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Functions in Organic groups 7.2

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Namesort descending Location Description Direct uses Strings
og_update_7101 ./og.install Rename the 'name' column to 'type' in {OG membership}.
og_update_7200 ./og.install Deprecate OG group entity, and add per-bundle roles.
og_update_7201 ./og.install Add "language" column to all OG membership's related entities.
og_update_7202 ./og.install Extend the length of permission field in og_role_permission.
og_update_7203 ./og.install Update group-audience field to use "OG group" widget type.
og_update_7204 ./og.install Create cache bins for Entity-cache module.
og_update_7205 ./og.install Add an index to {og_membership} on group_type.
og_update_7206 ./og.install Add an index to {og_role} on group_type, group_bundle and gid to improve speed of og_roles().
og_user_access ./og.module Determine whether a user has a given privilege. 21 1
og_user_access_entity ./og.module Check if a user has access to a permission on a certain entity context. 3
og_user_roles_action includes/actions/
og_user_roles_action_form includes/actions/
og_user_roles_action_info includes/actions/
og_user_roles_action_submit includes/actions/
og_user_roles_action_validate includes/actions/
og_validate_widgets includes/ Validate handler; Assert group audience fields reference valid groups. 1
og_views_api ./og.module Implements hook_views_api().
og_views_data_alter includes/views/ Implements hook_views_data_alter().
og_views_default_views includes/views/ Implement hook_views_default_views().
og_views_plugins includes/views/ Implements hook_views_plugins().
theme_og_context_configure_form og_context/ Returns HTML for a group context configuration form.
theme_og_ui_admin_new_role og_ui/ Theme the new role form.
theme_og_ui_admin_permissions og_ui/ Theme the administer permissions page.
_group_context_handler_entity og_context/og_context.module Helper function to get group context from an entity. 3
_og_access_verify_access_field_existence og_access/og_access.module Verify that the OG field access is attached to the group. 1
_og_context_configure_form_table og_context/ Helper function to build a group context provider table. 1
_og_context_views_page_access og_context/og_context.module Helper function to handle views page access. 1
_og_features_get_permissions includes/ Get all defined permissions keyed by permission with. 3
_og_features_role_dependencies includes/ Return a module name providing given role or FALSE. 1
_og_features_role_exists includes/ Returns rid if role with $name exists, FALSE otherwise. 2
_og_field_widget_replace_autocomplete_path includes/ Replace Entity-reference's autocomplete path with our own. 1
_og_orphans_delete ./og.module Helper function to delete orphan group-content. 1
_og_orphans_move ./og.module Helper function to move orphan group-content to another group. 1
_og_query_og_membership_alter_conditions ./og.module Recursively replace the fields to their aliases in the query's conditions. 1
_og_ui_get_role_names og_ui/ Helper function to get role names. 2
_og_update_entity_fields ./og.module Update the field values in the entity, to reflect the membership. 2


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