You are here in Organic groups 7.2

Field widget related code for Organic groups.


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 * @file
 * Field widget related code for Organic groups.

 * Implements hook_field_widget_info().
function og_field_widget_info() {
  $widgets['og_complex'] = array(
    'label' => t('OG reference'),
    'description' => t('Complex widget to reference groups.'),
    'field types' => array(
  return $widgets;

 * Implements hook_field_widget_form().
function og_field_widget_form(&$form, &$form_state, $field, $instance, $langcode, $items, $delta, $element) {
  $entity_type = $instance['entity_type'];
  $entity = isset($element['#entity']) ? $element['#entity'] : NULL;
  if (!$entity) {
  if ($field['settings']['handler'] != 'og' && strpos($field['settings']['handler'], 'og_') !== 0) {
    $params = array(
      '%label' => $instance['label'],
    form_error($form, t('Field %label is a group-audience but its Entity selection mode is not defined as "Organic groups" in the field settings page.', $params));

  // Cache the processed entity, to make sure we call the widget only once.
  $cache =& drupal_static(__FUNCTION__, array());
  list($id, , $bundle) = entity_extract_ids($entity_type, $entity);
  $field_name = $field['field_name'];
  $identifier = $field_name . ':' . $entity_type . ':' . $bundle . ':' . $id;
  if (isset($cache[$identifier])) {
    return array();
  $cache[$identifier] = TRUE;
  $field_modes = array(
  $has_admin = FALSE;

  // The group IDs that might not be accessible by the user, but we need
  // to keep even after saving.
  $element['#other_groups_ids'] = array();
  $element['#element_validate'][] = 'og_complex_widget_element_validate';
  if (user_access('administer group')) {
    $has_admin = TRUE;
    $field_modes[] = 'admin';

  // Build an array of entity IDs. Field's $items are loaded
  // in OgBehaviorHandler::load().
  $entity_gids = array();
  foreach ($items as $item) {
    $entity_gids[] = $item['target_id'];
  $target_type = $field['settings']['target_type'];
  $user_gids = og_get_entity_groups('user', NULL, array(
  $user_gids = !empty($user_gids[$target_type]) ? $user_gids[$target_type] : array();

  // Get the "Other group" group IDs.
  $other_groups_ids = array_diff($entity_gids, $user_gids);
  foreach ($field_modes as $field_mode) {
    $mocked_instance = og_get_mocked_instance($instance, $field_mode);
    $dummy_entity = clone $entity;
    if ($has_admin) {
      $mocked_instance['required'] = FALSE;
      if ($field_mode == 'default') {
        $mocked_instance['label'] = t('Your groups');
        if ($entity_type == 'user') {
          $mocked_instance['description'] = t('Associate this user with groups you belong to.');
        else {
          $mocked_instance['description'] = t('Associate this content with groups you belong to.');
      else {
        $mocked_instance['label'] = t('Other groups');
        if ($entity_type == 'user') {
          $mocked_instance['description'] = t('As groups administrator, associate this user with groups you do <em>not</em> belong to.');
        else {
          $mocked_instance['description'] = t('As groups administrator, associate this content with groups you do <em>not</em> belong to.');

      // The field might be required, and it will throw an exception
      // when we try to set an empty value, so change the wrapper's
      // info.
      $wrapper = entity_metadata_wrapper($entity_type, $dummy_entity, array(
        'property info alter' => 'og_property_info_alter',
        'field name' => $field_name,
      if ($field_mode == 'admin') {

        // Keep only the hidden group IDs on the entity, so they won't
        // appear again on the "admin" field, for example on an autocomplete
        // widget type.
        $valid_ids = $other_groups_ids ? entityreference_get_selection_handler($field, $mocked_instance, $entity_type, $dummy_entity)
          ->validateReferencableEntities($other_groups_ids) : array();
        $valid_ids = $field['cardinality'] == 1 ? reset($valid_ids) : $valid_ids;
          ->set($valid_ids ? $valid_ids : NULL);
      else {

        // Keep only the groups that belong to the user and to the entity.
        $my_group_ids = array_values(array_intersect($user_gids, $entity_gids));
        $valid_ids = $my_group_ids ? entityreference_get_selection_handler($field, $mocked_instance, $entity_type, $dummy_entity)
          ->validateReferencableEntities($my_group_ids) : array();
        $valid_ids = $field['cardinality'] == 1 ? reset($valid_ids) : $valid_ids;
          ->set($valid_ids ? $valid_ids : NULL);
    elseif ($other_groups_ids) {
      foreach ($other_groups_ids as $id) {
        $element['#other_groups_ids'][] = array(
          'target_id' => $id,
          'field_mode' => 'admin',
      if (!empty($dummy_entity->{$field_name}[$langcode])) {

