og.module in Organic groups 7
Same filename and directory in other branches
Enable users to create and manage groups with roles and permissions.
og.moduleView source
* @file
* Enable users to create and manage groups with roles and permissions.
// Load all Field module hooks for Organic groups.
require drupal_get_path('module', 'og') . '/og.field.inc';
define('OG_REQUIRED_CTOOLS_API', '2.0-alpha');
* Minimum CTools API version for organic groups migrate plugins.
define('OG_MIGRATE_REQUIRED_CTOOLS_API', '2.0-alpha');
* Define active group content states.
* When a user has this membership state they are considered to be of
* "member" role.
define('OG_STATE_ACTIVE', 1);
* Define pending group content states. The user is subscribed to the group
* but isn't an active member yet.
* When a user has this membership state they are considered to be of
* "non-member" role.
define('OG_STATE_PENDING', 2);
* Define blocked group content states. The user is rejected from the group.
* When a user has this membership state they are denided access to any
* group related action. This state, however, does not prevent user to
* access a group or group content node.
define('OG_STATE_BLOCKED', 3);
* Group audience field.
define('OG_AUDIENCE_FIELD', 'group_audience');
* Group audience widget.
define('OG_AUDIENCE_WIDGET', 'group_audience');
* Group audience widget.
define('OG_AUDIENCE_AUTOCOMPLETE_WIDGET', 'group_audience_autocomplete');
* Group field.
define('OG_GROUP_FIELD', 'group_group');
* Group default roles and permissions field.
define('OG_DEFAULT_ACCESS_FIELD', 'og_roles_permissions');
* The role name of group non-members.
define('OG_ANONYMOUS_ROLE', 'non-member');
* The role name of group member.
define('OG_AUTHENTICATED_ROLE', 'member');
* The role name of group administrator.
define('OG_ADMINISTRATOR_ROLE', 'administrator member');
* The default group membership type that is the bundle of group membership.
define('OG_MEMBERSHIP_TYPE_DEFAULT', 'og_membership_type_default');
* The name of the user's request field in the default group membership type.
define('OG_MEMBERSHIP_REQUEST_FIELD', 'og_membership_request');
* Implements hook_help().
function og_help($path, $arg) {
// Provide messages for og-migrate module.
if ($path != 'admin/config/group/group-migrate' && $path != 'batch' && strpos($path, '#') === FALSE && user_access('access administration pages') && og_needs_migrate()) {
if ($path == 'admin/reports/status') {
$message = t('Organic groups or one of its modules needs to migrate data.');
else {
if (module_exists('og_migrate')) {
$message = t('Organic groups or one of its modules needs to <a href="@url">migrate data</a>. After a successful execution you can disable it.', array(
'@url' => url('admin/config/group/group-migrate'),
else {
$message = t('Organic groups or one of its modules needs you to enable Organic groups migrate module.');
drupal_set_message($message, 'error');
switch ($path) {
case 'admin/help#og':
$path = drupal_get_path('module', 'og');
$output = '<p>' . t("Read the <a href='@url'>README.txt</a> file in the Organic groups module directory.", array(
'@url' => "/{$path}/README.txt",
)) . '</p>';
$output .= '<p>' . t("Information about Organic Groups can also be found on the module's<a href='@og'>documentation page</a>.", array(
'@og' => 'http://drupal.org/documentation/modules/og',
)) . '</p>';
return $output;
* Implements hook_entity_info().
function og_entity_info() {
$items['group'] = array(
'label' => t('OG group'),
'entity class' => 'OgGroup',
'controller class' => 'EntityAPIController',
'base table' => 'og',
'fieldable' => TRUE,
'entity keys' => array(
'id' => 'gid',
'label' => 'label',
'views controller class' => 'OgViewsController',
'metadata controller class' => 'OgMetadataController',
'module' => 'og',
'access callback' => 'og_group_entity_access',
'uri callback' => 'og_group_entity_uri',
$items['og_membership_type'] = array(
'label' => t('OG membership type'),
'controller class' => 'EntityAPIControllerExportable',
'entity class' => 'OgMembershipType',
'base table' => 'og_membership_type',
'fieldable' => TRUE,
'entity keys' => array(
'id' => 'id',
'label' => 'description',
'name' => 'name',
'exportable' => TRUE,
'export' => array(
'default hook' => 'default_og_membership_type',
'bundle of' => 'og_membership',
'module' => 'og',
'metadata controller class' => 'EntityDefaultMetadataController',
'views controller class' => 'EntityDefaultViewsController',
'access callback' => 'og_membership_type_access',
if (class_exists('OgMembershipTypeUIController')) {
$items['og_membership_type'] += array(
// Enable the entity API's admin UI.
'admin ui' => array(
// TODO: This path doesn't exist before OG-ui.
'path' => 'admin/config/group/group-membership',
'file' => 'includes/og.admin.inc',
'controller class' => 'OgMembershipTypeUIController',
$items['og_membership'] = array(
'label' => t('OG membership'),
'entity class' => 'OgMembership',
'controller class' => 'EntityAPIController',
'base table' => 'og_membership',
'fieldable' => TRUE,
'entity keys' => array(
'id' => 'id',
// The message has no label.
'label' => FALSE,
'bundle' => 'type',
'bundles' => array(),
'bundle keys' => array(
'bundle' => 'name',
'module' => 'og',
'metadata controller class' => 'OgMembershipMetadataController',
'views controller class' => 'OgMembershipViewsController',
'access callback' => 'og_membership_access',
// Add bundle info but bypass entity_load() as we cannot use it here.
if (db_table_exists('og_membership_type')) {
$memberships = db_select('og_membership_type', 'g')
foreach ($memberships as $type_name => $type) {
$items['og_membership']['bundles'][$type_name] = array(
//@todo do we need a short label too?
'label' => $type->name,
'admin' => array(
'path' => 'admin/config/group/group-membership/manage/%og_membership_type',
'real path' => 'admin/config/group/group-membership/manage/' . $type->name,
'bundle argument' => 5,
'access arguments' => array(
'administer group',
return $items;
* Implements hook_entity_property_info().
* - Add group metadata for every fieldable entity that is a group type.
* - Add group-membership metadata for every fieldable entity that is a group
* content type.
function og_entity_property_info() {
$info = array();
foreach (og_get_all_group_content_entity() as $entity_type => $name) {
$info[$entity_type]['properties']['og_membership'] = array(
'label' => t("Group memberships"),
'type' => 'list<og_membership>',
'description' => t("A list of all group memberships of the @name entity.", array(
'@name' => $name,
'getter callback' => 'og_get_properties',
foreach (og_get_all_group_entity() as $entity_type => $name) {
$info[$entity_type]['properties']['group'] = array(
'label' => t("Group"),
'type' => 'group',
'description' => t("The group associated with the @name entity.", array(
'@name' => $name,
'getter callback' => 'og_get_properties',
return $info;
* Property getter callback.
* @see OgMetadataController
* @see OgMembershipMetadataController
* @see og_entity_property_info()
function og_get_properties($entity, array $options, $name, $type) {
switch ($name) {
case 'manager':
return ($account = $entity
->user()) ? $account : NULL;
case 'members':
$return = array();
if (!empty($entity->gid)) {
$query = new EntityFieldQuery();
->entityCondition('entity_type', 'user')
->fieldCondition(OG_AUDIENCE_FIELD, 'gid', $entity->gid, '=');
$result = $query
if (!empty($result['user'])) {
$return = array_keys($result['user']);
return $return;
case 'og_membership':
list($id) = entity_extract_ids($type, $entity);
$query = new EntityFieldQuery();
$result = $query
->entityCondition('entity_type', 'og_membership')
->propertyCondition('entity_type', $type, '=')
->propertyCondition('etid', $id, '=')
return !empty($result['og_membership']) ? array_keys($result['og_membership']) : array();
case 'url':
$group = $entity;
$entity_from_group = $group
$return = entity_uri($group->entity_type, $entity_from_group);
return url($return['path'], $return['options'] + $options);
case 'group':
list($id) = entity_extract_ids($type, $entity);
$group = og_get_group($type, $id);
return $group ? $group : NULL;
* Getter callback to load the 'entity' property for groups or memberships.
function og_entity_getter($object) {
// We have to return the entity wrapped.
return entity_metadata_wrapper($object->entity_type, $object->etid);
* Entity property info setter callback to set the "entity" property for groups and memberships.
* As the property is of type entity, the value will be passed as a wrapped
* entity.
function og_entity_setter($object, $property_name, $wrapper) {
$object->entity_type = $wrapper
$object->etid = $wrapper
* Implements hook_default_og_membership_type().
function og_default_og_membership_type() {
$items = array();
$items['og_membership_type_default'] = entity_import('og_membership_type', '{
"name" : "og_membership_type_default",
"description" : "Default",
"rdf_mapping" : []
return $items;
* Implements hook_menu().
function og_menu() {
$items = array();
$items['group/autocomplete'] = array(
'title' => 'group autocomplete',
'page callback' => 'og_field_audience_autocomplete',
'access arguments' => array(
'access content',
'type' => MENU_CALLBACK,
return $items;
* Implements hook_modules_enabled().
function og_modules_enabled($modules) {
// Reset this cache first, since Drush can call this function multiple times
// before all modules are available.
foreach ($modules as $module) {
// Add default roles and permissions, if existing and not set yet.
* Implements hook_modules_uninstalled().
function og_modules_uninstalled($modules) {
// Delete module's permissions.
* Implementation of hook_ctools_plugin_directory().
function og_ctools_plugin_directory($module, $plugin) {
// Safety: go away if CTools is not at an appropriate version.
if (!module_invoke('ctools', 'api_version', OG_REQUIRED_CTOOLS_API)) {
if ($module == 'ctools' || $module == 'og_migrate') {
return 'plugins/' . $plugin;
* Implements hook_permission().
function og_permission() {
return array(
'administer group' => array(
'title' => t('Administer Organic groups permissions'),
'description' => t('Administer all groups and permissions.'),
* Implement hook_og_permission().
function og_og_permission() {
// Generate standard node permissions for all applicable node types.
$perms = array();
$perms['update group'] = array(
'title' => t('Edit group'),
'description' => t('Edit the group. Note: This permission controls only node entity type groups.'),
'default role' => array(
$perms['administer group'] = array(
'title' => t('Administer group'),
'description' => t('Manage group members and content in the group.'),
'default role' => array(
'restrict access' => TRUE,
foreach (node_permissions_get_configured_types() as $type) {
$perms = array_merge($perms, og_list_permissions($type));
return $perms;
* Implement hook_og_default_roles()
function og_og_default_roles() {
return array(
* Implement hook_node_access()
function og_node_access($node, $op, $account) {
$type = is_string($node) ? $node : (is_array($node) ? $node['type'] : $node->type);
if (in_array($op, array(
))) {
$access = og_user_access_entity('administer group', 'node', $node, $account);
if (is_null($access)) {
// The node isn't in an OG context, so no need to keep testing.
else {
$access = $access || og_user_access_entity("{$op} any {$type} content", 'node', $node, $account) || og_user_access_entity("{$op} own {$type} content", 'node', $node, $account) && $account->uid == $node->uid;
if (!$access && $op == 'update' && og_get_group('node', $node->nid)) {
// The node is a group, so check "update group" permission.
