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mobile_switch.module in Mobile Switch 7.2

Same filename and directory in other branches
  1. 6 mobile_switch.module
  2. 7 mobile_switch.module

Provides various functionalities to develop mobile ready websites.

Caching problems. See


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 * @file
 * Provides various functionalities to develop mobile ready websites.
 * Caching problems. See

 * Mobile Detect PHP class name.
define('MOBILE_SWITCH_LIBRARY_NAME', 'Mobile_Detect');

 * Mobile Detect PHP class file name.
define('MOBILE_SWITCH_LIBRARY_FILE_NAME', 'Mobile_Detect.php');

 * Mobile Detect PHP class version pattern.
define('MOBILE_SWITCH_LIBRARY_VERSION_PATTERN', '@version\\s+([0-9a-zA-Z\\.-]+)@');

 * Mobile Detect PHP class vendor URL.

 * Mobile Detect PHP class download URL.

 * The Mobile Switch device types.

 * Implements hook_help().
function mobile_switch_help($path, $arg) {
  $return = '';
  switch ($path) {
    case 'admin/config/user-interface/mobile-switch':
      $return = t('<h3>Operating modes</h3>
<em>Do not use</em>: Only the Mobile Detect PHP class will be loaded.<br />
<em>No theme switch - detect only</em>: Work with a single site and a responsive theme.<br />
<em>No theme switch - redirect to website</em>: Work with a multisite installation. IMPORTANT: Define default themes in the setting.php files.<br />
<em>A theme name</em>: This is the mode <em>theme switch</em>. Work with a single site and two themes. Do NOT define default themes in the setting.php files.');
    case 'admin/help#mobile_switch':
      $return = check_markup(file_get_contents(dirname(__FILE__) . '/README.txt'));
  return $return;

 * Implements hook_views_api().
function mobile_switch_views_api() {
  return array(
    'api' => 3,
    'path' => drupal_get_path('module', 'mobile_switch') . '/views',

 * Implements hook_boot().
 * Alter specific entries in the system variable registry:
 *   - theme_default: If mobile mobile device, the value are changed
 *                    to the configured mobile theme.
 * Insert virtual system variables. Virtual means, the variable is not inserted
 * in system variables registry.
 *   - theme_mobile: The default value is FALSE. If a mobile theme used,
 *                   the value is the machine name of the used theme.
 *   - mobile_switch_theme_default: Save the system variable theme_default
 *                                  for later use.
 *   - mobile_switch_admin_theme: Save the system variable admin_theme
 *                                for later use.
 *   - mobile_switch_mobile_theme_use: Boolean. Operating mode theme switch.
 *                                     The result from check to use the mobile
 *                                     theme. If the mobile theme used the
 *                                     value is TRUE.
function mobile_switch_boot() {
  global $conf;

  // We use virtual system variables.
  // Virtual means, the variable is not saved in the system variables registry.
  $conf['theme_mobile'] = FALSE;
  $conf['mobile_switch_theme_default'] = $conf['theme_default'];
  $conf['mobile_switch_admin_theme'] = $conf['admin_theme'];
  $conf['mobile_switch_mobile_theme_use'] = FALSE;

  // Use the mobile switch functionality on tablet devices?
  $get['tablet_usage'] = (bool) variable_get('mobile_switch_tablet_usage', TRUE);

  // Use the mobile switch functionality on admin pages?
  $get['admin_usage'] = (bool) variable_get('mobile_switch_admin_usage', FALSE);

  // Desktop browser mode enabled?
  $get['deskbrowser'] = (bool) variable_get('mobile_switch_deskbrowser', FALSE);

  // Developer mode enabled?
  $get['developer'] = (bool) variable_get('mobile_switch_developer', FALSE);

  // Get informations from Mobile Detect.
  $get['browser'] = mobile_switch_mobile_detect($get['developer']);

  // Get the Mobile Switch operating mode.
  $get['op_mode'] = mobile_switch_get_operating_mode();

  // Operating modes without theme switch function.
  switch ($get['op_mode']) {

    // Operating mode 'Do not use'.
    case 'none':

      // Only load the Mobile Detect PHP class.

