You are here in Drupal Most Popular 6

Defines all the pages, blocks and themes for rendering the most popular data to general users.

@author Andrew Marcus @since Dec 30, 2009

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 * @file
 * Defines all the pages, blocks and themes for rendering the most popular
 * data to general users.
 * @author Andrew Marcus
 * @since Dec 30, 2009

 * Renders a full page with a most popular selector and list of items.
 * Calls theme('mostpopular_page', $sid, $iid).
 * @param integer $sid
 *   The service ID of the currently-selected service.
 * @param integer $iid
 *   The interval ID of the currently-selected interval.
function mostpopular_items_page($sid, $iid) {
  return theme('mostpopular_page', $sid, $iid);

 * Returns a JSON object containing the items HTML in it's 'data' property.
 * Calls mostpopular_get_items($sid, $iid);
 * @param integer $sid
 *   The service ID of the currently-selected service.
 * @param integer $iid
 *   The interval ID of the currently-selected interval.
function mostpopular_items_ajax($sid, $iid) {
  $items = mostpopular_get_items($sid, $iid);
    'data' => $items,

 * Gets a themed list of the most popular items for a given service and interval.
 * Calls theme('mostpopular_items', $items, $service, $interval) to render the
 * list of items.
 * Sends back a cookie so the $sid and $iid are remembered next time the block loads.
 * @param integer $sid
 *   The service ID of the currently-selected service.
 * @param integer $iid
 *   The interval ID of the currently-selected interval.
function mostpopular_get_items($sid = NULL, $iid = NULL) {
  $sid = (int) $sid;
  $iid = (int) $iid;
  if (empty($sid) || empty($iid)) {
    return theme('mostpopular_items_none');

  // Fetch the most popular items
  $items = MostPopularItem::fetch($sid, $iid);

  // Send back a cookie storing these values
  setcookie('mostpopular', "{$sid}/{$iid}", strtotime("+1 year"), url(''));
  return theme('mostpopular_items', $items, $sid, $iid);

 * Loads the stylesheets for the most popular block.
 * Which stylesheets are loaded depends on the administrator settings.
function _mostpopular_load_stylesheets() {
  switch (variable_get('mostpopular_styling', MOSTPOPULAR_STYLE_FULL)) {
      drupal_add_css(drupal_get_path('module', 'mostpopular') . '/css/mostpopular-basic.css');
      drupal_add_css(drupal_get_path('module', 'mostpopular') . '/css/mostpopular-basic.css');
      drupal_add_css(drupal_get_path('module', 'mostpopular') . '/css/mostpopular-full.css');

 * The main theme function for the most popular page.  This theme loads the
 * basic stylesheet but no javascript.
 * Calls theme('mostpopular_block_services', $service) to render the links to
 * other services.
 * Calls theme('mostpopular_block_intervals', $interval) to render the links to
 * other intervals.
 * Calls mostpopular_get_items($sid, $iid) to get the initial list of most popular
 * items.  This list can subsequently change via AJAX calls from the service or
 * interval links.
 * @param integer $sid
 *   The service ID of the currently-selected service.
 * @param integer $iid
 *   The interval ID of the currently-selected interval.
 * @ingroup themeable
function theme_mostpopular_page($sid, $iid) {

  // Print the tabs for services and intervals
  $tpl = '<div id="mostpopular-page" class="mostpopular">';
  $tpl .= theme('mostpopular_services', $sid, $iid);
  $tpl .= theme('mostpopular_intervals', $sid, $iid);
  $tpl .= '<div class="mostpopular--content">';
  $tpl .= mostpopular_get_items($sid, $iid);
  $tpl .= '</div>';
  $tpl .= '</div>';
  return $tpl;

 * The main theme function for the most popular block.  This theme loads the
 * javascript helper file and a basic stylesheet.
 * Calls theme('mostpopular_block_services', $service) to render the links to
 * other services.
 * Calls theme('mostpopular_block_intervals', $interval) to render the links to
 * other intervals.
 * Calls mostpopular_get_items($sid, $iid) to get the initial list of most popular
 * items.  This list can subsequently change via AJAX calls from the service or
 * interval links.
 * @param integer $sid
 *   The service ID of the currently-selected service.
 * @param integer $iid
 *   The interval ID of the currently-selected interval.
 * @ingroup themeable
function theme_mostpopular_block($sid, $iid) {

  // Load the javascript file
  drupal_add_js(drupal_get_path('module', 'mostpopular') . '/js/fade.js');
  drupal_add_js(drupal_get_path('module', 'mostpopular') . '/js/mostpopular.js');

  // Print the tabs for services and intervals
  $tpl = '<div class="mostpopular mostpopular--widget">';
  $tpl .= theme('mostpopular_services', $sid, $iid);
  $tpl .= theme('mostpopular_intervals', $sid, $iid);

  // Show the content
  $tpl .= '<div class="mostpopular--content">';
  $tpl .= mostpopular_get_items($sid, $iid);
  $tpl .= '</div>';
  $tpl .= '</div>';
  return $tpl;