$access = og_user_access_entity('update group', 'node', $node, $account);
if ($access) {
// Check if OG should explicitly deny access or not.
return variable_get('og_node_access_strict', TRUE) ? NODE_ACCESS_DENY : NODE_ACCESS_IGNORE;
* Implementation of hook_views_api().
function og_views_api() {
return array(
'api' => 2,
'path' => drupal_get_path('module', 'og') . '/includes',
* Implements hook_entity_presave().
function og_entity_presave($entity, $type) {
if ($diff = og_entity_presave_group_audience_diff($entity, $type)) {
foreach (array(
) as $op) {
if (!empty($diff[$op])) {
foreach ($diff[$op] as $item) {
$item += array(
'state' => OG_STATE_ACTIVE,
'created' => time(),
'membership type' => OG_MEMBERSHIP_TYPE_DEFAULT,
'membership fields' => array(),
$values = array(
'entity type' => $type,
'entity' => $entity,
// The group might be deleted already, and since we don't bulk
// delete in such a case, we can't be sure it's there, so we just
// pass the group ID.
'gid' => $item['gid'],
'state' => $item['state'],
'membership type' => $item['membership type'],
'membership fields' => $item['membership fields'],
'created' => $item['created'],
call_user_func('og_membership_' . $op . '_on_entity_presave', $values);
* Implements hook_entity_insert().
function og_entity_insert($entity, $type) {
if (!empty($entity->{OG_AUDIENCE_FIELD}[LANGUAGE_NONE])) {
// Create group membership for each group the new entity belongs to.
list($id) = entity_extract_ids($type, $entity);
foreach ($entity->{OG_AUDIENCE_FIELD}[LANGUAGE_NONE] as $item) {
$item += array(
'membership type' => '',
'membership fields' => array(),
$group_membership = og_membership_create($item['gid'], $type, $id, array(
'membership type' => $item['membership type'],
'membership fields' => $item['membership fields'],
* Implements hook_entity_delete().
* Delete group membership of deleted entity.
function og_entity_delete($entity, $type) {
if (!empty($entity->{OG_AUDIENCE_FIELD}[LANGUAGE_NONE])) {
list($id) = entity_extract_ids($type, $entity);
foreach ($entity->{OG_AUDIENCE_FIELD}[LANGUAGE_NONE] as $item) {
// If the group is already deleted, all the group memberships were already
// deleted.
if ($group_membership = og_get_group_membership($item['gid'], $type, $id)) {
* Create a new group membership on entity presave.
* @see og_entity_presave().
function og_membership_insert_on_entity_presave($values = array()) {
// Create a new group membership entity.
list($id) = entity_extract_ids($values['entity type'], $values['entity']);
$group_membership = og_membership_create($values['gid'], $values['entity type'], $id, array(
'state' => $values['state'],
'membership type' => $values['membership type'],
'membership fields' => $values['membership fields'],
* Update an existing group membership on entity presave.
* @see og_entity_presave().
function og_membership_update_on_entity_presave($values = array()) {
// Update group membership entity.
list($id) = entity_extract_ids($values['entity type'], $values['entity']);
$group_membership = og_get_group_membership($values['gid'], $values['entity type'], $id);
// Just make sure we the group membership.
if (!$group_membership) {
// We know the state changed.
// see og_entity_presave_group_audience_diff().
$group_membership->state = $values['state'];
* Delete an existing group membership on entity presave.
* @see og_entity_presave().
function og_membership_delete_on_entity_presave($values = array()) {
// Delete group membership entity.
list($id) = entity_extract_ids($values['entity type'], $values['entity']);
// If the group is already deleted, all the group memberships were already
// deleted.
if ($group_membership = og_get_group_membership($values['gid'], $values['entity type'], $id)) {
* Implements hook_og_membership_insert().
function og_og_membership_insert($membership) {
if ($membership->entity_type == 'user' && module_exists('rules')) {
rules_invoke_event('og_user_insert', $membership, entity_metadata_wrapper('user', $membership->etid));
* Implements hook_og_membership_update().
function og_og_membership_update($membership) {
if ($membership->entity_type == 'user' && module_exists('rules')) {
if ($membership->original->state != OG_STATE_ACTIVE && $membership->state == OG_STATE_ACTIVE) {
rules_invoke_event('og_user_approved', $membership, entity_metadata_wrapper('user', $membership->etid));
if ($membership->original->state != OG_STATE_BLOCKED && $membership->state == OG_STATE_BLOCKED) {
rules_invoke_event('og_user_blocked', $membership, entity_metadata_wrapper('user', $membership->etid));
* Implements hook_og_membership_delete().
function og_og_membership_delete($membership) {
if ($membership->entity_type == 'user' && module_exists('rules')) {
rules_invoke_event('og_user_delete', $membership, entity_metadata_wrapper('user', $membership->etid));
* Get the difference in group audience for a presaved entity.
* @param $entity
* The presaved entity (i.e. with "original" key holding the unchanged
* entity).
* @param $type
* The entity type.
* @return
* Array with all the differences, or an empty array if none found.
function og_entity_presave_group_audience_diff($entity, $type) {
if (empty($entity->original) || empty($entity->{OG_AUDIENCE_FIELD})) {
$return = array(
'insert' => array(),
'update' => array(),
'delete' => array(),
$new_gids = array();
$original_gids = array();
$wrapper = entity_metadata_wrapper($type, $entity);
$group_memberships = array();
foreach ($wrapper->og_membership
->value() as $group_membership) {
$group_memberships[$group_membership->gid] = $group_membership;
if (isset($entity->{OG_AUDIENCE_FIELD}) && isset($entity->{OG_AUDIENCE_FIELD}[LANGUAGE_NONE])) {
foreach ($entity->{OG_AUDIENCE_FIELD}[LANGUAGE_NONE] as $item) {
$gid = $item['gid'];
if (empty($group_memberships[$gid])) {
// Empty group, assign default values.
$item += array(
'state' => OG_STATE_ACTIVE,
'created' => time(),
elseif (empty($item['state']) && empty($item['created'])) {
$item['state'] = $group_memberships[$gid]->state;
$item['created'] = $group_memberships[$gid]->created;
$new_gids[$gid] = $item;
// Instead of checking $entity->original, we get the group membership. This
// will allow egde cases, such as settings the group-audience field widget to
// accpet only a single group, but later, subscribing a user to another group
// via og_group(). By checking the group membership directly, we make sure we
// have all the real membership, not only the ones captured on group-audience
// field.
foreach ($wrapper->og_membership
->value() as $group_membership) {
$gid = $group_membership->gid;
$item = array(
'gid' => $group_membership->gid,
'state' => $group_membership->state,
'created' => $group_membership->created,
$original_gids[$gid] = $item;
if (empty($new_gids[$gid])) {
$return['delete'][] = $item;
// Check if the membership is new, or updating an existing one.
foreach ($new_gids as $gid => $item) {
if (empty($original_gids[$gid])) {
$return['insert'][] = $item;
elseif ($item['state'] != $original_gids[$gid]['state']) {
// This is an existing group. Update the group only if the state has
// changed.
$return['update'][] = $item;
return $return;
* Implements hook_form_alter().
* Add own validation handler to form that might have fields. We don't add it
* via hook_field_attach_form() since it's to early, and we might override the
* default validation handler. @see drupal_prepare_form().
function og_form_alter(&$form, $form_state, $form_id) {
if (!empty($form[OG_AUDIENCE_FIELD])) {
$form['#validate'][] = 'og_field_widget_form_validate';
* Implements hook_og_fields_info().
function og_og_fields_info() {
$items[OG_GROUP_FIELD] = array(
'type' => array(
'description' => t('Determine if this should be a group.'),
'field' => array(
'field_name' => OG_GROUP_FIELD,
'no_ui' => TRUE,
'type' => 'list_boolean',
'cardinality' => 1,
'settings' => array(
'allowed_values' => array(
0 => 'Not a group',
1 => 'Group',
'allowed_values_function' => '',
'instance' => array(
'label' => t('Group'),
'description' => t('Determine if this is an OG group.'),
'display_label' => 1,
'widget' => array(
'module' => 'options',
'settings' => array(),
'type' => 'options_onoff',
'weight' => 0,
'default_value' => array(
0 => array(
'value' => 1,
'view modes' => array(
'full' => array(
'label' => t('Full'),
'type' => 'og_group_subscribe',
'custom settings' => FALSE,
'teaser' => array(
'label' => t('Teaser'),
'type' => 'og_group_subscribe',
'custom settings' => FALSE,
$items[OG_DEFAULT_ACCESS_FIELD] = array(
'type' => array(
'description' => t('Determine if group should use default roles and permissions.'),
'field' => array(
'field_name' => OG_DEFAULT_ACCESS_FIELD,
'no_ui' => TRUE,
'type' => 'list_boolean',
'cardinality' => 1,
'settings' => array(
'allowed_values' => array(
0 => 'Use default roles and permissions',
1 => 'Override default roles and permissions',
'allowed_values_function' => '',
'instance' => array(
'label' => t('Group roles and permissions'),
'widget_type' => 'options_select',
'required' => TRUE,
// Use default role and permissions as default value.
'default_value' => array(
0 => array(
'value' => 0,
'view modes' => array(
'full' => array(
'label' => t('Full'),
'type' => 'list_default',
'custom settings' => FALSE,
'teaser' => array(
'label' => t('Teaser'),
'type' => 'list_default',
'custom settings' => FALSE,
$items[OG_AUDIENCE_FIELD] = array(
'type' => array(
'group content',
'description' => t('Determine to which groups this group content is assigned to.'),
'field' => array(
'field_name' => OG_AUDIENCE_FIELD,
'no_ui' => TRUE,
'type' => 'group',
'instance' => array(
'label' => t('Groups audience'),
'widget_type' => OG_AUDIENCE_FIELD,
'default_value_function' => 'og_field_audience_default_value',
'view modes' => array(
'full' => array(
'label' => t('Full'),
'type' => 'og_list_default',
'custom settings' => FALSE,
'teaser' => array(
'label' => t('Teaser'),
'type' => 'og_list_default',
'custom settings' => FALSE,
return $items;
* Implements hook_node_update().
* Check if author of node changed and if so susbscribe the new user.
* Keep the previous author subscribed to the group.
function og_node_update($node) {
if ($node->uid != $node->original->uid && ($group = og_get_group('node', $node->nid))) {
$account = user_load($node->uid);
$values = array(
'entity' => $account,
og_group($group->gid, $values);
* Implement hook_node_type_delete().
