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function theme_mostpopular_block in Drupal Most Popular 6

The main theme function for the most popular block. This theme loads the javascript helper file and a basic stylesheet.

Calls theme('mostpopular_block_services', $service) to render the links to other services.

Calls theme('mostpopular_block_intervals', $interval) to render the links to other intervals.

Calls mostpopular_get_items($sid, $iid) to get the initial list of most popular items. This list can subsequently change via AJAX calls from the service or interval links.


integer $sid: The service ID of the currently-selected service.

integer $iid: The interval ID of the currently-selected interval.

1 theme call to theme_mostpopular_block()
mostpopular_block in ./mostpopular.module
Implements hook_block() to create the most popular block.


./, line 156
Defines all the pages, blocks and themes for rendering the most popular data to general users.


function theme_mostpopular_block($sid, $iid) {

  // Load the javascript file
  drupal_add_js(drupal_get_path('module', 'mostpopular') . '/js/fade.js');
  drupal_add_js(drupal_get_path('module', 'mostpopular') . '/js/mostpopular.js');

  // Print the tabs for services and intervals
  $tpl = '<div class="mostpopular mostpopular--widget">';
  $tpl .= theme('mostpopular_services', $sid, $iid);
  $tpl .= theme('mostpopular_intervals', $sid, $iid);

  // Show the content
  $tpl .= '<div class="mostpopular--content">';
  $tpl .= mostpopular_get_items($sid, $iid);
  $tpl .= '</div>';
  $tpl .= '</div>';
  return $tpl;