    // Operating mode 'detect only'.
    case 'detectonly':
      $get['browser'] = mobile_switch_mobile_detect($get['developer']);

    // Operating mode 'redirect to website'.
    case 'redirect':

      // Get informations from Mobile Detect.
      $get['browser'] = mobile_switch_mobile_detect($get['developer']);

      //Identify the current website version - desktop or mobile.
      $get['site_variant'] = _mobile_switch_get_site_version($get);
      if ($get['site_variant'] === 'mobile') {

        // Use the mobile theme on admin pages.
        if (stristr($_GET['q'], 'admin') && $get['admin_usage'] === TRUE) {
          $conf['admin_theme'] = $conf['theme_default'];
      drupal_alter('mobile_switch_boot', $conf, $get);

    // Operating mode 'themeswitch'.
    case 'themeswitch':

  // Operating mode theme switch.
  // Check website maintenance mode and admin usage.
  if (variable_get('maintenance_mode', 0) || stristr($_GET['q'], 'admin') && $get['admin_usage'] === FALSE) {

  // Tablet device usage is configured to none.
  if ($get['tablet_usage'] === FALSE) {
    if ((bool) $get['browser']['istablet'] === TRUE) {

  // An prevented device is detected.
  if ((bool) variable_get('mobile_switch_prevent_devices', FALSE) === TRUE) {
    if ((bool) $get['browser']['prevent_device'] === TRUE) {

  // Switch the theme.
  if ((bool) $get['browser']['ismobiledevice'] === TRUE || (bool) $get['browser']['ismobiledevice'] === FALSE && $get['developer'] === TRUE && $get['deskbrowser'] === TRUE || $get['deskbrowser'] === TRUE) {

    // The functional heart for theme switching.
    $conf['theme_mobile'] = $conf['theme_default'] = $conf['mobile_switch_mobile_theme'];
    $conf['mobile_switch_mobile_theme_use'] = TRUE;

    // Use the mobile theme on admin pages.
    if (stristr($_GET['q'], 'admin') && $get['admin_usage'] === TRUE) {
      $conf['admin_theme'] = $conf['mobile_switch_mobile_theme'];
  drupal_alter('mobile_switch_boot', $conf, $get);

 * Implements hook_init().
 * Handle the redirect operating mode.
function mobile_switch_init() {
  $get['op_mode'] = mobile_switch_get_operating_mode();

  // Do nothing if the redirect mode is not active.
  if ($get['op_mode'] != 'redirect') {
  $theme_cookie = _mobile_switch_check_theme_cookie_use();

  // Do nothing if the redirect mode is active and the theme switch are
  // manulay initiated by visitor (Theme switch block link).
  $rm = stristr($theme_cookie, '-rm');
  if ($rm === '-rm') {
  $get['redirect_url_to_mobile'] = variable_get('mobile_switch_redirect_url_to_mobile', '');
  $get['redirect_url_to_desktop'] = variable_get('mobile_switch_redirect_url_to_desktop', '');

  // Get the detection informations.
  $get['browser'] = mobile_switch_mobile_detect();

  // Use the mobile switch functionality on admin pages?
  $get['admin_usage'] = (bool) variable_get('mobile_switch_admin_usage', FALSE);

  // Use the mobile theme on tablet devices?
  $get['tablet_usage'] = (bool) variable_get('mobile_switch_tablet_usage', TRUE);

  // Use device preventation?
  $get['prevented_device'] = (bool) variable_get('mobile_switch_prevent_devices', FALSE);

  // Multisite with shared content?
  $get['shared_content'] = (bool) variable_get('mobile_switch_redirect_shared_content', 0);

  // Identify the current website version - desktop or mobile.
  $get['site_variant'] = _mobile_switch_get_site_version($get);

  // Tablet device usage is configured to none.
  $get['tablet'] = TRUE;
  if ($get['tablet_usage'] === FALSE) {
    if ((bool) $get['browser']['istablet'] === TRUE) {
      $get['tablet'] = FALSE;

  // An prevented device is detected.
  $get['prevent'] = FALSE;
  if ((bool) variable_get('mobile_switch_prevent_devices', FALSE) === TRUE) {
    if ((bool) $get['browser']['prevent_device'] === TRUE) {
      $get['prevent'] = TRUE;

  // Prepare the request URI.
  $get['request_uri'] = '';
  if ($get['shared_content'] == TRUE) {
    $get['request_uri'] = request_uri();

