utils.inc in Patterns 7.2
Same filename and directory in other branches
Collectiion of general purpose functions.
includes/utils.incView source
* @file
* Collectiion of general purpose functions.
function patterns_utils_is_macro_enabled() {
$list = module_list();
return isset($list["macro"]) ? TRUE : FALSE;
* Checks a pattern identifier (numeric or alphanumeric) and if it not
* valid displays an error message and redirect the user to the specified page.
* If the pattern is valid, returns it.
* If no page is specified redirects to '/admin/patterns/'.
* @param mixed $pattern the pattern identifier
* @param mixed $back the page to redirect to (default '/admin/patterns/')
* @param array $options an associative array of extra options. E.g.
* $options('numeric' => TRUE) enforces that the pattern id must be numeric.
function patterns_utils_if_invalid_go_back($pattern = NULL, $back = '/admin/patterns/', $options = array()) {
$id = $pattern;
// store a reference to the original parameter
if (isset($options['numeric'])) {
if (!is_numeric($pattern)) {
drupal_set_message(t('You must specify a valid id for the pattern.'));
return FALSE;
$pattern = patterns_get_pattern($pattern);
if (!$pattern) {
drupal_set_message(t('No pattern was found with the given id: %id', array(
'%id' => $id,
)), 'error');
return $pattern;
* Helper function to get PHPDoc @version tag from a file
function patterns_utils_get_phpdoc_version($path) {
$version = 'unknown';
$needle = '@version ';
if (file_exists($path)) {
$fp = @fopen($path, 'r');
if ($fp) {
while (!feof($fp)) {
$occurence = stristr(fgets($fp), $needle);
if ($occurence) {
// FALSE if stristr found nothing
return rtrim(substr($occurence, strlen($needle)));
return $version;
* Returns a string representation of a pattern object or array.
* If an id or the name of the pattern is passed, it tries
* to load it, and then constructs the name of the pattern.
* @param mixed $pattern
function patterns_utils_toString($pattern = NULL) {
$pattern = _patterns_db_get_pattern($pattern);
if (!$pattern) {
return FALSE;
return $pattern->name . ' (' . $pattern->title . ')';
* Generate an array representing a standard info section of a pattern.
* Default values for empty parameters are passed, e.g. the current user
* for the author, and author's email and the url of the Drupal web site
* for the author's web site.
* @param mixed $category
* @param mixed $descr
* @param mixed $v
* @param mixed $core
* @param mixed $user
* @param mixed $base_root
// TODO: t()
function patterns_utils_generate_info_section($title = 'Untitled Pattern', $category = 'General', $descr = 'No description', $v = '1.0', $core = 'x.y', $user = NULL, $base_root = NULL) {
if (is_null($user)) {
global $user;
if (is_null($base_root)) {
global $base_root;
$info = array(
'info' => array(),
$info['info']['title'] = $title;
$info['info']['author'] = $user->name;
$info['info']['category'] = $category;
$info['info']['description'] = $descr;
$info['info']['core'] = $core;
$info['info']['author'] = $user->name;
$info['info']['author_email'] = $user->mail;
$info['info']['author_website'] = $base_root;
return $info;
* Checks if current configuration of php enables open remote files
* for reading.
function patterns_utils_is_fopenurl_enabled() {
return ini_get('allow_url_fopen') ? TRUE : FALSE;
* Take as input an array representing the pattern code or the pattern as
* extracted from the database and looks for the specified key.
* In the following order returns:
* - the $value parameter, if not NULL
* - the value of the key if found in the INFO section
* - the value of the key if found in the first level of the array
* - NULL or $fallback if the key is not found
* @param mixed $key the key to look for
* @param array $patterm the array to inspect
* @param mixed $value a default value for the key
* @param mixes $fallback to return instead of NULL, if no key is found
function patterns_utils_init_from_pattern($key, $pattern, $value = NULL, $fallback = NULL) {
if (!is_null($value)) {
return $value;
if (isset($pattern['info'])) {
if (isset($pattern['info'][$key])) {
return $pattern['info'][$key];
if (isset($pattern[$key])) {
return $pattern[$key];
return $fallback;
* Helper function to find out whether a module is currently installed
* @param mixed $module String representing the name of the module
* @return Bool TRUE If the module is currently installed
function patterns_utils_is_module_available($module = NULL) {
if (is_null($module)) {
return FALSE;
$modules = system_rebuild_module_data();
return isset($modules[$module]) ? TRUE : FALSE;
* Helper function to find out whether a module is currently enabled
* @param mixed $module String representing the name of the module
* @return Bool TRUE If the module is currently enabled
function patterns_utils_is_module_enabled($module = NULL) {
if (is_null($module)) {
return FALSE;
$modules = module_list();
return isset($modules[$module]) ? TRUE : FALSE;
* Checks whether the public patterns page has been enabled.