* We immediately delete those variables as they are only used to indicate a
* content type should be a group or a group content. However, the actual
* indication for it is in the field API. This is just a workaround, specifically
* for the node entity, to allow users to define groups via the "content type"
* page.
function og_node_type_delete($info) {
variable_del('og_group_type_' . $info->type);
variable_del('og_group_content_type_' . $info->type);
* Implement hook_node_type_insert().
function og_node_type_insert($info) {
* Implement hook_node_type_update().
function og_node_type_update($info) {
* Implements hook_ctools_context_convert_list_alter().
* Add our own converter list to the entity:group context provided by CTools.
function og_ctools_context_convert_list_alter(&$plugin, &$converters) {
if (!empty($plugin['context name']) && $plugin['context name'] == 'group') {
// Add group converter list.
$converters = $converters + array(
'gid' => t('Group ID'),
'entity_type' => t('Entity type'),
'entity_id' => t('Entity ID'),
'label' => t('Group label'),
* Implements hook_ctools_context_converter_alter().
* Converter function for CTools context entity:group.
function og_ctools_context_converter_alter($context, $converter, &$value) {
if (!empty($context->type[0]) && $context->type[0] == 'entity:group' && !empty($context->data)) {
switch ($converter) {
case 'gid':
$value = $context->data->gid;
case 'entity_type':
$value = $context->data->entity_type;
case 'entity_id':
$value = $context->data->etid;
case 'label':
$value = $context->data->label;
* Provide a separate Exception so it can be caught separately.
class OgException extends Exception {
* A class used for group membership types.
class OgMembershipType extends Entity {
public $name;
public $description = '';
public function __construct($values = array()) {
parent::__construct($values, 'og_membership_type');
* Creates a new membership type.
* If a message type already exists, an exception will be thrown.
* @return OgMembershipType
* Returns a new OG membership type object.
function og_membership_type_create($name, $values = array()) {
// Make sure the message type doesn't already exist, to prevent duplicate key
// error.
if (og_membership_type_load($name)) {
throw new OgException('Group membership type ' . check_plain($name) . ' already exists.');
$values['name'] = $name;
return entity_create('og_membership_type', $values);
* Message type loader.
* @param $type_name
* (optional) The name for this message type. If no type is given all existing
* types are returned.
* @return MessageType
* Returns a fully-loaded message type definition if a type name is passed.
* Else an array containing all types is returned.
function og_membership_type_load($name = NULL) {
// Replace dashes with underscores so this can be used as menu argument
// loader too.
$types = entity_load_multiple_by_name('og_membership_type', isset($name) ? array(
strtr($name, array(
'-' => '_',
) : FALSE);
if (isset($name)) {
return isset($types[$name]) ? $types[$name] : FALSE;
return $types;
* Inserts or updates a message object into the database.
* @param $og_membership
* The message object to be inserted.
* @return
* Failure to write a record will return FALSE. Otherwise SAVED_NEW or
* SAVED_UPDATED is returned depending on the operation performed.
function og_membership_type_save($og_membership) {
return entity_save('og_membership_type', $og_membership);
* Deletes an existing message.
* @param $og_membership
* The message object to be deleted.
function og_membership_type_delete($og_membership) {
return entity_delete('og_membership_type', $og_membership);
* Access callback for the group membership entity.
function og_membership_type_access($op, $entity, $account = NULL, $entity_type = 'og_membership') {
// No-end user needs access to this entity, so restrict it to admins.
return user_access('administer group');
* Main class for Group membership entities provided by Entity API.
class OgMembership extends Entity {
public function __construct(array $values = array(), $entityType = NULL) {
parent::__construct($values, 'og_membership');
public function save() {
public function delete() {
* Return the group assocaited with the group membership.
public function group() {
return og_load($this->gid);
* Gets the associated OG membership type.
* @return OgMembershipType
public function type() {
return og_membership_type_load($this->name);
* Reset static cache related to group membership.
function og_group_membership_invalidate_cache() {
$caches = array(
foreach ($caches as $cache) {
* Creates a new OG membership.
* If a group membership already exists, an exception will be thrown.
* @param $gid
* The group ID
* @param $entity_type
* The entity type of the group content.
* @param $etid
* The entity ID of the group content.
* @param $values
* Optional; Array of fields values to be attached to the OG membership, that will be processed using their
* entity-metadata wrapper
* @return OgMembership
* Returns a new OG membership object.
* @see entity_property_values_create_entity()
function og_membership_create($gid, $entity_type, $etid, $values = array()) {
// Make sure the group membership doesn't already exist.
if (og_get_group_membership($gid, $entity_type, $etid)) {
$group = og_label($gid);
throw new OgException('OG membership for entity ' . check_plain($entity_type) . ' with ID ' . check_plain($etid) . ' for group ID ' . $gid . ' (' . $group . ') already exists.');
$values['entity_type'] = $entity_type;
$values['etid'] = $etid;
$values['gid'] = $gid;
// Process the values as it might arrived from og_group().
if (!empty($values['membership type'])) {
$values['name'] = $values['membership type'];
unset($values['membership type']);
if (!empty($values['membership fields'])) {
foreach ($values['membership fields'] as $field_name => $value) {
$values[$field_name] = $value;
unset($values['membership fields']);
$values += array(
'state' => OG_STATE_ACTIVE,
'created' => time(),
$return = entity_create('og_membership', $values);
return $return;
* Group membership loader.
* @param $name
* (optional) The name for this group membership. If no type is given all existing
* types are returned.
* @return OgMembership
* Returns a fully-loaded group membership definition if a type name is passed.
* Else an array containing all types is returned.
function og_membership_load($id) {
$result = entity_load('og_membership', array(
return $result ? reset($result) : FALSE;
* Load multiple group membership entities based on certain conditions.
* @param $gids
* An array of group membership IDs.
* @param $conditions
* An array of conditions to match against the {entity} table.
* @param $reset
* A boolean indicating that the internal cache should be reset.
* @return
* An array of group entities, indexed by group ID.
function og_membership_load_multiple($ids = array(), $conditions = array(), $reset = FALSE) {
return entity_load('og_membership', $ids, $conditions, $reset);
* Get the group membership entity by User ID and group ID.
* @param $uid
* User ID.
* @param $gid
* Group ID.
* @return
* The OgMembership object if found, or FALSE.
function og_get_group_membership($gid, $entity_type, $etid) {
$return =& drupal_static(__FUNCTION__, array());
$identifier = $gid . ':' . $entity_type . ':' . $etid;
if (!isset($return[$identifier])) {
$query = new EntityFieldQuery();
$result = $query
->entityCondition('entity_type', 'og_membership')
->propertyCondition('entity_type', $entity_type, '=')
->propertyCondition('etid', $etid, '=')
->propertyCondition('gid', $gid, '=')
if (!empty($result['og_membership'])) {
$key = key($result['og_membership']);
$return[$identifier] = og_membership_load($key);
return !empty($return[$identifier]) ? $return[$identifier] : FALSE;
* Inserts or updates a group membership object into the database.
* @param $membership
* The group membership entity to be inserted.
* @return
* Failure to write a record will return FALSE. Otherwise SAVED_NEW or
* SAVED_UPDATED is returned depending on the operation performed.
function og_membership_save($membership) {
return entity_save('og_membership', $membership);
* Delete an existing group membership.
* @param $membership
* The group membership entity to be deleted.
function og_membership_delete($id) {
return og_membership_delete_multiple(array(
function og_membership_delete_multiple($ids = array()) {
return entity_delete_multiple('og_membership', $ids);
* Delete all group memberships by group ID.
function og_membership_delete_by_gid($gid) {
$query = new EntityFieldQuery();
$result = $query
->entityCondition('entity_type', 'og_membership')
->propertyCondition('gid', $gid, '=')
if (!empty($result['og_membership'])) {
* Access callback for the group membership entity.
function og_membership_access($op, $entity, $account = NULL, $entity_type = 'og_membership') {
// No-end user needs access to this entity, so restrict it to admins.
return user_access('administer group');
* Return a loaded group entity if exists or create a new one.
* This is a wrapper function around og_load() that allows passing the group's
* entity type and entity ID, and the correct group will be loaded accordingly.
* If no group exists and $create option is set to TRUE, then a new group entity
* will be created.
* @param $etid
* The group content ID.
* @param $entity_type
* The group entity type. "node" is the default value. Pass "group" if
* content ID is equal to the group unique ID.
* @param $create
* Optional; If no existing group is found, create a new one. Defaults to
* @param $states
* Array of states the group must be in. Values can be OG_STATE_ACTIVE,
* @param $reset
* A boolean indicating that the internal cache should be reset.
* @return
* The group entity if found, or an empty array.
function og_get_group($entity_type, $etid, $create = FALSE, $states = array(
), $reset = FALSE) {
$group = FALSE;
if ($gids = og_get_group_ids($entity_type, array(
), $states, $reset)) {
// We don't use the entity ID directly, as it might change. For example, if
// a node is a translation of another node that is a group, we need to load
// the other node. og_get_group_ids() returns the correct entity ID as the
// key, so we will use that.
$correct_etid = key($gids);
$group = og_load($gids[$correct_etid], $reset);
elseif ($create) {
$group = og_create_group(array(
'entity_type' => $entity_type,
'etid' => $etid,
return $group;
* Callback to create a new OG group.
function og_create_group($values = array()) {
if ($entity = entity_load($values['entity_type'], array(
))) {
$entity = current($entity);
// Add default values.
$values += array(
'state' => OG_STATE_ACTIVE,
'created' => time(),
'label' => og_entity_label($values['entity_type'], $entity),
return entity_create('group', $values);
// Entity couldn't be loaded.
return FALSE;
* Main class for Group entities provided by Entity API.
class OgGroup extends Entity {
public function __construct(array $values = array(), $entityType = NULL) {
parent::__construct($values, 'group');
public function save() {
public function delete() {
$gid = $this->gid;
// Delete group memberships.
// Delete roles and permissions.
og_delete_user_roles_by_group($gid, NULL, TRUE);
* Return TRUE if user has access to 'view', 'update' or 'delete' the entity
* that is the group. Otherwise return FALSE.
* This function currently only checks access if the entity type is a node.
* @param $op
* The operation to be performed on the node. Possible values are:
* - "view"
* - "update"
* - "delete"
* @param $account
* Optional, a user object representing the user for whom the operation is
* to be performed. Determines access for a user other than the current user.