  // Handling the redirection.
  switch ($get['site_variant']) {
    case 'desktop':
      if ((bool) $get['browser']['ismobiledevice'] === TRUE && $get['prevent'] === FALSE && $get['tablet'] === TRUE) {

        //if ((bool) $get['browser']['ismobiledevice'] === TRUE) {

        //if (!$theme_cookie || (isset($theme_cookie) && $theme_cookie == 'mobile')) {;
        drupal_goto($get['redirect_url_to_mobile'] . $get['request_uri']);

    case 'mobile':
      if ((bool) $get['browser']['ismobiledevice'] === FALSE || $get['prevent'] === TRUE || $get['tablet'] === FALSE) {

        //if ((bool) $get['browser']['ismobiledevice'] === FALSE) {

        //if (!$theme_cookie || (isset($theme_cookie) && $theme_cookie == 'mobile')) {
        drupal_goto($get['redirect_url_to_desktop'] . $get['request_uri']);


 * Implements hook_menu().
function mobile_switch_menu() {
  $items = array();
  $items['admin/config/user-interface/mobile-switch'] = array(
    'title' => 'Mobile Switch',
    'page callback' => 'drupal_get_form',
    'page arguments' => array(
    'access callback' => 'mobile_switch_administer',
    'description' => 'Enable or disable automatic theme changing for mobile devices.',
    'file' => 'includes/',
  $items['admin/config/user-interface/mobile-switch/basic-settings'] = array(
    'title' => 'Basic settings',
    'description' => 'Adjust the basic settings.',
    'weight' => -10,
  $items['admin/config/user-interface/mobile-switch/advanced'] = array(
    'title' => 'Advanced',
    'page callback' => 'drupal_get_form',
    'page arguments' => array(
    'access callback' => 'mobile_switch_administer_advanced',
    'file' => 'includes/',
    'type' => MENU_LOCAL_TASK,
    'weight' => -8,
  $items['admin/config/user-interface/mobile-switch/development'] = array(
    'title' => 'Development',
    'page callback' => 'drupal_get_form',
    'page arguments' => array(
    'access callback' => 'mobile_switch_administer_development',
    'file' => 'includes/',
    'type' => MENU_LOCAL_TASK,
    'weight' => -6,
  return $items;

 * Implements hook_libraries_info().
function mobile_switch_libraries_info() {
  $libraries = array();
  $libraries[MOBILE_SWITCH_LIBRARY_NAME] = array(
    'name' => 'Mobile Detect',
    'version arguments' => array(
      'lines' => 200,
      'cols' => 30,
    'files' => array(
      'php' => array(
    'versions' => array(
      '2' => array(
        'files' => array(
          'php' => array(
  return $libraries;

 * Access callback.
 * @see mobile_switch_menu()
 * @see mobile_switch_page_alter()
function mobile_switch_administer() {
  global $user;
  if (user_access('administer site configuration', $user) || user_access('administer themes', $user)) {
    return TRUE;
  return FALSE;

 * Access callback.
 * @see mobile_switch_menu()
function mobile_switch_administer_advanced() {
  $mode = mobile_switch_get_operating_mode();
  if (mobile_switch_administer() && ($mode === 'redirect' || $mode === 'themeswitch' || $mode === 'detectonly')) {
    return TRUE;
  return FALSE;

 * Access callback.
 * @see mobile_switch_menu()
function mobile_switch_administer_development() {
  $mode = mobile_switch_get_operating_mode();
  if (mobile_switch_administer() && $mode != 'none') {
    return TRUE;
  return FALSE;

 * Implements hook_system_themes_page_alter().
 * Alter the displayed theme informations of the used mobile theme.
function mobile_switch_system_themes_page_alter(&$theme_groups) {
  $mobile_theme = variable_get('mobile_switch_mobile_theme', 'none');
  if ($mobile_theme === 'none' || $mobile_theme === 'detectonly' || $mobile_theme === 'redirect') {

  // Theme switch as operating mode.
  foreach ($theme_groups['enabled'] as $key => $theme) {
    if ($theme->name == $mobile_theme) {
      $theme_groups['enabled'][$key]->notes[] = t('default mobile theme by !mobile-switch', array(
        '!mobile-switch' => l(t('Mobile Switch'), 'admin/config/user-interface/mobile-switch', array(
          'attributes' => array(
            'title' => t('Administer Mobile Switch'),
      $theme_groups['enabled'][$key]->classes[] = 'theme-default';
      $theme_groups['enabled'][$key]->classes[] = 'theme-default-mobile';

