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constant PATTERNS_SUCCESS in Patterns 7.2

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 7 includes/ \PATTERNS_SUCCESS
block_create in patterns_components/components/
Wraps several calls to several drupal_form_submit to create a block. Depending on the type of block (custom or not), a different amount of records will be inserted.
block_delete in patterns_components/components/
Wraps several a call to drupal_form_submit to delete the settings of a block. This operation is only available for custom blocks (as well as it happens in the UI) since blocks created by custom modules cannot be deleted (only disabled through status)
block_modify in patterns_components/components/
Wraps several calls to several drupal_form_submit to update the settings of a block. This operation affects only the block table, block_custom table is not affected in case is a custom block
block_node_type_create in patterns_components/components/
Wraps a call to drupal_form_submit to define a visualization relationship between the given block and content type
block_node_type_delete in patterns_components/components/
Wraps a call to drupal_form_submit to remove a visualization relationship between the given block and content type

... See full list


includes/, line 28


define('PATTERNS_SUCCESS', 1);