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function _og_features_role_exists in Organic groups 7.2

Returns rid if role with $name exists, FALSE otherwise.


string $name: The role name

string $group_type: The entity type

string $bundle: The bundle

Return value

mixed Integer indicating rid if the role exists FALSE otherwise.

2 calls to _og_features_role_exists()
og_features_permission_features_rebuild in includes/
Implements hook_features_rebuild().
og_features_role_features_rebuild in includes/
Implements hook_features_rebuild().


includes/, line 132
Integration with features for og roles.


function _og_features_role_exists($name, $group_type, $bundle) {
  $roles = og_roles($group_type, $bundle, 0);
  if (in_array($name, $roles)) {
    $flipped = array_flip($roles);
    return $flipped[$name];
  else {
    return FALSE;