* @return
* TRUE if the operation may be performed, FALSE otherwise.
public function access($op = 'view', $account = NULL) {
$access = entity_access($op, $this->entity_type, $this
->getEntity(), $account);
if (!isset($access)) {
// If no access information is available, default to grant access.
return TRUE;
return $access;
* Return the entity the group is related to.
public function getEntity() {
$entity = entity_load($this->entity_type, array(
$entity = reset($entity);
return $entity;
* Returns the group manager if exists or FALSE if entity has no User ID
* assigned with it.
public function user() {
$entity = $this
if (isset($entity->uid)) {
return user_load($entity->uid);
return FALSE;
* Return the URI of the entity the group is related to.
public function uri() {
if ($entity = $this
->getEntity()) {
return entity_uri($this->entity_type, $this
return array();
* Determines access for a group entity.
function og_group_entity_access($op, $group = NULL, $account = NULL) {
if (isset($group)) {
return $group
->access($op, $account);
return user_access('administer group');
* Returns the URI of a group entity.
function og_group_entity_uri($group) {
return $group
* Load multiple Group entities based on certain conditions.
* @param $gids
* An array of group entity IDs.
* @param $conditions
* An array of conditions to match against the {entity} table.
* @param $reset
* A boolean indicating that the internal cache should be reset.
* @return
* An array of group entities, indexed by group ID.
function og_load_multiple($gids = array(), $conditions = array(), $reset = FALSE) {
return entity_load('group', $gids, $conditions, $reset);
* Load an Group entity from the database.
* @param $gid
* The group ID.
* @param $reset
* Whether to reset the node_load_multiple cache.
* @return
* A fully-populated group entity, or FALSE if none found.
function og_load($gid, $reset = FALSE) {
$group = og_load_multiple(array(
), array(), $reset);
return $group ? reset($group) : FALSE;
* Invalidate cache.
* @param $gids
* Array with group IDs that their cache should be invalidated.
function og_invalidate_cache($gids = array()) {
// Reset static cache.
$caches = array(
foreach ($caches as $cache) {
// Invalidate group membersihp cache.
// Let other Group modules know we invalidate cache.
module_invoke_all('og_invalidate_cache', $gids);
* Get group IDs by the entity type and entity IDs.
* @param $entity_type
* The group entity type. Defaults to "group", that will return the group ID.
* @param $etids
* Array with the entity IDs that should be loaded. If FALSE, all groups IDs
* that belong to the entity will be returned.
* @param $states
* Array of states the group must be in. Values can be OG_STATE_ACTIVE,
* @param $soft_reset
* A boolean indicating that the internal cache should be "soft" reset (i.e.
* only the cached values of the specific entity type). For a "hard" reset use
* @code
* drupal_static_reset('og_get_group_ids');
* @endcode
* @return
* Array keyed with the entity ID and the group ID as the value.
function og_get_group_ids($entity_type = 'group', $etids = FALSE, $states = array(
), $soft_reset = FALSE) {
$gids =& drupal_static(__FUNCTION__, array());
if ($soft_reset || empty($gids[$entity_type]) || !empty($gids['__info'][$entity_type]['states']) && array_diff($gids['__info'][$entity_type]['states'], $states)) {
$gids[$entity_type] = array();
// Make sure the cached values are according to the states we are looking
// for.
$gids['__info'][$entity_type]['states'] = $states;
$gids['__info'][$entity_type]['query all'] = FALSE;
$query_etids = $etids;
// Check we don't already have the group IDs, and if we have them, return them
// for the cache.
if (!empty($gids[$entity_type])) {
if ($query_etids !== FALSE) {
$query_etids = array_diff($query_etids, array_flip($gids[$entity_type]));
if (!$query_etids) {
return array_intersect_key($gids[$entity_type], drupal_map_assoc($etids));
// Check if we need to query all group enteties, and if this was already
// cached.
if ($query_etids === FALSE && $gids['__info'][$entity_type]['query all']) {
return $gids[$entity_type];
// Don't query if we have already queried all.
if (empty($gids['__info'][$entity_type]['query all'])) {
if (!empty($query_etids) && $entity_type == 'node' && module_exists('translation')) {
// If a node is a translation of another node that is a group, we should
// mark it as a group as-well.
$query = db_select('node', 'node');
->fields('node', array(
->condition('nid', $query_etids, 'IN');
// Add the real group node IDs to the entity IDs that will be queried
// against the {og} table.
if ($result = $query
->fetchAllKeyed()) {
$query_etids = array_merge($query_etids, $result);
// Add it to the original IDs, as they are needed to later on intersect
// with the results from the cache.
$etids = array_merge($etids, $result);
// We can't use EntityFieldQuery as it return only the group ID, but in
// order to cache the results we need to maintain a relation between the
// entity ID and the group ID.
$query = db_select('og', 'og');
if ($entity_type == 'group') {
->fields('og', array(
if (!empty($query_etids)) {
->condition('gid', $query_etids, 'IN');
else {
->fields('og', array(
->condition('entity_type', $entity_type);
if (!empty($query_etids)) {
->condition('etid', $query_etids, 'IN');
if (!empty($states)) {
->condition('state', $states, 'IN');
$gids[$entity_type] += $query
// Make sure we return only the ids we were asked for, or if no specific IDs
// were asked, then return all of them.
if ($query_etids !== FALSE) {
$return = array_intersect_key($gids[$entity_type], drupal_map_assoc($etids));
else {
$return = $gids[$entity_type];
// Let the cache know we queried all IDs of this entity type.
$gids['__info'][$entity_type]['query all'] = TRUE;
return $return;
* Return all existing groups with a certain state.
* @param $states
* Array of states the group must be in.
* @param $options
* - return query: If TRUE the return value will be the $query object.
* Defaults to FALSE.
* - count: If TRUE the function will return the total numer of groups in the desired
* states. Defaults to FALSE.
function og_get_all_group($states = array(
), $options = array()) {
// Initialize values.
$options += array(
'count' => FALSE,
'return query' => FALSE,
$return = array();
$query = db_select('og', 'og');
->addMetaData('id', 'og_get_all_group');
->fields('og', array(
if (!empty($states)) {
// Get only the groups with the correct state.
->condition('state', $states, 'IN');
if ($options['return query']) {
// Return the query itself.
$return = $query;
elseif ($options['count']) {
// Return the total number of groups found.
$return = $query
else {
// Return the group IDs.
$result = $query
foreach ($result as $value) {
$return[$value->gid] = $value->gid;
return $return;
* Set an association (e.g. subscribe) an entity to a group.
* @param $gid
* The group ID.
* @param $values
* Array with the information to pass along, until it is processed in
* og_entity_presave(). Keys are:
* - "entity type": Optional; The entity type (e.g. "node" or "user").
* Defaults to 'user'
* - "entity" :Optional; The entity to set the association. Defaults to the
* current user if the $entity_type property is set to 'user'.
* - "state": Optional; The state of the association. Can be:
* - "save": Optional; TRUE if fields value should be saved. Defaults to TRUE.
* - "force reload": Optional; Determine if og_load_entity() should be used on
* the passed entity. This can be used when you pass an entity that has been
* saved yet to the database, but you want to assign it groups. Defaults to TRUE.
* // TODO: Adds docs on rest of keys.
* @return
* The entity with the fields updated.
function og_group($gid, $values = array()) {
// Set default values.
$values += array(
'entity type' => 'user',
'entity' => FALSE,
'state' => OG_STATE_ACTIVE,
'save' => TRUE,
'force reload' => TRUE,
'membership type' => OG_MEMBERSHIP_TYPE_DEFAULT,
'membership fields' => array(),
'created' => time(),
$entity_type = $values['entity type'];
$entity = $values['entity'];
$state = $values['state'];
$save = $values['save'];
if ($entity_type == 'user' && empty($entity)) {
global $user;
$entity = clone $user;
if ($values['force reload']) {
$entity = og_load_entity($entity_type, $entity);
$property = OG_AUDIENCE_FIELD;
// Check the audience field exists in the entity.
if (in_array($entity_type, array_keys(og_get_all_group_content_entity()))) {
$wrapper =& $entity->{$property}[LANGUAGE_NONE];
list($id) = entity_extract_ids($entity_type, $entity);
// Check if the entity is new or an existing one.
// TODO: make sure is_new is on all entity types.
$op = empty($entity->is_new) ? 'update' : 'insert';
if ($op == 'insert') {
$field_values = array(
'gid' => $gid,
'state' => $state,
'created' => $values['created'],
'membership type' => $values['membership type'],
'membership fields' => $values['membership fields'],
$wrapper[] = $field_values;
else {
$existing_key = FALSE;
if (!empty($wrapper)) {
foreach ($wrapper as $key => $value) {
if ($gid == $value['gid']) {
$existing_key = $key;
if ($existing_key === FALSE) {
// Update field with new value.
$field_values = array(
'gid' => $gid,
// This values won't be saved, just passed along.
// @see og_entity_presave().
'state' => $state,
'membership type' => $values['membership type'],
'membership fields' => $values['membership fields'],
$entity->{$property}[LANGUAGE_NONE][] = $field_values;
else {
$group_membership = og_get_group_membership($wrapper[$existing_key]['gid'], $entity_type, $id);
if ($group_membership->state != $state || $group_membership->type != $values['membership type']) {
$wrapper[$existing_key]['state'] = $state;
// This value won't be saved in the field, just passed along and
// processed later on.
// @see og_entity_insert()
// @see og_og_entity_insert()
$wrapper[$existing_key] += array(
'membership type' => $values['membership type'],
'membership fields' => $values['membership fields'],
else {
// Nothing changed, so no need to save.
$save = FALSE;
if ($save) {
// Make sure a group isn't created for this entity. This is used for cases
// that a user object can be a group, however we don't want
// og_field_crud_group() to actually make it a group when the field
// attachers are invoked.
$entity->og_skip_group_create = TRUE;
entity_save($entity_type, $entity);
// Unset our temporary property.
return $entity;
* Delete an association (e.g. unsubscribe) of an entity to a group.
* @param $entity_type
* The entity type (e.g. "node" or "user").
* @param $entity
* The entity to set the association.
* @param $save
* Optioanl; TRUE if fields value shoudl be saved. Defaults to TRUE.
* @return
* The entity with the fields updated.
function og_ungroup($gid, $entity_type, $entity, $save = TRUE) {
$entity = og_load_entity($entity_type, $entity);
$property = OG_AUDIENCE_FIELD;
if (!empty($entity->{$property})) {
$wrapper =& $entity->{$property}[LANGUAGE_NONE];
$existing_key = FALSE;
if (!empty($wrapper)) {
foreach ($wrapper as $key => $value) {
if ($gid == $value['gid']) {
$existing_key = $key;
if ($existing_key !== FALSE) {
if ($save) {
entity_save($entity_type, $entity);
// Group might be deleted, so don't try to remove roles that don't
// exist.
$group = og_load($gid);
if ($entity_type == 'user' && $group) {
foreach (og_get_user_roles($gid, $entity->uid) as $rid) {
og_role_revoke($gid, $entity->uid, $rid);
return $entity;
* Determine whether a user has a given privilege.
* @param $gid
* The group ID.
* @param $string
* The permission, such as "administer nodes", being checked for.
* @param $account
* (optional) The account to check, if not given use currently lgroupged in
* user.
