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Files in Openlayers 6

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API.txt docs/API.txt This file contains the main API functions for OpenLayers and its sub-modules. Please refer to the project page for more up to date information and documentation: * Advanced…
openlayers-about.html help/openlayers-about.html
openlayers-administration-library.html help/openlayers-administration-library.html
openlayers-administration.html help/openlayers-administration.html
openlayers-api-api.html help/openlayers-api-api.html
openlayers-api-hooks.html help/openlayers-api-hooks.html
openlayers-api-theming.html help/openlayers-api-theming.html
openlayers-api.html help/openlayers-api.html
openlayers-map-array-behaviors.html help/openlayers-map-array-behaviors.html
openlayers-map-array-controls.html help/openlayers-map-array-controls.html
openlayers-map-array-events.html help/openlayers-map-array-events.html
openlayers-map-array-features.html help/openlayers-map-array-features.html
openlayers-map-array-layers.html help/openlayers-map-array-layers.html
openlayers-map-array-options.html help/openlayers-map-array-options.html
openlayers-map-array-properties.html help/openlayers-map-array-properties.html
openlayers-map-array-styles.html help/openlayers-map-array-styles.html
openlayers-map-array.html help/openlayers-map-array.html includes/ This file holds the functions for the openlayers Admin settings.
openlayers.api.php docs/openlayers.api.php Hooks provided by the OpenLayers suite of modules.
openlayers.css openlayers.css OpenLayers Main CSS includes/ OpenLayers Features Support name = OpenLayers description = OpenLayers base API module core = 6.x package = OpenLayers php = 5.2
openlayers.install openlayers.install This file holds the functions for the installing and enabling of the openlayers module. includes/ This file contains layer instances for the default openlayers WMS
openlayers.module openlayers.module Main OpenLayers API File includes/ This file holds the hook implementations for the Module Builder module. includes/ This file holds the functions the extra processing of rendering a map includes/ This file contains styles instances used for defaults
openlayers.test tests/openlayers.test Main OpenLayers Test file includes/ This file holds the theme functions for openlayers module modules/openlayers_behaviors/includes/ This file holds the main Drupal hook functions and private functions for the openlayers_behaviors module.
openlayers_behaviors.css modules/openlayers_behaviors/openlayers_behaviors.css CSS for general behavoirs modules/openlayers_behaviors/ name = OpenLayers Behaviors description = Provides a wide range of map 'behaviors' - pluggable map interactivities such as pop-ups, tooltips, and feature editing. core = 6.x package = OpenLayers dependencies[] = openlayers
openlayers_behaviors.install modules/openlayers_behaviors/openlayers_behaviors.install This file holds the functions for the installing and enabling of the openlayers_behaviors module.
openlayers_behaviors.module modules/openlayers_behaviors/openlayers_behaviors.module This file holds the main Drupal hook functions and private functions for the openlayers_behaviors module. modules/openlayers_behaviors/includes/ This file holds the theme functions for openlayers behaviors module
openlayers_cck.css modules/openlayers_cck/openlayers_cck.css .openlayers-cck-feature-selected { border: 2px solid blue; } modules/openlayers_cck/includes/ This file holds the Feeds module integration with the OpenLayers CCK module. modules/openlayers_cck/ name = OpenLayers CCK description = Provides CCK fields and widgets through an OpenLayers interface. core = 6.x package = OpenLayers dependencies[] = openlayers dependencies[] = openlayers_behaviors dependencies[] = content
openlayers_cck.install modules/openlayers_cck/openlayers_cck.install This file holds the functions for the installing and enabling of the openlayers_cck module.
openlayers_cck.module modules/openlayers_cck/openlayers_cck.module This file holds the main Drupal hook functions and private functions for the openlayers_cck module. modules/openlayers_filters/ name = OpenLayers Filters description = The OpenLayers Filters module provides input filters to allow for inline maps. core = 6.x package = OpenLayers dependencies[] = openlayers
openlayers_filters.install modules/openlayers_filters/openlayers_filters.install This file holds the functions for the installing and enabling of the openlayers_filters module.
openlayers_filters.module modules/openlayers_filters/openlayers_filters.module This file holds the main Drupal hook functions and private functions for the openlayers_filters module. modules/openlayers_layers/includes/ This file holds the functions for the openlayers layers Admin settings. modules/openlayers_layers/ name = OpenLayers Layers description = Provides many layers for the OpenLayers module. core = 6.x package = OpenLayers dependencies[] = openlayers
openlayers_layers.install modules/openlayers_layers/openlayers_layers.install This file holds the functions for the installing and enabling of the openlayers_layers module. modules/openlayers_layers/includes/ This file holds the main Drupal hook functions and private functions for the openlayers module.
openlayers_layers.module modules/openlayers_layers/openlayers_layers.module This file holds the main Drupal hook functions and private functions for the openlayers_layers module.
openlayers_presets_ui.css modules/openlayers_presets_ui/openlayers_presets_ui.css OpenLayers Preset UI Main CSS


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