      // Remove mobile theme links 'Disable' and 'Set default'.
      foreach ($theme->operations as $op_key => $op) {
        if ($op['href'] == 'admin/appearance/disable') {
        if ($op['href'] == 'admin/appearance/default') {

 * Implements hook_page_alter().
 * Display a Mobile Switch debugging message.
function mobile_switch_page_alter(&$page) {
  $get['display_mobiledetectinfo'] = variable_get('mobile_switch_display_mobiledetectinfo', 0);

  // The debugging informations.
  if ($get['display_mobiledetectinfo']) {
    if (mobile_switch_administer()) {
      $browser = mobile_switch_mobile_detect();

      // Makes human readable boolean values.
      $browser_human_val = array();
      foreach ($browser as $key => $value) {
        $browser_human_val[$key] = is_bool($value) ? $value ? '1' : '0' : $value;

      // Check theme switch usage or theme cookie exists
      // and extends with it the debugging information.
      $theme_cookie = _mobile_switch_check_theme_cookie_use();
      if ($theme_cookie) {
        $theme_cookie_array = array(
          t('Theme switch cookie') => $theme_cookie,
        $browser_human_val = array_merge($browser_human_val, $theme_cookie_array);
      $message = t('!mobile-switch debugging information', array(
        '!mobile-switch' => l(t('Mobile Switch'), 'admin/config/user-interface/mobile-switch'),
      )) . ':<br />';
      $message .= _mobile_switch_get_mobile_detect_details($browser_human_val);

 * Identify the current website version on a multisite.
 * Do not call this function outside from redirect context.
 * @param $get
 *   The associative array contains various setting parameter.
 * @return string
 *   Possible string values: desktop or mobile
 * @see mobile_switch_boot()
 * @see mobile_switch_init()
function _mobile_switch_get_site_version($get) {
  static $site_variant;
  if (!isset($site_variant)) {

    // The current host URL.
    $current_url = 'http://' . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'];
    $site_variant = FALSE;
    if (stristr(variable_get('mobile_switch_redirect_url_to_desktop', ''), $current_url)) {
      $site_variant = 'desktop';
    if (stristr(variable_get('mobile_switch_redirect_url_to_mobile', ''), $current_url)) {
      $site_variant = 'mobile';
  return $site_variant;

 * Helper function to check theme switch usage or theme cookie exists.
 * @return string|boolean
 *   The possible string values are standard or mobile.
 *   The boolean are allways FALSE.
 * @see mobile_switch_page_alter()
function _mobile_switch_check_theme_cookie_use() {
  $theme_cookie = FALSE;
  $name = 'mobile_switch_mode';
  if (isset($_GET['mobile_switch'])) {
    $theme_cookie = check_plain($_GET['mobile_switch']);
  elseif (isset($_COOKIE[$name])) {
    $theme_cookie = check_plain($_COOKIE[$name]);
  return $theme_cookie;

 * Preprocess variables for html.tpl.php.
function mobile_switch_preprocess_html(&$variables) {
  if (stristr($_GET['q'], 'admin')) {
    drupal_add_css(drupal_get_path('module', 'mobile_switch') . '/css/mobile_switch.system.admin.css');
  $op_mode = variable_get('mobile_switch_mobile_theme', 'none');
  if ($op_mode === 'none') {

  // Generate body classes.
  if ($html_classes = _mobile_switch_generate_html_classes()) {
    foreach ($html_classes as $class_name) {
      if ($class_name === 'tablet-usage' && $op_mode === 'detectonly') {
      $variables['classes_array'][] = $class_name;

 * Prepare HTML body classes to be used in page.tpl.php
 * @return array
 * @see mobile_switch_preprocess_html()
function _mobile_switch_generate_html_classes() {
  $classes_array =& drupal_static(__FUNCTION__, array());
  if (empty($classes_array)) {
    $detect = mobile_switch_mobile_detect();
    if ($detect['device_type'] === MOBILE_SWITCH_DEVICE_TYPE_MOBILE || $detect['deskbrowser_usage'] === TRUE) {
      foreach ($detect as $key => $value) {
        if ($value === TRUE) {
          $classes_array[] = str_replace('_', '-', $key);
  return $classes_array;