        // Non-admin user.
        $ids = array();
        foreach ($dummy_entity->{$field_name}[$langcode] as $delta => $value) {
          $id = $value['target_id'];
          if (!in_array($id, $other_groups_ids)) {
            $ids[] = $id;

        // Rekey the field items.
        $dummy_entity->{$field_name}[$langcode] = array();
        foreach ($ids as $id) {
          $dummy_entity->{$field_name}[$langcode][] = array(
            'target_id' => $id,
    $dummy_form_state = $form_state;
    if (empty($form_state['rebuild'])) {

      // Form is "fresh" (i.e. not call from field_add_more_submit()), so
      // re-set the items-count, to show the correct amount for the mocked
      // instance.
      $dummy_form_state['field'][$field_name][$langcode]['items_count'] = !empty($dummy_entity->{$field_name}[$langcode]) ? count($dummy_entity->{$field_name}[$langcode]) : 0;
    $new_element = ctools_field_invoke_field($mocked_instance, 'form', $entity_type, $dummy_entity, $form, $dummy_form_state, array(
      'default' => TRUE,
    $element[$field_mode] = $new_element[$field_name][LANGUAGE_NONE];
    if (in_array($mocked_instance['widget']['type'], array(
    ))) {

      // Change the "Add more" button name so it adds only the needed
      // element.
      if (!empty($element[$field_mode]['add_more']['#name'])) {
        $element[$field_mode]['add_more']['#name'] .= '__' . $field_mode;
      if ($mocked_instance['widget']['type'] == 'entityreference_autocomplete') {
        foreach (array_keys($element[$field_mode]) as $delta) {
          if (!is_numeric($delta)) {
          $sub_element =& $element[$field_mode][$delta]['target_id'];
          _og_field_widget_replace_autocomplete_path($sub_element, $field_mode);
      else {

        // Tags widget, there's no delta, we can pass the element itself.
        _og_field_widget_replace_autocomplete_path($element[$field_mode], $field_mode);
  $form['#after_build']['og'] = 'og_complex_widget_after_build';
  $form['#validate'][] = 'og_validate_widgets';
  return $element;

 * Replace Entity-reference's autocomplete path with our own.
 * @param $element
 *   The form element, passed by reference.
 * @param $field_mode
 *   The field mode.
function _og_field_widget_replace_autocomplete_path(&$element, $field_mode) {

  // Rebuild the autocomplete path.
  $path = explode('/', $element['#autocomplete_path']);
  $element['#autocomplete_path'] = 'og/autocomplete';

  // Add autocomplete type
  $element['#autocomplete_path'] .= "/{$path[2]}/{$path[3]}/{$path[4]}/{$path[5]}";

  // Add field mode.
  $element['#autocomplete_path'] .= "/{$field_mode}";

  // Add the entity ID.
  $element['#autocomplete_path'] .= "/{$path[6]}";
  if (!empty($path[7])) {

    // Add the text.
    $element['#autocomplete_path'] .= "/{$path[7]}";

 * Register group audience field related form errors.
 * @param $field_name
 *   The group audience field
 * @param $errors
 *   Array with errors.
 * @return
 *   Return the cached values.
 * @see og_validate_widgets()
 * @see OgBehaviorHandler::validate()
function og_field_widget_register_errors($field_name = NULL, $errors = NULL) {
  $cache =& drupal_static(__FUNCTION__, array());
  if (!empty($field_name)) {
    $cache[$field_name] = $errors;
  return $cache;

 * Property info alter; Change mocked field to be non-required.
function og_property_info_alter($wrapper, $info) {
  $property_info = $wrapper
  $field_name = $property_info['field name'];
  $info['properties'][$field_name]['required'] = FALSE;
  return $info;

 * Helper function; Get the mocked instance.
function og_get_mocked_instance($instance, $field_mode) {
  $mocked_instance = $instance;
  $widget_type = $instance['settings']['behaviors']['og_widget'][$field_mode]['widget_type'];
  $mocked_instance['widget']['type'] = $widget_type;

  // Set the widget's module.
  $widget_info = field_info_widget_types($widget_type);
  $mocked_instance['widget']['module'] = $widget_info['module'];
  $mocked_instance['widget']['settings'] = drupal_array_merge_deep($mocked_instance['widget']['settings'], $widget_info['settings']);

