', 'ee', $didit, NULL, $r1 + 5) or porterstemmer_suffix($tmp, 'eed', 'ee', $didit, NULL, $r1 + 3));

  // Delete these endings if there's a vowel before the ending
  $didit = FALSE;
  if (!$done) {
    porterstemmer_suffix($tmp, 'edly', '', $didit, '/' . PORTERSTEMMER_VOWEL . '.*edly$/') or porterstemmer_suffix($tmp, 'ed', '', $didit, '/' . PORTERSTEMMER_VOWEL . '.*ed$/') or porterstemmer_suffix($tmp, 'ingly', '', $didit, '/' . PORTERSTEMMER_VOWEL . '.*ingly$/') or porterstemmer_suffix($tmp, 'ing', '', $didit, '/' . PORTERSTEMMER_VOWEL . '.*ing$/');

  // If we did one of these replacements, post-process...
  if ($didit) {
    $done = porterstemmer_suffix($tmp, 'at', 'ate', $didit) or porterstemmer_suffix($tmp, 'bl', 'ble', $didit) or porterstemmer_suffix($tmp, 'iz', 'ize', $didit);
    if (!$done && preg_match('/' . PORTERSTEMMER_DOUBLE . '$/', $tmp)) {

      // drop last letter if it's a double-letter ending
      $tmp = drupal_substr($tmp, 0, -1);
      $done = TRUE;
    if (!$done && porterstemmer_short_word($tmp, $r1)) {
      $tmp = $tmp . 'e';
  return porterstemmer_step_ending($word, $tmp);

 * Step 1c of algorithm: y suffixes
 * @param $word
 *   Word to stem, modified in place if successful.
 * @return
 *   TRUE if it is time to stop stemming, FALSE to continue.
function porterstemmer_step1c(&$word) {
  $tmp = $word;
  $didit = FALSE;

  // Replace y or Y by i if the letter before is not a vowel,
  // and that non-vowel is not the beginning of the word.
  $ytest = '/.' . PORTERSTEMMER_NOT_VOWEL . '[Yy]$/';
  porterstemmer_suffix($tmp, 'Y', 'i', $didit, $ytest) or porterstemmer_suffix($tmp, 'y', 'i', $didit, $ytest);
  return porterstemmer_step_ending($word, $tmp);

 * Step 2 of algorithm: misc endings in region R1.
 * @param $word
 *   Word to stem, modified in place if successful.
 * @param $r1
 *   Position of start of R1 region in word.
 * @return
 *   TRUE if it is time to stop stemming, FALSE to continue.
function porterstemmer_step2(&$word, $r1) {
  $tmp = $word;
  $didit = FALSE;

  // Search for the longest of these suffixes, and if found in R1, replace
  porterstemmer_suffix($tmp, 'ational', 'ate', $didit, NULL, $r1 + 7) or porterstemmer_suffix($tmp, 'fulness', 'ful', $didit, NULL, $r1 + 7) or porterstemmer_suffix($tmp, 'iveness', 'ive', $didit, NULL, $r1 + 7) or porterstemmer_suffix($tmp, 'ization', 'ize', $didit, NULL, $r1 + 7) or porterstemmer_suffix($tmp, 'ousness', 'ous', $didit, NULL, $r1 + 7) or porterstemmer_suffix($tmp, 'biliti', 'ble', $didit, NULL, $r1 + 6) or porterstemmer_suffix($tmp, 'lessli', 'less', $didit, NULL, $r1 + 6) or porterstemmer_suffix($tmp, 'tional', 'tion', $didit, NULL, $r1 + 6) or porterstemmer_suffix($tmp, 'aliti', 'al', $didit, NULL, $r1 + 5) or porterstemmer_suffix($tmp, 'ation', 'ate', $didit, NULL, $r1 + 5) or porterstemmer_suffix($tmp, 'alism', 'al', $didit, NULL, $r1 + 5) or porterstemmer_suffix($tmp, 'entli', 'ent', $didit, NULL, $r1 + 5) or porterstemmer_suffix($tmp, 'fulli', 'ful', $didit, NULL, $r1 + 5) or porterstemmer_suffix($tmp, 'iviti', 'ive', $didit, NULL, $r1 + 5) or porterstemmer_suffix($tmp, 'ousli', 'ous', $didit, NULL, $r1 + 5) or porterstemmer_suffix($tmp, 'abli', 'able', $didit, NULL, $r1 + 4) or porterstemmer_suffix($tmp, 'alli', 'al', $didit, NULL, $r1 + 4) or porterstemmer_suffix($tmp, 'ator', 'ate', $didit, NULL, $r1 + 4) or porterstemmer_suffix($tmp, 'anci', 'ance', $didit, NULL, $r1 + 4) or porterstemmer_suffix($tmp, 'enci', 'ence', $didit, NULL, $r1 + 4) or porterstemmer_suffix($tmp, 'izer', 'ize', $didit, NULL, $r1 + 4) or porterstemmer_suffix($tmp, 'bli', 'ble', $didit, NULL, $r1 + 3) or porterstemmer_suffix($tmp, 'ogi', 'og', $didit, '/logi$/', $r1 + 3) or porterstemmer_suffix($tmp, 'li', '', $didit, '/' . PORTERSTEMMER_LI_END . 'li$/', $r1 + 2);
  return porterstemmer_step_ending($word, $tmp);

