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openlayers-map-array-controls.html in Openlayers 6


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Controls available in map arrays.  Example:

'controls' => array(
  'LayerSwitcher' => TRUE,
  'Navigation' => TRUE,
  'PanZoomBar' => TRUE,
  'MousePosition' => TRUE,

        <dd>Allows layers to provide attribution to the map if it exists.</dd>
        <dd>Provides a the ability to use the keyboard to pan and zoom map.</dd>
        <dd>Gives user ability to switch Layers in the map interface.</dd>
        <dd>Gives a visual indication of the mouse position to the user.</dd>
        <dd>Gives the user the ability to navigate the map interface. This needs to be enabled in order for ZoomBox to function.</dd>
        <dd>Gives user ability to pan and zoom in the map interface.</dd>
        <dd>Provides a URL that will link to a specific map position.</dd>
        <dd>Provides the user with a line of scale in the map interface.</dd>
        <dd>Allows user to draw a box on screen to zoom with Shift + Click. The Navigation control needs to be enabled for this to function.</dd>
        <dd>Provides button to zoom to the maximum extent of the map.</dd>