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function og_membership_create in Organic groups 7

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 7.2 og.module \og_membership_create()

Creates a new OG membership.

If a group membership already exists, an exception will be thrown.


$gid: The group ID

$entity_type: The entity type of the group content.

$etid: The entity ID of the group content.

$values: Optional; Array of fields values to be attached to the OG membership, that will be processed using their entity-metadata wrapper

Return value

OgMembership Returns a new OG membership object.

See also


5 calls to og_membership_create()
og_entity_insert in ./og.module
Implements hook_entity_insert().
og_membership_insert_on_entity_presave in ./og.module
Create a new group membership on entity presave.
og_og_migrate_group_membership in plugins/og_migrate/
Add group membership enteties instead of field data.
og_ui_add_users in og_ui/
Add users to group form.
og_ui_confirm_subscribe in og_ui/
Confirm subscribe form.


./og.module, line 1065
Enable users to create and manage groups with roles and permissions.


function og_membership_create($gid, $entity_type, $etid, $values = array()) {

  // Make sure the group membership doesn't already exist.
  if (og_get_group_membership($gid, $entity_type, $etid)) {
    $group = og_label($gid);
    throw new OgException('OG membership for entity ' . check_plain($entity_type) . ' with ID ' . check_plain($etid) . ' for group ID ' . $gid . ' (' . $group . ') already exists.');
  $values['entity_type'] = $entity_type;
  $values['etid'] = $etid;
  $values['gid'] = $gid;

  // Process the values as it might arrived from og_group().
  if (!empty($values['membership type'])) {
    $values['name'] = $values['membership type'];
    unset($values['membership type']);
  if (!empty($values['membership fields'])) {
    foreach ($values['membership fields'] as $field_name => $value) {
      $values[$field_name] = $value;
    unset($values['membership fields']);
  $values += array(
    'state' => OG_STATE_ACTIVE,
    'created' => time(),
  $return = entity_create('og_membership', $values);
  return $return;