 * Step 3 of algorithm: misc endings in region R1.
 * @param $word
 *   Word to stem, modified in place if successful.
 * @param $r1
 *   Position of start of R1 region in word.
 * @param $r2
 *   Position of start of R2 region in word.
 * @return
 *   TRUE if it is time to stop stemming, FALSE to continue.
function porterstemmer_step3(&$word, $r1, $r2) {
  $tmp = $word;
  $didit = FALSE;
  porterstemmer_suffix($tmp, 'ational', 'ate', $didit, NULL, $r1 + 7) or porterstemmer_suffix($tmp, 'tional', 'tion', $didit, NULL, $r1 + 6) or porterstemmer_suffix($tmp, 'alize', 'al', $didit, NULL, $r1 + 5) or porterstemmer_suffix($tmp, 'ative', '', $didit, NULL, $r2 + 5) or porterstemmer_suffix($tmp, 'icate', 'ic', $didit, NULL, $r1 + 5) or porterstemmer_suffix($tmp, 'iciti', 'ic', $didit, NULL, $r1 + 5) or porterstemmer_suffix($tmp, 'ical', 'ic', $didit, NULL, $r1 + 4) or porterstemmer_suffix($tmp, 'ness', '', $didit, NULL, $r1 + 4) or porterstemmer_suffix($tmp, 'ful', '', $didit, NULL, $r1 + 3);
  return porterstemmer_step_ending($word, $tmp);

 * Step 4 of algorithm: misc endings in region R2.
 * @param $word
 *   Word to stem, modified in place if successful.
 * @param $r2
 *   Position of start of R2 region in word.
 * @return
 *   TRUE if it is time to stop stemming, FALSE to continue.
function porterstemmer_step4(&$word, $r2) {
  $tmp = $word;
  $didit = FALSE;
  porterstemmer_suffix($tmp, 'ement', '', $didit, NULL, $r2 + 5) or porterstemmer_suffix($tmp, 'able', '', $didit, NULL, $r2 + 4) or porterstemmer_suffix($tmp, 'ance', '', $didit, NULL, $r2 + 4) or porterstemmer_suffix($tmp, 'ence', '', $didit, NULL, $r2 + 4) or porterstemmer_suffix($tmp, 'ible', '', $didit, NULL, $r2 + 4) or porterstemmer_suffix($tmp, 'ment', '', $didit, NULL, $r2 + 4) or porterstemmer_suffix($tmp, 'ant', '', $didit, NULL, $r2 + 3) or porterstemmer_suffix($tmp, 'ate', '', $didit, NULL, $r2 + 3) or porterstemmer_suffix($tmp, 'ent', '', $didit, NULL, $r2 + 3) or porterstemmer_suffix($tmp, 'ion', '', $didit, '/[st]ion$/', $r2 + 3) or porterstemmer_suffix($tmp, 'ism', '', $didit, NULL, $r2 + 3) or porterstemmer_suffix($tmp, 'iti', '', $didit, NULL, $r2 + 3) or porterstemmer_suffix($tmp, 'ive', '', $didit, NULL, $r2 + 3) or porterstemmer_suffix($tmp, 'ize', '', $didit, NULL, $r2 + 3) or porterstemmer_suffix($tmp, 'ous', '', $didit, NULL, $r2 + 3) or porterstemmer_suffix($tmp, 'al', '', $didit, NULL, $r2 + 2) or porterstemmer_suffix($tmp, 'er', '', $didit, NULL, $r2 + 2) or porterstemmer_suffix($tmp, 'ic', '', $didit, NULL, $r2 + 2);
  return porterstemmer_step_ending($word, $tmp);

 * Step 5 of algorithm: e, l endings in region R1/R2.
 * @param $word
 *   Word to stem, modified in place if successful.
 * @param $r1
 *   Position of start of R1 region in word.
 * @param $r2
 *   Position of start of R2 region in word.
 * @return
 *   TRUE if it is time to stop stemming, FALSE to continue.
function porterstemmer_step5(&$word, $r1, $r2) {
  $tmp = $word;
  $didit = FALSE;
  $done = FALSE;

  // Delete l at end of word if in R2 and preceded by another l
  $done = porterstemmer_suffix($tmp, 'll', 'l', $didit, NULL, $r2 + 1);

