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Classes, traits, and interfaces in Organic groups 7.2

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Namesort descending Type Namespace Location Description Direct uses Use statements Strings
MigrateDestinationOGMembership class includes/migrate/plugins/destinations/ Destination class implementing migration into an OG Audience field.
OgAccess class ./og.test
OgAccessModeratedGroup class og_access/og_access.test Tests moderated group memberships.
OgAccessTestCase class og_access/og_access.test Test OG access.
OgAccessUseGroupDefaultsTestCase class og_access/og_access.test Test "Use group defaults".
OgAudienceFieldAccessOverrideTestCase class ./og.test Test group-audience field access settings.
OgAudienceFieldAutoCreateTestCase class ./og.test Test group-audience field auto-create.
OgAudienceFieldDeltaTestCase class ./og.test Verify OG group ref field support delta after saving.
OgAutoCompleteAccessibleGroupsValidation class ./og.test Test for publishing content into group the user is not a member.
OgBehaviorHandler class plugins/entityreference/behavior/OgBehaviorHandler.class.php OG behavior handler.
OgBehaviorHandlerTestCase class ./og.test
ogContent interface og_ui/scripts/generate-og-ui-d6-content.php Organic groups content generation interface. 7
ogContent interface scripts/generate-og-d6-content.php Organic groups content generation interface. 7
OgContextTestCase class og_context/og_context.test Test OG access.
OgDefaultAccessFieldTestCase class ./og.test
OgDeleteOrphansTestCase class ./og.test Testing for deleting orphans group content.
OgEntityFieldQueryFieldConditionTestCase class ./og.test EntityFieldQuery FieldConditions with multiple group content entity types.
OgEntityFieldQueryTestCase class ./og.test Test queying group-audience fields using entityFieldQuery.
OgEntityMigration abstract class includes/migrate/ @file Parent class to OG migration. 3
OgExampleSelectionHandler class og_example/plugins/entityreference/selection/OgExampleSelectionHandler.class.php @file OG example selection handler.
OgException class includes/ @file Provide a separate Exception so it can be caught separately.
OgFieldAccessTestCase class og_field_access/og_field_access.test Test OG access.
OgFieldWidgetTestCase class ./og.test Test the complex widget.
OgGroupAndUngroup class ./og.test Test Group content handeling.
ogGroupNoPosts class scripts/generate-og-d6-content.php A group without posts.
ogGroupOrphanPost class scripts/generate-og-d6-content.php A group post not associated to any other group.
ogGroupPostMultipleGroups class scripts/generate-og-d6-content.php A group post associated with two groups.
ogGroupSelectiveState class og_ui/scripts/generate-og-ui-d6-content.php Groups with different selective state (e.g. open, moderated, etc'.).
ogGroupSelectiveState class scripts/generate-og-d6-content.php Groups with different selective state (e.g. open, moderated, etc'.).
ogGroupThreePosts class scripts/generate-og-d6-content.php A group with three posts.
ogGroupUserAction class scripts/generate-og-d6-content.php A group with multiple members.
OgMembership class includes/ @file Main class for OG membership entities provided by Entity API.
OgMembershipMetadataController class ./ Extend the default OG membership metadata properties.
OgMembershipType class includes/ @file A class used for group membership types.
OgMembershipTypeUIController class includes/ UI controller.
OgMembershipViewsController class includes/views/ "OG membership" entity Views definitions.
OgMetaData class ./og.test Test the Organic groups API and CRUD handling.
OgMigrate7000TestCase class ./og.test Upgrade 7000 test.
OgMigrate7200TestCase class ./og.test Test Upgrade from branch 1.x to 2.x.
OgMigrateAddFields class includes/migrate/7000/ @file Add OG related fields to group and group-content node-types.
OgMigrateContent class includes/migrate/7000/ @file Upgrade nodes that are group-content, by settings the correct field value.
OgMigrateGroup class includes/migrate/7000/ @file Upgrade nodes that are groups, by settings the correct field value.
OgMigrateMembership class includes/migrate/7200/ @file Re-populate group ID and group entity, deprecating the OG group entity.
OgMigrateOgur class includes/migrate/7000/ @file Migrate OGUR(6.x) roles and relations to 7.x-2.x.
OgMigrateOgurRoles class includes/migrate/7000/ @file Add OG related fields to group and group-content node-types.
OgMigrateRoles class includes/migrate/7200/ @file Add per-bundle OG roles.
OgMigrateUser class includes/migrate/7000/ @file Create user relation to group.
OgMigrateUserRoles class includes/migrate/7200/ @file Update the group ID in user roles.
OgNodeAccess class ./og.test Test Group node access. This will test nodes that are groups and group content.
OgNonMembersPublishingContentTestCase class ./og.test Testing publishing content in a group for non members users.


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