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Functions in Drupal Most Popular 6

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Namesort descending Location Description Direct uses Strings
hook_mostpopular_service ./mostpopular.api.php Defines hook_mostpopular_service() and provides an empty implementation.
mostpopular_addthis_config_submit modules/mostpopular_addthis/mostpopular_addthis.module When the AddThis config form is submitted, only save the password if it is not empty. 1
mostpopular_addthis_mostpopular_service modules/mostpopular_addthis/mostpopular_addthis.module Implements hook_mostpopular_service().
mostpopular_block ./mostpopular.module Implements hook_block() to create the most popular block.
mostpopular_clear_caches ./mostpopular.api.php Clears all of the cached values from services, and resets the last time the service was run to 0. 2
mostpopular_cron ./mostpopular.api.php Implements hook_cron().
mostpopular_drupal_mostpopular_service modules/mostpopular_drupal/mostpopular_drupal.module Implements hook_mostpopular_service().
mostpopular_ga_mostpopular_service modules/mostpopular_ga/mostpopular_ga.module Implements hook_mostpopular_service().
mostpopular_get_items ./ Gets a themed list of the most popular items for a given service and interval. 3
mostpopular_get_last_run ./mostpopular.api.php Gets the last time the given service was run for the given interval. If no interval is specified, gets the most recent time for any interval.
mostpopular_get_sid_for_module ./mostpopular.api.php Gets the service ID for the service defined by the given module and delta.
mostpopular_get_throttle ./mostpopular.api.php Gets the throttle setting for the given service and interval.
mostpopular_install ./mostpopular.install Implements hook_install().
mostpopular_intervals_form ./ 1
mostpopular_intervals_form_submit ./
mostpopular_intervals_form_validate ./
mostpopular_items_ajax ./ Returns a JSON object containing the items HTML in it's 'data' property. 1
mostpopular_items_page ./ Renders a full page with a most popular selector and list of items. 1
mostpopular_match_result_nodes ./mostpopular.api.php Matches the given URL to a Drupal node, resolving aliases appropriately. The homepage will never be included in this list. 4
mostpopular_menu ./mostpopular.module Implements hook_menu().
mostpopular_perm ./mostpopular.module Implements hook_perm().
mostpopular_refresh ./mostpopular.api.php Refreshes data from each service by invoking hook_mostpopular_service('refresh'). 1 1
mostpopular_schema ./mostpopular.install Implements hook_schema().
mostpopular_services_form ./ 1
mostpopular_services_form_submit ./
mostpopular_services_form_validate ./
mostpopular_service_config_form ./ 1
mostpopular_service_config_form_submit ./ 1
mostpopular_service_config_form_validate_throttle ./ Validates the throttle field in config forms. 1
mostpopular_settings_form ./ 1
mostpopular_settings_form_submit ./ 1
mostpopular_settings_form_validate ./
mostpopular_theme ./mostpopular.module Implements hook_theme().
mostpopular_uninstall ./mostpopular.install Implements hook_uninstall().
theme_mostpopular_block ./ The main theme function for the most popular block. This theme loads the javascript helper file and a basic stylesheet.
theme_mostpopular_config_intervals_form ./
theme_mostpopular_config_services_form ./
theme_mostpopular_config_service_form_throttles ./
theme_mostpopular_intervals ./ Themes a list of links to intervals. You can apply styles to class mostpopular-intervals.
theme_mostpopular_item ./ Themes an individual entry in the most popular results. The $item includes a title, url and a count of the number of times it appears within the interval.
theme_mostpopular_items ./ Themes a list of the most popular items for the given service.
theme_mostpopular_items_none ./ Themes a list with no most popular items.
theme_mostpopular_page ./ The main theme function for the most popular page. This theme loads the basic stylesheet but no javascript.
theme_mostpopular_services ./ Themes a list of links to services. You can apply styles to class mostpopular-services.
theme_mostpopular_service_status ./
_mostpopular_load_stylesheets ./ Loads the stylesheets for the most popular block. 2
_mostpopular_service_sort classes/services.php A custom sort function for the most popular services, that orders them by weight. 1

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