function panels_get_layout in Panels 5
Same name and namespace in other branches
- 5.2 includes/ \panels_get_layout()
- 6.3 includes/ \panels_get_layout()
- 6.2 includes/ \panels_get_layout()
- 7.3 includes/ \panels_get_layout()
3 calls to panels_get_layout()
- panels_panels_page in ./
panels.module - panels_print_layout in ./
panels.module - For external use: Given a layout ID and a $content array, return the finished layout.
- theme_panels_edit_form in ./
panels.module - Display the form to edit a panels.
- ./
panels.module, line 768
function panels_get_layout($layout, $content) {
$output = theme($layout['theme'], check_plain($layout['css_id']), $content);
if ($output) {
if (file_exists(path_to_theme() . '/' . $layout['css'])) {
drupal_add_css(path_to_theme() . '/' . $layout['css']);
else {
drupal_add_css(drupal_get_path('module', $layout['module']) . '/' . $layout['css']);
return $output;