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Files in Mobile Switch 7.2

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HELP.txt HELP.txt Mobile Switch module help Redirect mode - multisite installation --------------------------------------- The important difference to the other operating modes is the declaration of the two default themes in the settings.php files. Start with… modules/mobile_detect_import/ Administrative page callbacks for the Mobile Detect Import module. modules/mobile_detect_import/ Mobile Detect class import functions. modules/mobile_detect_import/ name = Mobile Detect Import description = Update and import functions for the Mobile Detect PHP class. package = User interface core = 7.x configure = admin/config/user-interface/mobile-detect-import dependencies[] = mobile_switch files[] =…
mobile_detect_import.install modules/mobile_detect_import/mobile_detect_import.install Install, update and uninstall functions for the Mobile Detect Import module.
mobile_detect_import.module modules/mobile_detect_import/mobile_detect_import.module Update and import functions for the Mobile Detect PHP class. includes/ Administrative page callbacks for the Mobile Switch module.
mobile_switch.api.php mobile_switch.api.php Hooks provided by the Mobile Switch module. name = Mobile Switch description = Provides various functionalities to develop mobile ready websites. package = User interface core = 7.x configure = admin/config/user-interface/mobile-switch dependencies[] = libraries (2.x) files[] =…
mobile_switch.install mobile_switch.install Install, update and uninstall functions for the Mobile Switch module.
mobile_switch.module mobile_switch.module Provides various functionalities to develop mobile ready websites.
mobile_switch.system.admin.css css/mobile_switch.system.admin.css Extended Mobile Switch CSS configuration. views/ views/
README.txt README.txt Mobile Switch module, README.txt Provides various functionalities to develop mobile ready websites. This readme is valid for the branch 7.x-2+. For other branches and their versions, please read the appropriate README.txt files. The module allows…
README.txt modules/mobile_detect_import/README.txt Mobile Detect Import module, README.txt Update and import functions for the Mobile Detect PHP class. Mobile Detect home: DEPENDENCIES Drupal 7. The Mobile Detect PHP class from INSTALL This module…

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