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function patterns_utils_check_keys in Patterns 7.2

Powerful tool to validate component input parameters

User can add sets of conditions, that will be evaluated together. A detailed error message is created with all failing conditions.

Supported conditions: 'mandatory', 'at_least_one', 'one_and_only_one', 'exclusive'.

Conditions must be inserted as a new element of the checkings array, in the form: array('type' => params). E.g.

$kchecks = array(); $kchecks[] = array('mandatory', array('key1', 'key2', 'key3'); $kchecks[] = array('at_least_one', array('key4', 'key5', 'key6');


array $data The array to validate:

array $kchecks The array of conditions :

See also



includes/, line 267
Collectiion of general purpose functions.


function patterns_utils_check_keys($data, $kchecks = array(), &$msg, $BR = '<br/>') {
  $msg_mandatory = NULL;
  $msg_init_mandatory = t("The following mandatory keys are missing: ");
  $msg_exclusive = NULL;
  $msg_init_exclusive = t("The following keys are mutually exclusive: ");
  $count_exclusive = NULL;
  $msg_at_least_one = NULL;
  $msg_init_at_least_one = t("At least one key of the following key must be present: ");
  $found_at_least_one = NULL;
  $msg_one_and_only_one = NULL;
  $msg_init_one_and_only_one = t("Exactly one item of each group must be present. Zero, or more than one found: ");
  $count_one_and_only_one = NULL;
  foreach ($kchecks as $check) {
    $type = key($check);
    $set = current($check);
    if ($type == 'exclusive') {
      $found_exclusive = 0;
      foreach ($set as $k) {
        if (isset($data[$k])) {
          if ($found_exclusive > 1) {
      if ($found_exclusive > 1) {
        $group_exclusive = '(' . implode(', ', $set) . ')';
        if (is_null($msg_exclusive)) {
          $msg_exclusive = $msg_init_exclusive . $group_exclusive;
          $status = PATTERNS_ERR;
        else {
          $msg_exclusive .= ', ' . $group_exclusive;
    if ($type == 'at_least_one') {
      $found_at_least_one = FALSE;
      foreach ($set as $k) {
        if (isset($data[$k])) {
          $found_at_least_one = TRUE;
      if (!$found_at_least_one) {
        $group_at_least_one = '(' . implode(', ', $set) . ')';
        if (is_null($msg_at_least_one)) {
          $msg_at_least_one = $msg_init_at_least_one . $group_at_least_one;
          $status = PATTERNS_ERR;
        else {
          $msg_at_least_one .= ', ' . $group_at_least_one;
    if ($type == 'one_and_only_one') {
      $count_one_and_only_one = 0;
      foreach ($set as $k) {
        if (isset($data[$k])) {
          if ($count_one_and_only_one > 1) {
      if ($count_one_and_only_one != 1) {
        $group_one_and_only_one = '(' . implode(', ', $set) . ')';
        if (is_null($msg_at_least_one)) {
          $msg_one_and_only_one = $msg_init_one_and_only_one . $group_one_and_only_one;
          $status = PATTERNS_ERR;
        else {
          $msg_one_and_only_one .= ', ' . $group_one_and_only_one;
    if ($type == 'mandatory') {
      foreach ($set as $k) {
        if (!isset($data[$k])) {
          if (is_null($msg_mandatory)) {
            $msg_mandatory = $msg_init_mandatory . $k;
            $status = PATTERNS_ERR;
          else {
            $msg_mandatory .= ', ' . $k;

  // end kcheck
  // update error msg
  if ($status == PATTERNS_ERR) {
    $msg = is_null($msg_mandatory) ? $msg : $msg_mandatory;
    $msg = is_null($msg_one_and_only_one) ? $msg : $msg . (is_null($msg) ? $msg_one_and_only_one : $BR . $msg_one_and_only_one);
    $msg = is_null($msg_at_least_one) ? $msg : $msg . (is_null($msg) ? $msg_at_least_one : $BR . $msg_at_least_one);
    $msg = is_null($msg_exclusive) ? $msg : $msg . (is_null($msg) ? $msg_exclusive : $BR . $msg_exclusive);
  return $status;