 * Fallback function to work with previous versions.
 * This allows to work the Mobile Switch Block module branch 1
 * with the Mobile Switch module branch 2.
function mobile_switch_browscap_get_browser($emulator_check = FALSE) {
  return mobile_switch_mobile_detect($emulator_check);

 * Get extended Mobile Detect device detection results.
 * The returned array contains following values:
 * - mobile_detect_class: boolean
 * - ismobiledevice: boolean
 * - istablet: boolean
 * - useragent: string, the browser user agent
 * - prevent_device: boolean
 * - deskbrowser_usage: boolean
 * - tablet_usage: boolean
 * - device_type: string, the values are desktop or mobile
 * This function should not be used in the operating mode 'Do not use'.
 * @param $emulator_check
 *   Optional boolean value to use mobile browser emulators.
 * @return array
 *   The associative array contains the informations described.
 * @see mobile_switch_boot()
function mobile_switch_mobile_detect($emulator_check = FALSE) {
  static $browser;
  if (!isset($browser)) {
    global $msw_detect;
    if (is_object($msw_detect)) {
      $browser['mobile_detect_class'] = TRUE;

      // Prepare the basic informations.
      $browser['ismobiledevice'] = $msw_detect
        ->isMobile() ? $msw_detect
        ->isMobile() : FALSE;
      $browser['istablet'] = $msw_detect
        ->isTablet() ? $msw_detect
        ->isTablet() : FALSE;
      $browser['useragent'] = $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'];

      // Mobile device emulators.
      if ((bool) $emulator_check === TRUE) {
        $emulator_strings = variable_get('mobile_switch_emulator_strings', "Fennec\nAndroid\nTablet\nMobi");
        $emulator_strings = str_replace(array(
        ), '|', $emulator_strings);
        if (preg_match("/{$emulator_strings}/i", $browser['useragent'])) {
          $browser['ismobiledevice'] = TRUE;

      // Mobile device prevention.
      $browser['prevent_device'] = FALSE;
      $prevent_devices = (bool) variable_get('mobile_switch_prevent_devices', FALSE);
      $prevent_devices_strings = variable_get('mobile_switch_prevent_devices_strings', '');
      if ($prevent_devices === TRUE && !empty($prevent_devices_strings)) {
        $prevent_devices_strings = str_replace(array(
        ), '|', $prevent_devices_strings);
        $strings_arr = explode("|", $prevent_devices_strings);
        foreach ($strings_arr as $val) {
          $found = stristr($browser['useragent'], $val);
          if (!empty($found)) {
            $browser['prevent_device'] = TRUE;

      // Desktopbrowser usage.
      $browser['deskbrowser_usage'] = (bool) variable_get('mobile_switch_deskbrowser', FALSE);

      // Usage on administration pages.
      $browser['tablet_usage'] = (bool) variable_get('mobile_switch_tablet_usage', TRUE);
      $browser['device_type'] = $browser['ismobiledevice'] ? MOBILE_SWITCH_DEVICE_TYPE_MOBILE : MOBILE_SWITCH_DEVICE_TYPE_DESKTOP;
    else {
      $browser['mobile_detect_class'] = FALSE;
      $browser['ismobiledevice'] = FALSE;
      $browser['istablet'] = FALSE;
      $browser['prevent_device'] = FALSE;
      $browser['useragent'] = $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'];
      $browser['deskbrowser_usage'] = FALSE;
      $browser['tablet_usage'] = FALSE;
      $browser['device_type'] = MOBILE_SWITCH_DEVICE_TYPE_DESKTOP;
      watchdog('Mobile Switch', 'The Mobile Detect class file was not found.');
  return $browser;

 * Load the Mobile Detect PHP class.
 * Do not call this funtion from outside. Use the provided variable.
 * @code
 * global $msw_detect;
 * // Ceck is the PHP class available.
 * if (is_object($msw_detect)) {}
 * // Use the PHP class.
 * $ismobile = $msw_detect->isMobile();
 * @endcode
 * @see mobile_switch_mobile_detect()
function _mobile_switch_mobile_detect_class_load() {
  global $msw_detect;
  $library_uri = variable_get('mobile_detect_import_library_uri', FALSE);
  if (file_exists($library_uri)) {
    require_once $library_uri;
    $msw_detect = new Mobile_Detect();