* @param $skip_hook
* If TRUE and the variable 'og_user_access_invoke_alter' is set to TRUE, then
* a a module_invoke_all command will not be triggered. This can be used by
* modules implementing hook_og_user_access_alter() that still want to use
* og_user_access(), but without causing a recursion.
* @return
* Boolean TRUE if the current user has the requested permission.
* All permission checks in OG should go through this function. This
* way, we guarantee consistent behavior, and ensure that the superuser
* can perform all actions.
function og_user_access($gid, $string, $account = NULL, $skip_alter = FALSE) {
if (variable_get('og_skip_access', FALSE)) {
// User access should always return TRUE, as Group is requested to
// skip any access check.
return TRUE;
global $user;
$perm =& drupal_static(__FUNCTION__, array());
// Mark the group ID and permissions that invoked an alter.
$perm_alter =& drupal_static(__FUNCTION__ . '_alter', array());
if (empty($account)) {
$account = clone $user;
// User #1 has all privileges.
if ($account->uid == 1) {
return TRUE;
// Administer Group permission.
if (user_access('administer group', $account)) {
return TRUE;
if (!($group = og_load($gid))) {
// Not a group.
return FALSE;
// Group manager has all privileges (if variable is TRUE).
if (variable_get('og_group_manager_full_access', TRUE)) {
$entity = current(entity_load($group->entity_type, array(
if (!empty($entity->uid) && $entity->uid == $account->uid) {
return TRUE;
// To reduce the number of SQL queries, we cache the user's permissions
// in a static variable.
if (!isset($perm[$gid][$account->uid])) {
$roles = og_get_user_roles($gid, $account->uid);
$role_permissions = og_role_permissions($roles);
$perms = array();
foreach ($role_permissions as $one_role) {
$perms += $one_role;
$perm[$gid][$account->uid] = $perms;
if (!$skip_alter && empty($perm_alter[$gid][$account->uid][$string])) {
// Let modules alter the permissions. since $perm is static we create a
// clone of it.
$temp_perm = $perm[$gid][$account->uid];
$context = array(
'string' => $string,
'group' => $group,
'account' => $account,
drupal_alter('og_user_access', $temp_perm, $context);
// Re-assing the altered permissions.
$perm[$gid][$account->uid] = $temp_perm;
// Make sure alter isn't called for the same permissions.
$perm_alter[$gid][$account->uid][$string] = TRUE;
return !empty($perm[$gid][$account->uid][$string]);
* Check if a user has access to a permission on a certain entity context.
* @param $perm
* The organic groups permission.
* @param $entity_type
* The entity type.
* @param $entity
* The entity object.
* @param $account
* (optional) The user object. If empty the current user will be used.
* @return
* Returns TRUE if the user has access to the permission, otherwise FALSE, or
* if the entity is not in OG context, function will return NULL. This allows
* a distinction between FALSE - no access, and NULL - no access but no OG
* context found.
function og_user_access_entity($perm, $entity_type, $entity, $account = NULL) {
if (empty($account)) {
global $user;
$account = clone $user;
// Quick check for user ID 1.
if ($account->uid == 1) {
return TRUE;
// Set the default for the case there is not a group or a group content.
$result = NULL;
if (empty($entity)) {
// $entity might be NULL, so return early.
// @see field_access().
return $result;
list($id, $vid, $bundle_name) = entity_extract_ids($entity_type, $entity);
if (empty($id)) {
// Entity isn't saved yet.
return $result;
$is_group = og_is_group_type($entity_type, $bundle_name);
$is_group_content = og_is_group_content_type($entity_type, $bundle_name);
// Check if entity is an active group.
$group = og_get_group($entity_type, $id);
if ($is_group && $group) {
if (og_user_access($group->gid, $perm, $account)) {
return TRUE;
else {
// An entity can be a group and group content in the same time. The group
// didn't return TRUE, but the user still might have access to the
// permission in group content context.
$result = FALSE;
if ($is_group_content && ($gids = og_get_entity_groups($entity_type, $entity))) {
foreach ($gids as $gid) {
if (og_user_access($gid, $perm, $account)) {
return TRUE;
return FALSE;
// Either the user didn't have permission, or the entity might be a
// disabled group or an orphaned group content.
return $result;
* Add group and group content fields to new content types.
* @param $bundle_name
* The content type name.
function og_node_type_save($bundle_name) {
if (variable_get('og_group_type_' . $bundle_name, 'omitted') == 'group') {
og_create_field(OG_GROUP_FIELD, 'node', $bundle_name);
// Delete the variable, as we will rely on the presence of th field.
variable_del('og_group_type_' . $bundle_name);
if (variable_get('og_group_content_type_' . $bundle_name, 'omitted') == 'og_content') {
og_create_field(OG_AUDIENCE_FIELD, 'node', $bundle_name);
// Delete the variable, as we will rely on the presence of th field.
variable_del('og_group_content_type_' . $bundle_name);
* Get the groups a content is associated with.
* @param $entity_type
* The entity type (e.g. "node" or "user"). Defaults to 'user'
* @param $entity
* Optional; The entity can be a user, node or any fieldable entity. If empty
* the current user will be used.
* @param $states
* Optional; Array with the state to return. If empty groups of all state will
* return.
* @return
* An array with the group IDs, or an empty array.
function og_get_entity_groups($entity_type = 'user', $entity = NULL, $states = array(
)) {
$groups =& drupal_static(__FUNCTION__, array());
if ($entity_type == 'user' && empty($entity)) {
global $user;
$entity = clone $user;
// Get the entity ID.
list($id) = entity_extract_ids($entity_type, $entity);
// Make sure the cached values are according to the states we are looking
// for.
// We break down the checks for easier readbility of the code.
$cache = TRUE;
if (!isset($groups[$entity_type][$id])) {
// The value doesn't exist.
$cache = FALSE;
if ($cache && empty($groups['__info'][$entity_type][$id]['states'])) {
// The states are not registered.
$cache = FALSE;
if ($cache && count($groups['__info'][$entity_type][$id]['states']) != count($states)) {
// The registered states are not the equal.
$cache = FALSE;
if ($cache && array_diff($groups['__info'][$entity_type][$id]['states'], $states)) {
// Same number of states but they are not the equal.
$cache = FALSE;
if ($cache) {
return $groups[$entity_type][$id];
$entity = og_load_entity($entity_type, $entity);
$groups = array();
$groups['__info'][$entity_type][$id]['states'] = $states;
$query = new EntityFieldQuery();
$result = $query
->entityCondition('entity_type', 'og_membership')
->propertyCondition('entity_type', $entity_type, '=')
->propertyCondition('etid', $id, '=')
->propertyCondition('state', $states, 'IN')
if (!empty($result['og_membership'])) {
// Get the group ID from the group membership.
$group_memberships = og_membership_load_multiple(array_keys($result['og_membership']));
foreach ($group_memberships as $group_membership) {
$groups[$entity_type][$id][$group_membership->gid] = $group_membership->gid;
return !empty($groups[$entity_type][$id]) ? $groups[$entity_type][$id] : array();
* Return the group type (i.e. "group" or "group_content") of an entity.
* @param $bundle_name
* The bundle name to be checked.
* @param $entity_type
* The entity type.
* @param $type
* The group usage type. Must be "group" or "group content".
* @return
* The group type or an "omitted" if node type doesn't participate in
* Group.
function og_get_group_type($entity_type, $bundle_name, $type = 'group') {
if ($type == 'group') {
return (bool) field_info_instance($entity_type, OG_GROUP_FIELD, $bundle_name);
elseif ($type == 'group content') {
return (bool) field_info_instance($entity_type, OG_AUDIENCE_FIELD, $bundle_name);
* Return TRUE if the entity type is a "group" type.
* This is a wrapper function around og_get_group_type().
* @param $node_type
* The node type to be checked.
function og_is_group_type($entity_type, $bundle_name) {
return og_get_group_type($entity_type, $bundle_name);
* Return TRUE if the entity type is a "group content" type.
* This is a wrapper function around og_get_group_type().
* @param $node_type
* The node type to be checked.
function og_is_group_content_type($entity_type, $bundle_name) {
return og_get_group_type($entity_type, $bundle_name, 'group content');
* Return all the enteties that are a group.
* @return
* Array keyed with the entity type machine name and the entity human readable
* name as the value, or an empty array if no entities are defined as group.
function og_get_all_group_entity() {
$return = array();
foreach (entity_get_info() as $entity_type => $entity_value) {
if (!empty($entity_value['fieldable'])) {
foreach ($entity_value['bundles'] as $bundle => $bundle_value) {
if (og_is_group_type($entity_type, $bundle)) {
$return[$entity_type] = check_plain($entity_value['label']);
// At least one bundle of the entity can be a group, so break.
return $return;
* Return all the enteties that are a group content.
* @return
* Array keyed with the entity type machine name and the entity human readable
* name as the value, or an empty array if no enteties are defined as group
* content.
function og_get_all_group_content_entity() {
$return = array();
foreach (entity_get_info() as $entity_type => $entity_value) {
if (!empty($entity_value['fieldable'])) {
foreach ($entity_value['bundles'] as $bundle => $bundle_value) {
if (og_is_group_content_type($entity_type, $bundle)) {
$return[$entity_type] = check_plain($entity_value['label']);
// At least one bundle of the entity can be a group, so break.
return $return;
* Return TRUE if entity belongs to a group.
* @param $gid
* The group ID.
* @param $entity_type
* The entity type.
* @param $entity
* The entity object. If empty the current user will be used.
* @param $states
* Optional; Array with the state to return. If empty groups of all state will
* return.
* @return
* TRUE if the entity (e.g. the user) belongs to a group and is not pending or
* blocked.
function og_is_member($gid, $entity_type = 'user', $entity = NULL, $states = array(
)) {
if ($entity_type == 'user' && empty($entity)) {
global $user;
$entity = clone $user;
$entity = og_load_entity($entity_type, $entity);
$groups = og_get_entity_groups($entity_type, $entity, $states);
return in_array($gid, $groups);
* Wrapper of og_user_access(); Gets entity ID instead of group ID.
* Can be used as a menu access callback.
* @param $perm
* The permissions name.
* @param $entity_type
* The entity type.
* @param $entity
* The entity object.
* @param $account
* Optioanl; The user related to the action. For example if the operation is
* "subscribe" then the account will be the subscribing user.
* @return
* TRUE if access is allowed, otherise FALSE.
function og_user_access_by_entity($perm, $entity_type = NULL, $etid = NULL, $account = NULL) {
if (empty($account)) {
global $user;
$account = clone $user;
if ($group = og_get_group($entity_type, $etid)) {
return og_user_access($group->gid, $perm, $account);
return FALSE;
* Get the state of an entity in a group.
* @param $entity_type
* The entity type.
* @param $entity
* The entity object.
* @param $gid
* The group ID.