  // Delete e at end of word if in R2, or in R1 and not preceded by
  // a short syllable
  $len = drupal_strlen($tmp);
  if (!$done && preg_match('/e$/', $tmp) && ($len > $r2 || $len > $r1 && !preg_match('/^' . PORTERSTEMMER_VOWEL . PORTERSTEMMER_NOT_VOWEL . 'e$/', $tmp) && !preg_match('/' . PORTERSTEMMER_NOT_VOWEL . PORTERSTEMMER_VOWEL . PORTERSTEMMER_NOT_VOWEL_WXY . 'e$/', $tmp))) {
    $tmp = drupal_substr($tmp, 0, -1);
  return porterstemmer_step_ending($word, $tmp);

 * Checks exceptions for Porter Stemmer.
 * @param $word
 *   Word to stem, modified in place if successful.
 * @return
 *   TRUE if it is time to stop stemming, FALSE to continue.
function porterstemmer_exception1(&$word) {

  // Special cases for stemming. Don't add anything in this list that
  // is shorter than the minimum allowed length!
  $repl = array(
    'skis' => 'ski',
    'skies' => 'sky',
    'dying' => 'die',
    'lying' => 'lie',
    'tying' => 'tie',
    'idly' => 'idl',
    'gently' => 'gentl',
    'ugly' => 'ugli',
    'early' => 'earli',
    'only' => 'onli',
    'singly' => 'singl',
    'sky' => 'sky',
    'news' => 'news',
    'howe' => 'howe',
    'atlas' => 'atlas',
    'cosmos' => 'cosmos',
    'bias' => 'bias',
    'andes' => 'andes',

  // If our word is in that list, we're done.
  if (isset($repl[$word])) {
    $word = $repl[$word];
    return TRUE;
  return FALSE;

 * Checks exceptions for Porter Stemmer after Step 1a.
 * @param $word
 *   Word to stem, modified in place if successful.
 * @return
 *   TRUE if it is time to stop stemming, FALSE to continue.
function porterstemmer_exception2(&$word) {

  // The following words are to be left invariant.
  $repl = array(
    'inning' => 1,
    'outing' => 1,
    'canning' => 1,
    'herring' => 1,
    'earring' => 1,
    'proceed' => 1,
    'exceed' => 1,
    'succeed' => 1,
  if (isset($repl[$word])) {
    return TRUE;
  return FALSE;


Namesort descending Description
porterstemmer_exception1 Checks exceptions for Porter Stemmer.
porterstemmer_exception2 Checks exceptions for Porter Stemmer after Step 1a.
porterstemmer_help Implements hook_help().
porterstemmer_poststemming Turn Y back into y to undo pre-processing.
porterstemmer_prestemming Pre-processes a word for the Porter Stemmer 2 algorithm.
porterstemmer_sbp_excerpt_match Implementation of hook_sbp_excerpt_match().
porterstemmer_search_preprocess Implementation of hook_search_preprocess().
porterstemmer_short_word Checks to see if a word is considered "short" in Porter Stemmer 2.
porterstemmer_stem Stems a word, using the Porter Stemmer 2 algorithm.
porterstemmer_step0 Step 0 of the algorithm: remove possessive endings.
porterstemmer_step1a Step 1a of algorithm: plurals, etc.
porterstemmer_step1b Step 1b of algorithm: eed, eedly, ed, edly, ing, ingly
porterstemmer_step1c Step 1c of algorithm: y suffixes
porterstemmer_step2 Step 2 of algorithm: misc endings in region R1.
porterstemmer_step3 Step 3 of algorithm: misc endings in region R1.
porterstemmer_step4 Step 4 of algorithm: misc endings in region R2.
porterstemmer_step5 Step 5 of algorithm: e, l endings in region R1/R2.
porterstemmer_step_ending Replaces word and calculates return value for steps.
porterstemmer_suffix Replaces one word ending with another, if tests pass.
porterstemmer_too_short Returns TRUE if word is too short to continue stemming.
_porterstemmer_pecl_loaded Checks to see if the PECL stem extension has been loaded.


Namesort descending Description
PORTERSTEMMER_BOUNDARY Regular expression defining a word boundary for Porter Stemmer.
PORTERSTEMMER_DOUBLE Regular expression defining a double consonant for Porter Stemmer.
PORTERSTEMMER_LI_END Regular expression defining an li-ending for Porter Stemmer.
PORTERSTEMMER_NOT_VOWEL Regular expression defining not a vowel for Porter Stemmer.
PORTERSTEMMER_NOT_VOWEL_WXY Regular expression defining not a vowel, w, x, or Y, for Porter Stemmer.
PORTERSTEMMER_VOWEL Regular expression defining a vowel for Porter Stemmer.