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function oa_core_taxonomy_vocabulary in Open Atrium Core 7.2

Returns the named vocabulary Cannot use core taxonomy_vocabulary_machine_name_load because og_vocab alters the query to only return vocabs associated with the current space see issue

4 calls to oa_core_taxonomy_vocabulary()
oa_buttons_og_permission in modules/oa_buttons/oa_buttons.module
Implements hook_og_permission().
oa_core_create_term in includes/
Helper function to create a new Section or Space Type taxonomy term
oa_core_get_allowed_space_terms in ./oa_core.module
Helper function to return list of space blueprint term ids allowed to be created.
oa_core_get_vocab_terms in includes/
Return terms for a list of vocabularies


includes/, line 1294
Code for Utility functions for OpenAtrium spaces


function oa_core_taxonomy_vocabulary($machine_name) {

  // EntityFieldQuery is not subject to the
  // og_vocab_query_taxonomy_vocabulary_load_multiple_alter() function
  $efq = new EntityFieldQuery();
  $result = $efq
    ->entityCondition('entity_type', 'taxonomy_vocabulary')
    ->propertyCondition('machine_name', $machine_name)
  return !empty($result['taxonomy_vocabulary']) ? current($result['taxonomy_vocabulary']) : NULL;