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function _mobile_switch_check_theme_cookie_use in Mobile Switch 7.2

Helper function to check theme switch usage or theme cookie exists.

Return value

string|boolean The possible string values are standard or mobile. The boolean are allways FALSE.

See also


2 calls to _mobile_switch_check_theme_cookie_use()
mobile_switch_init in ./mobile_switch.module
Implements hook_init().
mobile_switch_page_alter in ./mobile_switch.module
Implements hook_page_alter().


./mobile_switch.module, line 494
Provides various functionalities to develop mobile ready websites.


function _mobile_switch_check_theme_cookie_use() {
  $theme_cookie = FALSE;
  $name = 'mobile_switch_mode';
  if (isset($_GET['mobile_switch'])) {
    $theme_cookie = check_plain($_GET['mobile_switch']);
  elseif (isset($_COOKIE[$name])) {
    $theme_cookie = check_plain($_COOKIE[$name]);
  return $theme_cookie;