 * Detect the version number of a given Mobile Detect class file.
 * The class is given by path to file.
 * @param $path
 *   The path to the Mobile Detect class file.
 *   Example path:
 *   sites/all/libraries/Mobile_Detect/Mobile_Detect.php
 * @return string|boolean
 *   The detected version number or FALSE.
 * @see mobile_switch_settings_form()
function mobile_switch_mobile_detect_get_version($path, $pattern = MOBILE_SWITCH_LIBRARY_VERSION_PATTERN) {
  $version = FALSE;
  if (!file_exists($path)) {
    return $version;
  $file = fopen($path, 'r');
  if ($file) {
    while ($line = fgets($file)) {
      if (preg_match($pattern, $line, $matches)) {
        $version = $matches[1];
  return $version;

 * Helper function to determine the active themes.
 * @see mobile_switch_settings_form()
 * @see
function mobile_switch_get_themes() {
  $themes = array();
  foreach (list_themes() as $name => $value) {
    if ($value->status == 0) {
    $themes[$name] = preg_replace('/_/', ' ', ucfirst($value->name));
  return $themes;

 * Helper function to get the Mobile Switch operating mode.
 * @return string
 *   Possible values: none, detectonly, redirect and themeswitch.
function mobile_switch_get_operating_mode() {
  static $mode;
  if (!isset($mode)) {
    $mode = variable_get('mobile_switch_mobile_theme', 'none');
    if ($mode != 'none' && $mode != 'detectonly' && $mode != 'redirect') {
      $mode = 'themeswitch';
  return $mode;

 * Helper function to get details detected by Mobile Detect.
 * @param $browser
 *  Associative array from Mobile Detect.
 * @return string
 *   HTML table contains Mobile Detect details.
 * @see mobile_switch_page_alter()
function _mobile_switch_get_mobile_detect_details($browser) {
  $rows = array();
  foreach ($browser as $key => $value) {
    $rows[] = array(
  return theme('table', array(
    'header' => array(
    'rows' => $rows,
    'attributes' => array(
      'id' => 'mobile-switch-mobile-detect-details',


Namesort descending Description
mobile_switch_administer Access callback.
mobile_switch_administer_advanced Access callback.
mobile_switch_administer_development Access callback.
mobile_switch_boot Implements hook_boot().
mobile_switch_browscap_get_browser Fallback function to work with previous versions.
mobile_switch_get_operating_mode Helper function to get the Mobile Switch operating mode.
mobile_switch_get_themes Helper function to determine the active themes.
mobile_switch_help Implements hook_help().
mobile_switch_init Implements hook_init().
mobile_switch_libraries_info Implements hook_libraries_info().
mobile_switch_menu Implements hook_menu().
mobile_switch_mobile_detect Get extended Mobile Detect device detection results.
mobile_switch_mobile_detect_get_version Detect the version number of a given Mobile Detect class file.
mobile_switch_page_alter Implements hook_page_alter().
mobile_switch_preprocess_html Preprocess variables for html.tpl.php.
mobile_switch_system_themes_page_alter Implements hook_system_themes_page_alter().
mobile_switch_views_api Implements hook_views_api().
_mobile_switch_check_theme_cookie_use Helper function to check theme switch usage or theme cookie exists.
_mobile_switch_generate_html_classes Prepare HTML body classes to be used in page.tpl.php
_mobile_switch_get_mobile_detect_details Helper function to get details detected by Mobile Detect.
_mobile_switch_get_site_version Identify the current website version on a multisite.
_mobile_switch_mobile_detect_class_load Load the Mobile Detect PHP class.


Namesort descending Description
MOBILE_SWITCH_DEVICE_TYPE_DESKTOP The Mobile Switch device types.
MOBILE_SWITCH_LIBRARY_FILE_NAME Mobile Detect PHP class file name.
MOBILE_SWITCH_LIBRARY_NAME Mobile Detect PHP class name.
MOBILE_SWITCH_LIBRARY_VERSION_PATTERN Mobile Detect PHP class version pattern.