  // See OgSelectionHandler::buildEntityFieldQuery().
  $mocked_instance['field_mode'] = $field_mode;
  return $mocked_instance;

 * Rebuild the element's values, using the default and admin if exists.
function og_complex_widget_element_validate($element, &$form_state, $form) {
  $subform = drupal_array_get_nested_value($form_state['values'], $element['#array_parents']);
  $ids = array();
  foreach (array(
  ) as $field_mode) {
    if (empty($subform[$field_mode])) {
    foreach ($subform[$field_mode] as $value) {
      if (!empty($value['target_id']) && is_numeric($value['target_id'])) {
        $ids[] = array(
          'target_id' => $value['target_id'],
          // Add the field mode so we can later validate it in
          // OgBehaviorHandler::validate()
          'field_mode' => $field_mode,
  $ids = array_merge($ids, $element['#other_groups_ids']);

  // Set the form values by directly using drupal_array_set_nested_values(),
  // which allows us to control the element parents. In this case we cut off the
  // last element that contains the delta 0, as $ids is already keyed with
  // deltas.
  drupal_array_set_nested_value($form_state['values'], array_slice($element['#parents'], 0, -1), $ids, TRUE);

  // If the element is required, ensure that at least one group has been chosen.
  if ($element['#required']) {
    $subform = drupal_array_get_nested_value($form_state['values'], $element['#array_parents']);
    if (empty($subform)) {
      form_error($element, t('!name field is required.', array(
        '!name' => $element['#title'],

 * Validate handler; Assert group audience fields reference valid groups.
 * @see field_default_form_errors().
function og_validate_widgets($form, &$form_state) {
  if (!($errors = og_field_widget_register_errors())) {
  foreach ($errors as $field_name => $field_modes) {
    foreach ($field_modes as $field_mode => $error_items) {
      foreach ($error_items as $error_item) {
        $element = $form[$field_name][LANGUAGE_NONE][0][$field_mode];
        form_error($element, $error_item['message']);

 * After build; Remove the "Add more" button.
 * @see field_multiple_value_form()
 * @see theme_field_multiple_value_form()
function og_complex_widget_after_build($form, &$form_state) {
  foreach (og_get_group_audience_fields($form['#entity_type'], $form['#bundle']) as $field_name => $value) {
    if (empty($form[$field_name])) {
    if ($form[$field_name][LANGUAGE_NONE]['#required']) {
      $form[$field_name][LANGUAGE_NONE]['#title'] .= ' ' . theme('form_required_marker', array());
    if (!empty($form[$field_name][LANGUAGE_NONE][0]['admin'])) {

      // Wrap both elements with a fieldset.
      $form[$field_name][LANGUAGE_NONE]['#theme_wrappers'] = array(
  return $form;

 * Menu callback: autocomplete the label of an entity.
 * @param $type
 *   The widget type (i.e. 'single' or 'tags').
 * @param $field_name
 *   The name of the entity-reference field.
 * @param $entity_type
 *   The entity type.
 * @param $bundle_name
 *   The bundle name.
 * @param $field_mode
 *   The field mode, "default" or "admin".
 * @param $entity_id
 *   Optional; The entity ID the entity-reference field is attached to.
 *   Defaults to ''.
 * @param $string
 *   The label of the entity to query by.
 * @see entityreference_autocomplete_callback()
function og_entityreference_autocomplete_callback($type, $field_name, $entity_type, $bundle_name, $field_mode, $entity_id = '', $string = '') {
  $field = field_info_field($field_name);
  $instance = field_info_instance($entity_type, $field_name, $bundle_name);
  $instance = og_get_mocked_instance($instance, $field_mode);
  if (!$field || !$instance || $field['type'] != 'entityreference' || !field_access('edit', $field, $entity_type)) {
  return entityreference_autocomplete_callback_get_matches($type, $field, $instance, $entity_type, $entity_id, $string);


Namesort descending Description
og_complex_widget_after_build After build; Remove the "Add more" button.
og_complex_widget_element_validate Rebuild the element's values, using the default and admin if exists.
og_entityreference_autocomplete_callback Menu callback: autocomplete the label of an entity.
og_field_widget_form Implements hook_field_widget_form().
og_field_widget_info Implements hook_field_widget_info().
og_field_widget_register_errors Register group audience field related form errors.
og_get_mocked_instance Helper function; Get the mocked instance.
og_property_info_alter Property info alter; Change mocked field to be non-required.
og_validate_widgets Validate handler; Assert group audience fields reference valid groups.
_og_field_widget_replace_autocomplete_path Replace Entity-reference's autocomplete path with our own.