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function mostpopular_get_items in Drupal Most Popular 6

Gets a themed list of the most popular items for a given service and interval.

Calls theme('mostpopular_items', $items, $service, $interval) to render the list of items.

Sends back a cookie so the $sid and $iid are remembered next time the block loads.


integer $sid: The service ID of the currently-selected service.

integer $iid: The interval ID of the currently-selected interval.

3 calls to mostpopular_get_items()
mostpopular_items_ajax in ./
Returns a JSON object containing the items HTML in it's 'data' property.
theme_mostpopular_block in ./
The main theme function for the most popular block. This theme loads the javascript helper file and a basic stylesheet.
theme_mostpopular_page in ./
The main theme function for the most popular page. This theme loads the basic stylesheet but no javascript.


./, line 63
Defines all the pages, blocks and themes for rendering the most popular data to general users.


function mostpopular_get_items($sid = NULL, $iid = NULL) {
  $sid = (int) $sid;
  $iid = (int) $iid;
  if (empty($sid) || empty($iid)) {
    return theme('mostpopular_items_none');

  // Fetch the most popular items
  $items = MostPopularItem::fetch($sid, $iid);

  // Send back a cookie storing these values
  setcookie('mostpopular', "{$sid}/{$iid}", strtotime("+1 year"), url(''));
  return theme('mostpopular_items', $items, $sid, $iid);