* @return
* The state value, or FALSE is entity is not associated with group.
function og_get_entity_state($gid, $entity_type, $entity) {
$state = FALSE;
$entity = og_load_entity($entity_type, $entity);
$property = OG_AUDIENCE_FIELD;
$wrapper =& $entity->{$property}[LANGUAGE_NONE];
if (!empty($wrapper)) {
foreach ($wrapper as $key => $value) {
if ($value['gid'] == $gid) {
$state = $value['state'];
return $state;
* Check if group should use default roles and permissions.
* @param $gid
* The group ID.
* @return
* TRUE if group should use default roles and permissions.
function og_is_group_default_access($gid) {
$return = TRUE;
// For performance reasons, do not bother loading the group and entity unless
// the field exists.
if (field_info_field($property) && ($group = og_load($gid)) && ($entity = $group
->getEntity())) {
if (!empty($entity->{$property}[LANGUAGE_NONE]) && ($wrapper = $entity->{$property}[LANGUAGE_NONE])) {
$return = empty($wrapper[0]['value']);
return $return;
* Select groups if they were passed in the URL.
* You can pass a URL in in the form of
* node/add/post?gids_group[]=1,2,3&gids_node[]=4,5,6
* Note that gids_ is the prefix followed by the entity type (e.g. "node",
* "user") or "group" to indicate the passed values are group ID.
function og_get_context_by_url() {
$return = array();
foreach (array_keys(entity_get_info()) as $entity_type) {
$etids = !empty($_GET['gids_' . $entity_type][0]) ? explode(',', $_GET['gids_' . $entity_type][0]) : array();
if ($etids) {
$return = array_merge($return, og_get_group_ids($entity_type, $etids));
return $return;
* Get labels out of a list of group IDs.
* @param $gids
* The group IDs.
* @param $sanitize
* TRUE if the label should be sanitzied using filter_xss(). Defaults to
* @return
* Array keyed with the group ID, and the entity label as the value, or else
* the group ID with the entity type and entity ID.
function og_label_multiple($gids = array(), $sanitize = TRUE) {
$labels = array();
$groups = og_load_multiple($gids);
foreach ($groups as $group) {
if (!empty($group->label)) {
$labels[$group->gid] = $sanitize ? filter_xss($group->label) : $group->label;
else {
$entity = entity_get_info($group->entity_type);
$param = array(
'@gid' => $group->gid,
'@entity' => $entity['label'],
'@etid' => $group->etid,
$labels[$group->gid] = t('Group @gid - @entity ID @etid', $param);
return $labels;
* Wrapper function; Get the label of a single group.
* @param $gid
* The group ID.
* @param $sanitize
* TRUE if the label should be sanitzied using check_plain(). Defaults to
* @return
* The label of the group if found, or else the group ID with the entity type
* and entity ID, sanitized.
function og_label($gid, $sanitize = TRUE) {
$labels = og_label_multiple(array(
), $sanitize);
return $labels[$gid];
* Determine the permissions for one or more roles.
* @param $roles
* An array whose keys are the role IDs of interest.
* @return
* An array indexed by role ID. Each value is an array whose keys are the
* permission strings for the given role ID.
function og_role_permissions($roles = array()) {
$cache =& drupal_static(__FUNCTION__, array());
$role_permissions = $fetch = array();
if ($roles) {
foreach ($roles as $rid => $name) {
if (isset($cache[$rid])) {
$role_permissions[$rid] = $cache[$rid];
else {
// Add this rid to the list of those needing to be fetched.
$fetch[] = $rid;
// Prepare in case no permissions are returned.
$cache[$rid] = array();
if ($fetch) {
// Get from the database permissions that were not in the static variable.
// Only role IDs with at least one permission assigned will return rows.
$result = db_query("SELECT rid, permission FROM {og_role_permission} WHERE rid IN (:fetch)", array(
':fetch' => $fetch,
foreach ($result as $row) {
$cache[$row->rid][$row->permission] = TRUE;
foreach ($fetch as $rid) {
// For every rid, we know we at least assigned an empty array.
$role_permissions[$rid] = $cache[$rid];
return $role_permissions;
* Retrieve an array of roles matching specified conditions.
* @param $gid
* The group node ID.
* @param $permission
* Optional; A string containing a permission. If set, only roles containing
* that permission are returned.
* @param $force_group
* Optioanl; If TRUE then the roles of the group will be retrieved by the
* group ID, even if the group is set to have default roles and permissions.
* The group might be set to "Default access" but infact there are inactive
* group roles. Thus, we are forcing the function to return the overriden
* roles. see og_delete_user_roles_by_group().
* @return
* An associative array with the role id as the key and the role name as
* value. The anonymous and authenticated deault roles are on the top of the
* array.
function og_roles($gid = 0, $permission = NULL, $force_group = FALSE) {
$roles = array();
// Check if overriden access exists.
if (!$force_group) {
$gid = og_is_group_default_access($gid) ? 0 : $gid;
if (!empty($permission)) {
$roles = db_query("SELECT r.rid, r.name FROM {og_role} r INNER JOIN {og_role_permission} p ON r.rid = p.rid WHERE p.permission = :permission AND r.gid = :gid ORDER BY r.name", array(
':permission' => $permission,
':gid' => $gid,
else {
$roles = db_query("SELECT rid, name FROM {og_role} WHERE gid = :gid ORDER BY rid", array(
':gid' => $gid,
return $roles;
* Get global roles - roles that belong to non-existent group ID 0.
* @return
* A keyed array with role Id as key and role name as value.
function og_get_global_roles() {
return og_roles();
* Get arary of default roles, keyed by their declaring module.
function og_get_default_roles($include = TRUE) {
$roles = array();
foreach (module_implements('og_default_roles') as $module) {
$roles[$module] = module_invoke($module, 'og_default_roles');
// Allow other modules to alter the defult roles, excpet of the anonymous and
// authenticated.
drupal_alter('og_default_roles', $roles);
if ($include) {
$roles += array(
'og' => array(),
array_unshift($roles['og'], OG_ANONYMOUS_ROLE, OG_AUTHENTICATED_ROLE);
return $roles;
* Add default roles and permissions of a module to the global permissions.
* This function is called whenever a module is enabled. Calling this function
* directly will re-assign permissions to thier default roles.
* @param $module
* The module name.
* @return
* Array with the global roles, as new records might have been added.
function og_set_global_access_module($module) {
$default_roles = og_get_default_roles();
$global_roles = og_get_global_roles();
$permissions = og_get_permissions();
// The roles that should be added.
$roles_to_add = array();
if (empty($global_roles)) {
// Add all the roles, there are no roles defined yet. This is probably
// becuase OG is only being installed.
$roles_to_add = reset($default_roles);
elseif (!empty($default_roles[$module])) {
// Diff the roles that should be added with the ones already defined as
// global roles.
$roles_to_add = array_diff($default_roles[$module], $global_roles);
// Add a new global role.
if (!empty($roles_to_add)) {
foreach ($roles_to_add as $name) {
$role = og_create_global_role($name);
$global_roles[$role->rid] = $name;
// If there are permissions defined, make sure they were not applied already,
// as it might happen if a module was disabled and re-enabled.
$perms_to_add = array();
$perms_to_add_by_rid = array();
foreach ($permissions as $key => $value) {
if ($value['module'] == $module) {
$perms_to_add[$key] = $value;
if ($perms_to_add) {
// Get the assigned permissions of the global roles.
$global_roles_perms = og_role_permissions($global_roles);
// Get the roles keyed by thier name.
$global_roles_flip = array_flip($global_roles);
foreach ($perms_to_add as $key => $value) {
if (!empty($value['default role'])) {
// Don't try to assign permissions that are already assigned.
foreach ($value['default role'] as $role) {
$rid = $global_roles_flip[$role];
if (empty($global_roles_perms[$rid][$key])) {
// Get the permissions to be added in the form:
// array(
// '1' => array( // '1' is the role ID.
// 'perm_foo' => 'perm_foo',
// 'perm_bar' => 'perm_bar',
// ),
// );
$perms_to_add_by_rid[$rid][$key] = $key;
if ($perms_to_add_by_rid) {
foreach ($perms_to_add_by_rid as $rid => $perms) {
// Assign the permissions to the roles.
og_role_change_permissions($rid, $perms);
return $global_roles;
* Add a new global role - a role associated to group ID 0.
* @param $name
* The role name.
* @return
* The role object populated iwth the role ID.
function og_create_global_role($name) {
$role = new stdClass();
$role->name = $name;
$role->gid = 0;
return $role;
* Get all roles of a user in a certain group.
* @param $gid
* The group ID.
* @param $uid
* The user ID.
* @param $include
* Optional; If TRUE also anonymous or authenticated role ID will be returned.
* Defaults to TRUE.
* @return
* Array with the role IDs of the user.
function og_get_user_roles($gid, $uid = NULL, $include = TRUE) {
$roles = array();
if (empty($uid)) {
global $user;
$uid = $user->uid;
if ($include) {
// Check if overriden access exists.
$query_gid = og_is_group_default_access($gid) ? 0 : $gid;
$group_roles = og_roles($query_gid);
$account = user_load($uid);
$name = og_is_member($gid, 'user', $account) ? OG_AUTHENTICATED_ROLE : OG_ANONYMOUS_ROLE;
$rid = array_search($name, $group_roles);
$roles[$rid] = $rid;
$roles = $roles + db_query("SELECT rid, rid FROM {og_users_roles} WHERE uid = :uid AND gid = :gid", array(
':uid' => $uid,
':gid' => $gid,
return $roles;
* Get all the users with certain roles in a group.
* @param $gid
* The group unique ID.
* @param $roles
* Array with the role IDs to query.
function og_get_users_by_roles($gid, $rids = array()) {
$query = db_select('og_users_roles', 'og_users_roles');
return $query
->fields('og_users_roles', array(
->condition('gid', $gid)
->condition('rid', $rids, 'IN')
* Fetch a user role from database.
* @param $role
* An integer with the role ID.
* @return
* A fully-loaded role object if a role with the given name or ID
* exists, FALSE otherwise.
function og_role_load($rid) {
return db_select('og_role', 'r')
->condition('rid', $rid)
* Save a user role to the database.
* @param $role
* A role object to modify or add. If $role->rid is not specified, a new
* role will be created.
* @return
* Status constant indicating if role was created or updated.
* Failure to write the user role record will return FALSE. Otherwise.
* SAVED_NEW or SAVED_UPDATED is returned depending on the operation
* performed.
function og_role_save($role) {
if ($role->name) {
// Prevent leading and trailing spaces in role names.
$role->name = trim($role->name);
if (!empty($role->rid) && $role->name) {
$status = drupal_write_record('og_role', $role, 'rid');
module_invoke_all('og_role_update', $role);
else {
$status = drupal_write_record('og_role', $role);
module_invoke_all('og_role_insert', $role);
return $status;
* Delete a user role from database.
* @param $role
* An integer with the role ID.
function og_role_delete($rid) {
$role = og_role_load($rid);
->condition('rid', $rid)
->condition('rid', $rid)
// Update the users who have this role set.