 * Themes a list of links to services.  You can apply styles to
 * class mostpopular-services.
 * Each service button will be created as a link to the service for the current
 * interval.  These links point to HTML pages, and will be rewritten to point to
 * AJAX callbacks when the javascript loads.  This allows for gracefully
 * degradation of the javascript functionality.
 * @param integer $sid
 *   The service ID of the currently-selected service.
 * @param integer $iid
 *   The interval ID of the currently-selected interval.
 * @ingroup themeable
function theme_mostpopular_services($sid, $iid) {
  $services = MostPopularService::fetchEnabled();
  $list = array();
  $list[] = array(
    'data' => t('Most:'),
    'class' => 'mostpopular--label',
  foreach ($services as $s) {

    // Create a default link (which will be overridden by javascript).
    $link = l($s->title, "mostpopular/items/{$s->sid}/{$iid}");
    $a = array(
      'data' => $link,
    if ($s->sid == $sid) {
      $a['class'] = 'selected';
    $list[] = $a;
  return theme('item_list', $list, NULL, 'ul', array(
    'class' => 'mostpopular--services',

 * Themes a list of links to intervals.  You can apply styles to
 * class mostpopular-intervals.
 * Each interval button will be created as a link to the interval for the current
 * service.  These links point to HTML pages, and will be rewritten to point to
 * AJAX callbacks when the javascript loads.  This allows for gracefully
 * degradation of the javascript functionality.
 * @param integer $sid
 *   The service ID of the currently-selected service.
 * @param integer $iid
 *   The interval ID of the currently-selected interval.
 * @ingroup themeable
function theme_mostpopular_intervals($sid, $iid) {
  $intervals = MostPopularInterval::fetchAll();
  $list = array();
  $list[] = array(
    'data' => t('Past:'),
    'class' => 'mostpopular--label',
  foreach ($intervals as $i) {

    // Create a default link (which will be overridden by javascript).
    $link = l($i->title, "mostpopular/items/{$sid}/{$i->iid}");
    $a = array(
      'data' => $link,
    if ($i->iid == $iid) {
      $a['class'] = 'selected';
    $list[] = $a;
  return theme('item_list', $list, NULL, 'ul', array(
    'class' => 'mostpopular--intervals',

 * Themes a list of the most popular items for the given service.
 * Calls theme('mostpopular_item', $item, $sid, $iid) for each list item.
 * @param array<MostPopularItem> $items
 *   A list of most popular items to show.
 * @param integer $sid
 *   The service ID of the currently-selected service.
 * @param integer $iid
 *   The interval ID of the currently-selected interval.
 * @ingroup themeable
function theme_mostpopular_items($items, $sid, $iid) {
  if (empty($items)) {
    return theme('mostpopular_items_none');
  $list = array();
  foreach ($items as $item) {
    $list[] = theme('mostpopular_item', $item, $sid, $iid);
  return theme('item_list', $list, NULL, 'ul', array(
    'class' => 'mostpopular--items',

 * Themes an individual entry in the most popular results.  The $item includes
 * a title, url and a count of the number of times it appears within the interval.
 * By default, this theme function returns HTML of the form:
 * <a href='$item->url'>
 *   <span class='title'>$item->title</span>
 *   <span class='count'>($item->count times)</span>
 * </a>
 * If variable mostpopular_show_count is set to false, the
 *   <span class='count'>...</span> part will not appear.
 * @param MostPopularItem $item
 *   A single most popular item to show.  It will have at least the following:
 *   - title: The title of the page
 *   - url: The URL of the page
 *   - count: The number of times the page was viewed.
 * @param integer $sid
 *   The service ID of the currently-selected service.
 * @param integer $iid
 *   The interval ID of the currently-selected interval.
 * @ingroup themeable
function theme_mostpopular_item($item, $sid, $iid) {
  $text = '<span class="title">' . check_plain($item->title) . '</span>';
  if (variable_get('mostpopular_show_count', 1)) {
    $text .= ' <span class="count">' . t("(@count times)", array(
      '@count' => $item->count,
    )) . '</span>';
  return l($text, $item->url, array(
    'html' => TRUE,

 * Themes a list with no most popular items.
 * @ingroup themeable
function theme_mostpopular_items_none() {
  return '<p class="mostpopular--no-results">' . t('No results found') . '</p>';


Namesort descending Description
mostpopular_get_items Gets a themed list of the most popular items for a given service and interval.
mostpopular_items_ajax Returns a JSON object containing the items HTML in it's 'data' property.
mostpopular_items_page Renders a full page with a most popular selector and list of items.
theme_mostpopular_block The main theme function for the most popular block. This theme loads the javascript helper file and a basic stylesheet.
theme_mostpopular_intervals Themes a list of links to intervals. You can apply styles to class mostpopular-intervals.
theme_mostpopular_item Themes an individual entry in the most popular results. The $item includes a title, url and a count of the number of times it appears within the interval.
theme_mostpopular_items Themes a list of the most popular items for the given service.
theme_mostpopular_items_none Themes a list with no most popular items.
theme_mostpopular_page The main theme function for the most popular page. This theme loads the basic stylesheet but no javascript.
theme_mostpopular_services Themes a list of links to services. You can apply styles to class mostpopular-services.
_mostpopular_load_stylesheets Loads the stylesheets for the most popular block.