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openlayers-map-array-properties.html in Openlayers 6


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The following describes the basic properties that are available in the map array.

        <dd>This is the string identifier for the map used in PHP and Javascript.  It will be the HTML identifier as well.</dd>
        <dd>This should be unique.  The render function will assign an ID, if none is present.</dd>

        <dd>string (number)</dd>
        <dd>This is the main projection that will be used on the map.</dd>
        <dd>The default is 4326.</dd>

        <dd>The CSS valid width for the map.</dd>

        <dd>The CSS valid hright for the map.</dd>

        <dd>The default centering properties for the map, including lat, lon, and zoom.</dd>
  'lat' => 40,
  'lon' => 5,
  'zoom' => 5,