* @return Bool TRUE, if a valid url was specified for the
* public patterns page.
function patterns_utils_is_public_page_enabled() {
return variable_get('patterns_public_url', '') != '' ? TRUE : FALSE;
* Checks whether the current page is the public patterns page
* @return Bool TRUE, if the current page is the public patterns page
function patterns_utils_is_public_page() {
$f = variable_get('site_frontpage', '');
$p = variable_get(PATTERNS_PUBLIC_URL, '');
if ($f == $p) {
return drupal_is_front_page();
return request_path() == $p ? TRUE : FALSE;
* Enhanced version of array_key_exists with support for array of keys
* Returns an associative array where to each key is associated the
* logical value TRUE if it was found in the test array, FALSE otherwise.
* @param mixed|Array $key
* The key or set of keys to test
* @return Array $out
* Associative array of boolean values for each key
* @see array_key_exists
* @see patterns_utils_check_keys
function patterns_utils_key_exists($key = NULL, $array = array()) {
$out = array();
if (!isset($key)) {
return $out;
if (!is_array($key)) {
$key = array(
if (count($key) === 0) {
return $out;
foreach ($key as $k) {
$out[$k] = array_key_exists($k, $array);
return $out;
* Powerful tool to validate component input parameters
* User can add sets of conditions, that will be evaluated together.
* A detailed error message is created with all failing conditions.
* Supported conditions: 'mandatory', 'at_least_one', 'one_and_only_one',
* 'exclusive'.
* Conditions must be inserted as a new element of the checkings array,
* in the form: array('type' => params). E.g.
* $kchecks = array();
* $kchecks[] = array('mandatory', array('key1', 'key2', 'key3');
* $kchecks[] = array('at_least_one', array('key4', 'key5', 'key6');
* @param array $data The array to validate
* @param array $kchecks The array of conditions
* @see patterns_utils_key_exists
function patterns_utils_check_keys($data, $kchecks = array(), &$msg, $BR = '<br/>') {
$msg_mandatory = NULL;
$msg_init_mandatory = t("The following mandatory keys are missing: ");
$msg_exclusive = NULL;
$msg_init_exclusive = t("The following keys are mutually exclusive: ");
$count_exclusive = NULL;
$msg_at_least_one = NULL;
$msg_init_at_least_one = t("At least one key of the following key must be present: ");
$found_at_least_one = NULL;
$msg_one_and_only_one = NULL;
$msg_init_one_and_only_one = t("Exactly one item of each group must be present. Zero, or more than one found: ");
$count_one_and_only_one = NULL;
foreach ($kchecks as $check) {
$type = key($check);
$set = current($check);
if ($type == 'exclusive') {
$found_exclusive = 0;
foreach ($set as $k) {
if (isset($data[$k])) {
if ($found_exclusive > 1) {
if ($found_exclusive > 1) {
$group_exclusive = '(' . implode(', ', $set) . ')';
if (is_null($msg_exclusive)) {
$msg_exclusive = $msg_init_exclusive . $group_exclusive;
$status = PATTERNS_ERR;
else {
$msg_exclusive .= ', ' . $group_exclusive;
if ($type == 'at_least_one') {
$found_at_least_one = FALSE;
foreach ($set as $k) {
if (isset($data[$k])) {
$found_at_least_one = TRUE;
if (!$found_at_least_one) {
$group_at_least_one = '(' . implode(', ', $set) . ')';
if (is_null($msg_at_least_one)) {
$msg_at_least_one = $msg_init_at_least_one . $group_at_least_one;
$status = PATTERNS_ERR;
else {
$msg_at_least_one .= ', ' . $group_at_least_one;
if ($type == 'one_and_only_one') {
$count_one_and_only_one = 0;
foreach ($set as $k) {
if (isset($data[$k])) {
if ($count_one_and_only_one > 1) {
if ($count_one_and_only_one != 1) {
$group_one_and_only_one = '(' . implode(', ', $set) . ')';
if (is_null($msg_at_least_one)) {
$msg_one_and_only_one = $msg_init_one_and_only_one . $group_one_and_only_one;
$status = PATTERNS_ERR;
else {
$msg_one_and_only_one .= ', ' . $group_one_and_only_one;
if ($type == 'mandatory') {
foreach ($set as $k) {
if (!isset($data[$k])) {
if (is_null($msg_mandatory)) {
$msg_mandatory = $msg_init_mandatory . $k;
$status = PATTERNS_ERR;
else {
$msg_mandatory .= ', ' . $k;
// end kcheck
// update error msg
if ($status == PATTERNS_ERR) {
$msg = is_null($msg_mandatory) ? $msg : $msg_mandatory;
$msg = is_null($msg_one_and_only_one) ? $msg : $msg . (is_null($msg) ? $msg_one_and_only_one : $BR . $msg_one_and_only_one);
$msg = is_null($msg_at_least_one) ? $msg : $msg . (is_null($msg) ? $msg_at_least_one : $BR . $msg_at_least_one);
$msg = is_null($msg_exclusive) ? $msg : $msg . (is_null($msg) ? $msg_exclusive : $BR . $msg_exclusive);
return $status;
* Returns TRUE if patterns is executed via cli
* Useful for detecting if patterns is running via drush
* @return Boolean TRUE, if the script is executed in cli
function patterns_utils_is_cli() {
return php_sapi_name() == "cli";
* Generates a Universally Unique IDentifier, version 4.
