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function mobile_switch_get_operating_mode in Mobile Switch 7.2

Helper function to get the Mobile Switch operating mode.

Return value

string Possible values: none, detectonly, redirect and themeswitch.

5 calls to mobile_switch_get_operating_mode()
mobile_switch_administer_advanced in ./mobile_switch.module
Access callback.
mobile_switch_administer_development in ./mobile_switch.module
Access callback.
mobile_switch_advanced_settings_form in includes/
Form constructor for the Advanced settings form.
mobile_switch_boot in ./mobile_switch.module
Implements hook_boot().
mobile_switch_init in ./mobile_switch.module
Implements hook_init().


./mobile_switch.module, line 745
Provides various functionalities to develop mobile ready websites.


function mobile_switch_get_operating_mode() {
  static $mode;
  if (!isset($mode)) {
    $mode = variable_get('mobile_switch_mobile_theme', 'none');
    if ($mode != 'none' && $mode != 'detectonly' && $mode != 'redirect') {
      $mode = 'themeswitch';
  return $mode;