->condition('rid', $rid)
module_invoke_all('og_role_delete', $role);
* Delete all roles belonging to a group.
* @param $gid
* The group ID.
function og_delete_user_roles_by_group($gid) {
// Check if group has overriden roles defined.
if ($roles = og_roles($gid, NULL, TRUE)) {
foreach ($roles as $rid => $name) {
* Get the role names of role IDs.
* @param $rids
* Array with role IDs.
* @return
* Array keyed by the role ID, and the role name as the value.
function og_get_user_roles_name($rids = array()) {
return db_query("SELECT rid, name FROM {og_role} WHERE rid IN (:rids)", array(
':rids' => $rids,
* Delete all permissions defined by a module.
* @see og_modules_uninstalled()
* @param $module
* Array with the modules name.
function og_permissions_delete_by_module($modules = array()) {
->condition('module', $modules, 'IN')
* Create new roles, based on the default roles and permissions.
* @param $gid
* The group ID.
* @return
* The newly created roles keyed by role ID and role name as the value. Or
* FALSE if no roles were created.
function og_roles_override($gid) {
// Check if roles aren't already overriden. We can't use
// og_is_group_default_access() as the field is already set, so we
// check to see if there are new roles in the database and compare
// them with the default roles.
// TODO: We can add a key to the $group object that will indicate this
// if performance will be poor.
if ($roles = og_roles($gid, NULL, TRUE)) {
$rids = array();
// Make sure roles doesn't exist already by looking for a row with the group
// ID in {og_role} table.
$perms = og_get_global_permissions();
foreach (og_get_global_roles() as $rid => $name) {
$role = new stdClass();
$role->name = $name;
$role->gid = $gid;
$rids[$role->rid] = $role->name;
og_role_change_permissions($role->rid, $perms[$rid]);
// Remap roles.
$query = db_update('og_users_roles')
'rid' => $role->rid,
->condition('rid', $rid)
->condition('gid', $gid)
return $rids;
* Grant a group role to a user.
* @param $uid
* The user ID.
* @param $rid
* The role ID.
function og_role_grant($gid, $uid, $rid) {
// Get the existiong user roles.
$user_roles = og_get_user_roles($gid, $uid);
if (!in_array($rid, $user_roles)) {
$role = new stdClass();
$role->uid = $uid;
$role->rid = $rid;
$role->gid = $gid;
drupal_write_record('og_users_roles', $role);
module_invoke_all('og_role_grant', $gid, $uid, $rid);
* Revoke a group role from a user.
* @param $uid
* The user ID.
* @param $rid
* The role ID.
function og_role_revoke($gid, $uid, $rid) {
// Get the existiong user roles.
$user_roles = og_get_user_roles($gid, $uid);
if (in_array($rid, $user_roles)) {
->condition('uid', $uid)
->condition('rid', $rid)
->condition('gid', $gid)
module_invoke_all('og_role_revoke', $gid, $uid, $rid);
* Change permissions for a user role.
* This function may be used to grant and revoke multiple permissions at once.
* For example, when a form exposes checkboxes to configure permissions for a
* role, the submitted values may be directly passed on in a form submit
* handler.
* @param $rid
* The ID of a group user role to alter.
* @param $permissions
* An array of permissions, where the key holds the permission name and the
* value is an integer or boolean that determines whether to grant or revoke
* the permission:
* @code
* array(
* 'edit group' => 0,
* 'administer group' => 1,
* )
* @endcode
* Existing permissions are not changed, unless specified in $permissions.
* @see og_role_grant_permissions()
* @see og_role_revoke_permissions()
function og_role_change_permissions($rid, array $permissions = array()) {
// Grant new permissions for the role.
$grant = array_filter($permissions);
if (!empty($grant)) {
og_role_grant_permissions($rid, array_keys($grant));
// Revoke permissions for the role.
$revoke = array_diff_assoc($permissions, $grant);
if (!empty($revoke)) {
og_role_revoke_permissions($rid, array_keys($revoke));
* Grant permissions to a user role.
* @param $rid
* The ID of a user role to alter.
* @param $permissions
* A list of permission names to grant.
* @see user_role_change_permissions()
* @see user_role_revoke_permissions()
function og_role_grant_permissions($rid, array $permissions = array()) {
$modules = array();
foreach (og_get_permissions() as $name => $value) {
$modules[$name] = $value['module'];
// Grant new permissions for the role.
foreach ($permissions as $name) {
// Prevent WSOD, if the permission name is wrong, and we can't find its
// module.
if (!empty($modules[$name])) {
'rid' => $rid,
'permission' => $name,
'module' => $modules[$name],
* Revoke permissions from a user role.
* @param $rid
* The ID of a user role to alter.
* @param $permissions
* A list of permission names to revoke.
* @see user_role_change_permissions()
* @see user_role_grant_permissions()
function og_role_revoke_permissions($rid, array $permissions = array()) {
// Revoke permissions for the role.
->condition('rid', $rid)
->condition('permission', $permissions, 'IN')
* Get all permissions defined by implementing modules.
* @return
* Array keyed with the permissions name and the value of the permissions.
* TODO: Write the values.
function og_get_permissions() {
$perms =& drupal_static(__FUNCTION__, array());
if (!empty($perms)) {
return $perms;
foreach (module_implements('og_permission') as $module) {
if ($permissions = module_invoke($module, 'og_permission')) {
foreach ($permissions as $key => $perm) {
$permissions[$key] += array(
// Initialize the roles key, if other modules haven't set it
// explicetly. This means the permissions can apply to anonymous and
// authenticated members as-well.
'roles' => array(
'default role' => array(),
'module' => $module,
$perms = array_merge($perms, $permissions);
// Allow other modules to alter the permissions.
drupal_alter('og_permission', $perms);
return $perms;
* Get global permissions.
* @return
* Array keyed with the anonymous, authenticated and administror and the
* permissions that should be enabled by default.
function og_get_global_permissions() {
$roles = og_get_global_roles();
$perms = og_role_permissions($roles);
return $perms;
* Get all the modules fields that can be assigned to fieldable enteties.
function og_fields_info($field_name = NULL) {
$return =& drupal_static(__FUNCTION__, array());
if (empty($return)) {
foreach (module_implements('og_fields_info') as $module) {
if ($fields = module_invoke($module, 'og_fields_info')) {
foreach ($fields as $key => $field) {
// Add default values.
$field += array(
'entity type' => array(),
'disable on node translate' => TRUE,
// Add the module information.
$return[$key] = array_merge($field, array(
'module' => $module,
// Allow other modules to alter the field info.
drupal_alter('og_fields_info', $return);
return empty($field_name) ? $return : $return[$field_name];
* Check to see if a token value matches the specified node.
function og_check_token($token, $seed) {
return drupal_get_token($seed) == $token;
* Set breadcrumbs according to a given group.
* @param $entity_type
* The entity type.
* @param $etid
* The entity ID.
* @param $path
* Optional; The path to append to the breadcrumb.
function og_set_breadcrumb($entity_type, $etid, $path = array()) {
if ($entity = entity_load($entity_type, array(
))) {
$entity = reset($entity);
$label = og_entity_label($entity_type, $entity);
$uri = entity_uri($entity_type, $entity);
l(t('Home'), '<front>'),
), array(
l($label, $uri['path']),
), $path));
* Create an organic groups field in a bundle.
* @param $field_name
* The field name
* @param $entity_type
* The entity type
* @param $bundle
* The bundle name.
function og_create_field($field_name, $entity_type, $bundle) {
// Don't allow creating a group field on a group entity type.
if ($entity_type == 'group' && $field_name == OG_GROUP_FIELD) {
throw new Exception('Cannot add group field to a group entity.');
if ($group_field = og_fields_info($field_name)) {
$field = field_info_field($field_name);
if (empty($field)) {
$field = field_create_field($group_field['field']);
$instance = field_info_instance($entity_type, $field_name, $bundle);
if (empty($instance)) {
$instance = $group_field['instance'];
$instance += array(
'field_name' => $field_name,
'bundle' => $bundle,
'entity_type' => $entity_type,
* Return a re-loaded entity with its fields.
* This is needed for example if a user account is passed, as global $user is
* only a partial user entity, or only a partial entity object was sent.
* @param $entity_type
* The entity type.
* @param $entity
* The entity.
function og_load_entity($entity_type, $entity) {
list($id) = entity_extract_ids($entity_type, $entity);
$entity = entity_load($entity_type, array(
return reset($entity);
* Return a loaded entity from group.
* If you already have the group object you can use $group->getEntity() instead.
* @param $gid
* The group ID.
function og_load_entity_from_group($gid) {
if ($group = og_load($gid)) {
return $group
return FALSE;
* Return the states a group can be in.
function og_group_states() {
return array(
OG_STATE_ACTIVE => t('Active'),
OG_STATE_PENDING => t('Pending'),
* Return the states a group content can be in.
function og_group_content_states() {
return array(
OG_STATE_ACTIVE => t('Active'),
OG_STATE_PENDING => t('Pending'),
OG_STATE_BLOCKED => t('Blocked'),
* Return a list of fieldable entities.
* @return
* Array keyed with the entity machine name and the saniztized human name as
* the value.
function og_get_fieldable_entity_list() {
$return = array();
foreach (entity_get_info() as $name => $info) {
if (!empty($info['fieldable'])) {
$return[$name] = check_plain($info['label']);
return $return;
* Wrapper function for entity_label() to return some text if label isn't found.
* @param $entity_type
* The entity type.
* @param $entity
* The entity object.
function og_entity_label($entity_type, $entity) {
$label = '';
if (!empty($entity)) {
$label = entity_label($entity_type, $entity);
if (!$label) {
list($id) = entity_extract_ids($entity_type, $entity);
$label = t('Entity @entity_type ID @id', array(
'@entity_type' => $entity_type,
'@id' => $id,
return $label;
* Helper function to generate standard node permission list for a given type.
* @param $type
* The machine-readable name of the node type.
* @return array
* An array of permission names and descriptions.
function og_list_permissions($type) {
$perms = array();
// Check type is of group content.
if (og_is_group_content_type('node', $type)) {
$info = node_type_get_type($type);
$type = check_plain($info->type);
// Build standard list of node permissions for this type.
$perms = array(
"update own {$type} content" => array(
'title' => t('Edit own %type_name content', array(
'%type_name' => $info->name,
"update any {$type} content" => array(
'title' => t('Edit any %type_name content', array(
'%type_name' => $info->name,
"delete own {$type} content" => array(
'title' => t('Delete own %type_name content', array(
'%type_name' => $info->name,
"delete any {$type} content" => array(
'title' => t('Delete any %type_name content', array(
'%type_name' => $info->name,
// Add default permissions.
foreach ($perms as $key => $value) {
$perms[$key]['default role'] = array(
return $perms;
* Return a form element with crafted links to create nodes for a given group.
* @param $gid
* The group ID.
