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function _mobile_switch_mobile_detect_class_load in Mobile Switch 7.2

Load the Mobile Detect PHP class.

Do not call this funtion from outside. Use the provided variable.

global $msw_detect;

// Ceck is the PHP class available.
if (is_object($msw_detect)) {

// Use the PHP class.
$ismobile = $msw_detect

See also


2 calls to _mobile_switch_mobile_detect_class_load()
mobile_switch_boot in ./mobile_switch.module
Implements hook_boot().
mobile_switch_mobile_detect in ./mobile_switch.module
Get extended Mobile Detect device detection results.


./mobile_switch.module, line 674
Provides various functionalities to develop mobile ready websites.


function _mobile_switch_mobile_detect_class_load() {
  global $msw_detect;
  $library_uri = variable_get('mobile_detect_import_library_uri', FALSE);
  if (file_exists($library_uri)) {
    require_once $library_uri;
    $msw_detect = new Mobile_Detect();