* RFC 4122 (http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc4122.txt) defines a special type of Globally
* Unique IDentifiers (GUID), as well as several methods for producing them. One
* such method, described in section 4.4, is based on truly random or pseudo-random
* number generators, and is therefore implementable in a language like PHP.
* We choose to produce pseudo-random numbers with the Mersenne Twister, and to always
* limit single generated numbers to 16 bits (ie. the decimal value 65535). That is
* because, even on 32-bit systems, PHP's RAND_MAX will often be the maximum *signed*
* value, with only the equivalent of 31 significant bits. Producing two 16-bit random
* numbers to make up a 32-bit one is less efficient, but guarantees that all 32 bits
* are random.
* The algorithm for version 4 UUIDs (ie. those based on random number generators)
* states that all 128 bits separated into the various fields (32 bits, 16 bits, 16 bits,
* 8 bits and 8 bits, 48 bits) should be random, except : (a) the version number should
* be the last 4 bits in the 3rd field, and (b) bits 6 and 7 of the 4th field should
* be 01. We try to conform to that definition as efficiently as possible, generating
* smaller values where possible, and minimizing the number of base conversions.
* @copyright Copyright (c) CFD Labs, 2006. This function may be used freely for
* any purpose ; it is distributed without any form of warranty whatsoever.
* @author David Holmes <dholmes@cfdsoftware.net>
* @return string A UUID, made up of 32 hex digits and 4 hyphens.
function patterns_utils_get_uuuid() {
// The field names refer to RFC 4122 section 4.1.2
return sprintf('%04x%04x-%04x-%03x4-%04x-%04x%04x%04x', mt_rand(0, 65535), mt_rand(0, 65535), mt_rand(0, 65535), mt_rand(0, 4095), bindec(substr_replace(sprintf('%016b', mt_rand(0, 65535)), '01', 6, 2)), mt_rand(0, 65535), mt_rand(0, 65535), mt_rand(0, 65535));
Name | Description |
patterns_utils_check_keys | Powerful tool to validate component input parameters |
patterns_utils_generate_info_section | |
patterns_utils_get_phpdoc_version | Helper function to get PHPDoc @version tag from a file |
patterns_utils_get_uuuid | Generates a Universally Unique IDentifier, version 4. |
patterns_utils_if_invalid_go_back | Checks a pattern identifier (numeric or alphanumeric) and if it not valid displays an error message and redirect the user to the specified page. If the pattern is valid, returns it. |
patterns_utils_init_from_pattern | Take as input an array representing the pattern code or the pattern as extracted from the database and looks for the specified key. |
patterns_utils_is_cli | Returns TRUE if patterns is executed via cli |
patterns_utils_is_fopenurl_enabled | Checks if current configuration of php enables open remote files for reading. |
patterns_utils_is_macro_enabled | @file Collectiion of general purpose functions. |
patterns_utils_is_module_available | Helper function to find out whether a module is currently installed |
patterns_utils_is_module_enabled | Helper function to find out whether a module is currently enabled |
patterns_utils_is_public_page | Checks whether the current page is the public patterns page |
patterns_utils_is_public_page_enabled | Checks whether the public patterns page has been enabled. |
patterns_utils_key_exists | Enhanced version of array_key_exists with support for array of keys |
patterns_utils_toString | Returns a string representation of a pattern object or array. If an id or the name of the pattern is passed, it tries to load it, and then constructs the name of the pattern. |