* @param $destination
* Optional; The destiantion after a node is created. Defaults to the
* destination passed in the URL if exists, otherwise back to the current
* page.
* @param $types
* Optional; An array of type names. Restrict the created links to the given
* types.
function og_node_create_links($gid, $destination = '', $types = NULL) {
$group = og_get_group('group', $gid);
if (!$group) {
$types = isset($types) ? $types : array_keys(node_type_get_types());
foreach ($types as $type_name) {
if (og_is_group_content_type('node', $type_name) && node_access('create', $type_name)) {
$names[$type_name] = node_type_get_name($type_name);
if (empty($names)) {
// Sort names.
// Build links.
$options = array(
'query' => array(
'gids_' . $group->entity_type . '[]' => $group->etid,
) + drupal_get_destination(),
$items = array();
foreach ($names as $type => $name) {
// theme_item_list's 'data' items isn't a render element, so use l().
// http://drupal.org/node/891112
$items[] = array(
'data' => l($name, 'node/add/' . str_replace('_', '-', $type), $options),
$element = array();
$element['og_node_create_links'] = array(
'#theme' => 'item_list',
'#items' => $items,
return $element;
* Flag / unflag the node access grants for rebuilding, or read the current
* value of the flag.
* When the flag is set, a message is displayed to users with 'access
* administration pages' permission, pointing to the 'og-migrate' confirm form
* in the og-migrate module.
* @param $migrate
* (Optional) The boolean value to be written.
* @return
* (If no value was provided for $migrate) The current value of the flag.
function og_needs_migrate($migrate = NULL) {
if (!isset($migrate)) {
return variable_get('og_needs_migrate', FALSE);
elseif ($migrate) {
variable_set('og_needs_migrate', TRUE);
else {
* Get the group IDs of all the groups a user is an approved member of.
* @param $account
* Optional; The user object to fetch group memberships for. Defaults to the
* acting user.
* @return
* An array with the group IDs or an empty array.
function og_get_groups_by_user($account = NULL) {
if (empty($account)) {
global $user;
$account = $user;
$gids = array();
// Get all active OG membership that belong to the user.
$query = new EntityFieldQuery();
$result = $query
->entityCondition('entity_type', 'og_membership')
->propertyCondition('entity_type', 'user')
->propertyCondition('etid', $account->uid)
->propertyCondition('state', OG_STATE_ACTIVE)
if (!empty($result['og_membership'])) {
$memberships = og_membership_load_multiple(array_keys($result['og_membership']));
foreach ($memberships as &$membership) {
$gids[] = $membership->gid;
return $gids;
Name![]() |
Description |
og_check_token | Check to see if a token value matches the specified node. |
og_create_field | Create an organic groups field in a bundle. |
og_create_global_role | Add a new global role - a role associated to group ID 0. |
og_create_group | Callback to create a new OG group. |
og_ctools_context_converter_alter | Implements hook_ctools_context_converter_alter(). |
og_ctools_context_convert_list_alter | Implements hook_ctools_context_convert_list_alter(). |
og_ctools_plugin_directory | Implementation of hook_ctools_plugin_directory(). |
og_default_og_membership_type | Implements hook_default_og_membership_type(). |
og_delete_user_roles_by_group | Delete all roles belonging to a group. |
og_entity_delete | Implements hook_entity_delete(). |
og_entity_getter | Getter callback to load the 'entity' property for groups or memberships. |
og_entity_info | Implements hook_entity_info(). |
og_entity_insert | Implements hook_entity_insert(). |
og_entity_label | Wrapper function for entity_label() to return some text if label isn't found. |
og_entity_presave | Implements hook_entity_presave(). |
og_entity_presave_group_audience_diff | Get the difference in group audience for a presaved entity. |
og_entity_property_info | Implements hook_entity_property_info(). |
og_entity_setter | Entity property info setter callback to set the "entity" property for groups and memberships. |
og_fields_info | Get all the modules fields that can be assigned to fieldable enteties. |
og_form_alter | Implements hook_form_alter(). |
og_get_all_group | Return all existing groups with a certain state. |
og_get_all_group_content_entity | Return all the enteties that are a group content. |
og_get_all_group_entity | Return all the enteties that are a group. |
og_get_context_by_url | Select groups if they were passed in the URL. |
og_get_default_roles | Get arary of default roles, keyed by their declaring module. |
og_get_entity_groups | Get the groups a content is associated with. |
og_get_entity_state | Get the state of an entity in a group. |
og_get_fieldable_entity_list | Return a list of fieldable entities. |
og_get_global_permissions | Get global permissions. |
og_get_global_roles | Get global roles - roles that belong to non-existent group ID 0. |
og_get_group | Return a loaded group entity if exists or create a new one. |
og_get_groups_by_user | Get the group IDs of all the groups a user is an approved member of. |
og_get_group_ids | Get group IDs by the entity type and entity IDs. |
og_get_group_membership | Get the group membership entity by User ID and group ID. |
og_get_group_type | Return the group type (i.e. "group" or "group_content") of an entity. |
og_get_permissions | Get all permissions defined by implementing modules. |
og_get_properties | Property getter callback. |
og_get_users_by_roles | Get all the users with certain roles in a group. |
og_get_user_roles | Get all roles of a user in a certain group. |
og_get_user_roles_name | Get the role names of role IDs. |
og_group | Set an association (e.g. subscribe) an entity to a group. |
og_group_content_states | Return the states a group content can be in. |
og_group_entity_access | Determines access for a group entity. |
og_group_entity_uri | Returns the URI of a group entity. |
og_group_membership_invalidate_cache | Reset static cache related to group membership. |
og_group_states | Return the states a group can be in. |
og_help | Implements hook_help(). |
og_invalidate_cache | Invalidate cache. |
og_is_group_content_type | Return TRUE if the entity type is a "group content" type. |
og_is_group_default_access | Check if group should use default roles and permissions. |
og_is_group_type | Return TRUE if the entity type is a "group" type. |
og_is_member | Return TRUE if entity belongs to a group. |
og_label | Wrapper function; Get the label of a single group. |
og_label_multiple | Get labels out of a list of group IDs. |
og_list_permissions | Helper function to generate standard node permission list for a given type. |
og_load | Load an Group entity from the database. |
og_load_entity | Return a re-loaded entity with its fields. |
og_load_entity_from_group | Return a loaded entity from group. |
og_load_multiple | Load multiple Group entities based on certain conditions. |
og_membership_access | Access callback for the group membership entity. |
og_membership_create | Creates a new OG membership. |
og_membership_delete | Delete an existing group membership. |
og_membership_delete_by_gid | Delete all group memberships by group ID. |
og_membership_delete_multiple | |
og_membership_delete_on_entity_presave | Delete an existing group membership on entity presave. |
og_membership_insert_on_entity_presave | Create a new group membership on entity presave. |
og_membership_load | Group membership loader. |
og_membership_load_multiple | Load multiple group membership entities based on certain conditions. |
og_membership_save | Inserts or updates a group membership object into the database. |
og_membership_type_access | Access callback for the group membership entity. |
og_membership_type_create | Creates a new membership type. |
og_membership_type_delete | Deletes an existing message. |
og_membership_type_load | Message type loader. |
og_membership_type_save | Inserts or updates a message object into the database. |
og_membership_update_on_entity_presave | Update an existing group membership on entity presave. |
og_menu | Implements hook_menu(). |
og_modules_enabled | Implements hook_modules_enabled(). |
og_modules_uninstalled | Implements hook_modules_uninstalled(). |
og_needs_migrate | Flag / unflag the node access grants for rebuilding, or read the current value of the flag. |
og_node_access | Implement hook_node_access() |
og_node_create_links | Return a form element with crafted links to create nodes for a given group. |
og_node_type_delete | Implement hook_node_type_delete(). |
og_node_type_insert | Implement hook_node_type_insert(). |
og_node_type_save | Add group and group content fields to new content types. |
og_node_type_update | Implement hook_node_type_update(). |
og_node_update | Implements hook_node_update(). |
og_og_default_roles | Implement hook_og_default_roles() |
og_og_fields_info | Implements hook_og_fields_info(). |
og_og_membership_delete | Implements hook_og_membership_delete(). |
og_og_membership_insert | Implements hook_og_membership_insert(). |
og_og_membership_update | Implements hook_og_membership_update(). |
og_og_permission | Implement hook_og_permission(). |
og_permission | Implements hook_permission(). |
og_permissions_delete_by_module | Delete all permissions defined by a module. |
og_roles | Retrieve an array of roles matching specified conditions. |
og_roles_override | Create new roles, based on the default roles and permissions. |
og_role_change_permissions | Change permissions for a user role. |
og_role_delete | Delete a user role from database. |
og_role_grant | Grant a group role to a user. |
og_role_grant_permissions | Grant permissions to a user role. |
og_role_load | Fetch a user role from database. |
og_role_permissions | Determine the permissions for one or more roles. |
og_role_revoke | Revoke a group role from a user. |
og_role_revoke_permissions | Revoke permissions from a user role. |
og_role_save | Save a user role to the database. |
og_set_breadcrumb | Set breadcrumbs according to a given group. |
og_set_global_access_module | Add default roles and permissions of a module to the global permissions. |
og_ungroup | Delete an association (e.g. unsubscribe) of an entity to a group. |
og_user_access | Determine whether a user has a given privilege. |
og_user_access_by_entity | Wrapper of og_user_access(); Gets entity ID instead of group ID. |
og_user_access_entity | Check if a user has access to a permission on a certain entity context. |
og_views_api | Implementation of hook_views_api(). |
Name![]() |
Description |
OG_ADMINISTRATOR_ROLE | The role name of group administrator. |
OG_ANONYMOUS_ROLE | The role name of group non-members. |
OG_AUDIENCE_AUTOCOMPLETE_WIDGET | Group audience widget. |
OG_AUDIENCE_FIELD | Group audience field. |
OG_AUDIENCE_WIDGET | Group audience widget. |
OG_AUTHENTICATED_ROLE | The role name of group member. |
OG_DEFAULT_ACCESS_FIELD | Group default roles and permissions field. |
OG_GROUP_FIELD | Group field. |
OG_MEMBERSHIP_REQUEST_FIELD | The name of the user's request field in the default group membership type. |
OG_MEMBERSHIP_TYPE_DEFAULT | The default group membership type that is the bundle of group membership. |
OG_MIGRATE_REQUIRED_CTOOLS_API | Minimum CTools API version for organic groups migrate plugins. |
OG_STATE_ACTIVE | Define active group content states. |
OG_STATE_BLOCKED | Define blocked group content states. The user is rejected from the group. |
OG_STATE_PENDING | Define pending group content states. The user is subscribed to the group but isn't an active member yet. |
Name![]() |
Description |
OgException | Provide a separate Exception so it can be caught separately. |
OgGroup | Main class for Group entities provided by Entity API. |
OgMembership | Main class for Group membership entities provided by Entity API. |
OgMembershipType | A class used for group membership types. |