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openlayers-map-array-features.html in Openlayers 6


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Features can be added in a number of ways through the interface.  To directly add them in the map array, they must go into a specific Vector layer.  Example of layer with features:

'feature_example' => array(
  'id' => 'feature_example',
  'type' => 'Vector',
  'name' => t('Default Vector'),
  'options' => array(),
  'events' => array(),
  'features' => array(
    'feature_1' => array(
      'wkt' => 'POLYGON((1 1,5 1,5 5,1 5,1 1),(2 2, 3 2, 3 3, 2 3,2 2))',
      'attributes' => array(
        'name' => 'A Polygon with a hole in it',
        'date' => 'December 24, 2004',
        'author' => 'Santa Claus',
      'style' => array(
        'fillColor' => '#aa4400',
        'fillOpacity' => '0.7',
    'feature_2' => array(
      'lat' => '40.123',
      'lon' => '-20.123',
      'attributes' => array(
        'name' => 'A point',
        'date' => 'December 24, 2004',
        'author' => 'Rudolf',
      'style' => array(
        'externalGraphic' => '',
        'graphicWidth' => 21,
        'graphicHeight' => 25,
        'graphicXOffset' => 10,
        'graphicYOffset' => 10,

        <dd>The array that is in the Vector layer.  This array will have unique string keys for the actual feature array.</dd>
  'feature_1' => array( .. ),
  'feature_2' => array( .. ),
        <dd>The feature can either be defined by a WKT string or a lat, lon pair.</dd>
        <dd>'POINT(12 12)'</dd>
        <dd>string (float)</dd>
        <dd>If not using the WKT field, you can specify a point with lat and lon.  This is the longitude part.</dd>
        <dd>string (float)</dd>
        <dd>If not using the WKT field, you can specify a point with lat and lon.  This is the latitude part.</dd>
        <dd>string (number)</dd>
        <dd>The projection of the feature.  This will be converted when the feature is added.</dd>
        <dd>Array of values to be passed along to the feature and stored with it.  These can be used for Tooltips and Popups, which by default display the <em>name</em> attribute.</dd>
  'name' => t('A Polygon with a hole in it'),
  'author' => t('Santa Claus'),
        <dd>Array of style data for specific feature.  By default, the default styles will be used.  See the section on <a href="&topic:openlayers/openlayers-map-array-styles&">Styles</a> for more all the otpions.</dd>
  'fillColor' => '#AA4400',
  'fillOpacity' => '0.7',