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function og_get_group in Organic groups 7

Return a loaded group entity if exists or create a new one.

This is a wrapper function around og_load() that allows passing the group's entity type and entity ID, and the correct group will be loaded accordingly. If no group exists and $create option is set to TRUE, then a new group entity will be created.


$etid: The group content ID.

$entity_type: The group entity type. "node" is the default value. Pass "group" if content ID is equal to the group unique ID.

$create: Optional; If no existing group is found, create a new one. Defaults to FALSE.

$states: Array of states the group must be in. Values can be OG_STATE_ACTIVE, OG_STATE_PENDING or OG_STATE_BLOCKED. Defaults to OG_STATE_ACTIVE.

$reset: A boolean indicating that the internal cache should be reset.

Return value

The group entity if found, or an empty array.

58 calls to og_get_group()
generate-og-d7-content-update-7001.php in scripts/generate-og-d7-content-update-7001.php
OgAccessTestCase::testOgAccess in og_access/og_access.test
Group with access field .
OgAccessTestCase::testOgContentAccessDefault in og_access/og_access.test
Group with access field and group content with default definition.
OgAccessTestCase::testOgContentAccessNotDefault in og_access/og_access.test
Group with access field and group content with different definition from the group.
OgAccessTestCase::testOgStrictPrivate in og_access/og_access.test
Test "Strict private" variable enabled or disabled.

... See full list


./og.module, line 1236
Enable users to create and manage groups with roles and permissions.


function og_get_group($entity_type, $etid, $create = FALSE, $states = array(
), $reset = FALSE) {
  $group = FALSE;
  if ($gids = og_get_group_ids($entity_type, array(
  ), $states, $reset)) {

    // We don't use the entity ID directly, as it might change. For example, if
    // a node is a translation of another node that is a group, we need to load
    // the other node. og_get_group_ids() returns the correct entity ID as the
    // key, so we will use that.
    $correct_etid = key($gids);
    $group = og_load($gids[$correct_etid], $reset);
  elseif ($create) {
    $group = og_create_group(array(
      'entity_type' => $entity_type,
      'etid' => $etid,
  return $group;