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function og_field_formatter_view in Organic groups 7

Implements hook_field_formatter_view().

1 string reference to 'og_field_formatter_view'
og_invalidate_cache in ./og.module
Invalidate cache.


./, line 50
Field module functionality for the Organic groups module.


function og_field_formatter_view($entity_type, $entity, $field, $instance, $langcode, $items, $display) {
  $element = array();
  if ($field['field_name'] == OG_AUDIENCE_FIELD && !empty($items[0])) {
    foreach ($items as $delta => $item) {
      if ($group = og_get_group('group', $item['gid'])) {
        if ($group
          ->access()) {
          $label = og_label($group->gid);
          $entity = entity_load($group->entity_type, array(
          $entity = current($entity);

          // Get the entity type of the group entity.
          $uri = entity_uri($group->entity_type, $entity);
          $element[$delta] = array(
            '#type' => 'link',
            '#title' => $label,
            '#href' => $uri['path'],
            '#options' => array(
              'html' => TRUE,
        else {

          // No need to show private groups several times, so remember if it was
          // already added.
          $added =& drupal_static(__FUNCTION__, FALSE);
          if (!$added) {
            $added = TRUE;
            $element[$delta] = array(
              '#markup' => '- ' . t('Private group') . ' -',
  return $element;