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Functions in Organic groups 5.8

Primary tabs

Namesort descending Location Description Direct uses Strings
og_access_alter_group_form ./og_access.module 1
og_access_alter_nongroup_form ./og_access.module 1
og_access_disable ./og_access.install Implementation of hook_disable().
og_access_disabling ./og_access.install Simple function to make sure we don't respond with grants when disabling ourselves. 1
og_access_enable ./og_access.install Implementation of hook_enable().
og_access_form_alter ./og_access.module Implementation of hook_form_alter().
og_access_install ./og_access.install An implementation of hook_install().
og_access_menu ./og_access.module
og_access_node_access_explain ./og_access.module Implementation of hook_node_access_explain.
og_access_node_access_records ./og_access.module Implementation of hook_node_access_records.
og_access_node_grants ./og_access.module Implementation of hook_node_grants().
og_access_settings ./og_access.module 1
og_access_uninstall ./og_access.install
og_action_info ./ Implementation of hook_action_info().
og_add_users ./og.module 1
og_add_users_submit ./og.module
og_add_users_validate ./og.module
og_admin_settings ./og.module 2
og_all_groups_options ./og.module 2
og_approve ./og.module 1
og_block ./og.module Implementation of hook_block().
og_block_details ./og.module 1
og_block_new ./og.module 1
og_block_notifications ./og.module 1
og_block_subscribers ./og.module 1
og_block_subscribers_list ./og.module API function for retrieving a list of group members. Used by og and og_panels 2
og_block_users_network ./og.module 1
og_broadcast_access ./og.module Access callback: og_notifications (or similar) is required for the broadcast tab. Override menu item to amend. 1
og_broadcast_form ./og.module Admins may broadcast messages to all their members. 1
og_broadcast_form_submit ./og.module
og_condition_info ./ Implementation of hook_condition_info().
og_confirm_subscribe ./og.module Confirm og membership form 1
og_confirm_subscribe_submit ./og.module Confirm og membership submit handler
og_confirm_unsubscribe ./og.module Confirm og unsubscription form 1
og_confirm_unsubscribe_submit ./og.module Confirm og unsubscription submit handler
og_create_admin ./og.module 1
og_create_admin_confirm ./og.module OG create admin form 1
og_create_admin_confirm_submit ./og.module Confirm og create admin form
og_db_rewrite_sql ./og.module An implementation of hook_db_rewrite_sql(). Used by other modules to filter nodes to a given group
og_deleteifpresent_2keys ./og.install 3
og_delete_admin ./og.module 1
og_delete_subscription ./og.module 3
og_deny ./og.module 1
og_event_info ./ Implementation of hook_event_info().
og_feed ./og.module Menu callback. Handle old feed urls with permanent redirect. Hopefully rss readers respect that. Don't bother with the overhead of drupal_goto() 1
og_form_add_og_audience ./og.module Helper method to add OG audience fields to a given form. This is lives in a separate function from og_form_alter() so it can be shared by other OG contrib modules. 1
og_form_alter ./og.module
og_get_available_views ./og.module 1
og_get_group_context ./og.module API function for getting the group context (if any) for the current request. Used for things like setting current theme and breadcrumbs. This context is set during og_theme() 10
og_get_node_groups ./og.module 1


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