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constant OG_GROUP_FIELD in Organic groups 7

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 7.2 og.module \OG_GROUP_FIELD

Group field.

33 uses of OG_GROUP_FIELD
generate-og-d7-content-update-7001.php in scripts/generate-og-d7-content-update-7001.php
hook_og_fields_info in ./og.api.php
Provide information about fields that are related to Organic groups.
OgAccessTestCase::testOgAccess in og_access/og_access.test
Group with access field .
OgAccessTestCase::testOgContentAccessDefault in og_access/og_access.test
Group with access field and group content with default definition.
OgAccessTestCase::testOgContentAccessNotDefault in og_access/og_access.test
Group with access field and group content with different definition from the group.

... See full list


./og.module, line 62
Enable users to create and manage groups with roles and permissions.


define('OG_GROUP_FIELD', 'group_group');