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Functions in Metatag 7

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Namesort descending Location Description Direct uses Strings
drush_metatag_cache_clear_token_info ./ Clear caches internal to Metatag module. 1
drush_metatag_importer_metatag_convert_metatags_quick metatag_importer/ Callback to convert all Metatags Quick data.
drush_metatag_importer_metatag_convert_nodewords metatag_importer/ Callback to convert all Nodewords data.
drush_metatag_importer_metatag_convert_page_title metatag_importer/ Callback to convert Page Title data.
hook_metatag_bundled_config_alter ./metatag.api.php Internal hook for adding further configuration values in bundled submodules.
hook_metatag_cache_set_expire_alter ./metatag.api.php Allow modules to overide the expiration of metatag caches.
hook_metatag_config_default ./metatag.api.php Provides a default configuration for Metatag intances.
hook_metatag_config_default_alter ./metatag.api.php Allow the exported configurations to be changed prior to being cached.
hook_metatag_config_delete ./metatag.api.php Triggered when a Metatag configuration is removed.
hook_metatag_config_insert ./metatag.api.php Triggered when a Metatag configuration is created.
hook_metatag_config_instance_info ./metatag.api.php Allow modules to act upon the record insertion.
hook_metatag_config_instance_info_alter ./metatag.api.php Alter record insertion provided by modules with the previous hook.
hook_metatag_config_load ./metatag.api.php Never triggered?
hook_metatag_config_load_presave ./metatag.api.php Never triggered?
hook_metatag_config_presave ./metatag.api.php Allow a Metatag configuration to be modified prior to being saved.
hook_metatag_config_update ./metatag.api.php Triggered when a Metatag configuration is updated.
hook_metatag_entity_type_is_supported_alter ./metatag.api.php Allow modules to override whether entity types are enabled for use.
hook_metatag_get_entity_metatags_instance_alter ./metatag.api.php Allow the Metatag config instance name to be changed.
hook_metatag_i18n_context_alter ./metatag.api.php Allow the context string passed to i18n_string to be changed before use.
hook_metatag_info ./metatag.api.php Definition of the meta tags and groups.
hook_metatag_info_alter ./metatag.api.php Alter record insertion provided by modules with the previous hook.
hook_metatag_metatags_alter ./metatag.api.php Alter raw metatags before being cached.
hook_metatag_metatags_view_alter ./metatag.api.php Alter metatags before being cached.
hook_metatag_page_cache_cid_parts_alter ./metatag.api.php Allow other modules to customize the data to generate the cache ID.
hook_metatag_pattern_alter ./metatag.api.php Allows modules to alter defined token patterns and values before replacement.
hook_metatag_presave ./metatag.api.php Allow other modules to alter the meta tags prior to saving.
hook_metatag_token_types_alter ./metatag.api.php Allows modules to alter the list of tokens available for replacement.
hook_metatag_views_post_render_get_entity ./metatag.api.php Identify the entity type provided by a specific view.
i18n_string_metatag_config_delete ./metatag.module Implements hook_config_delete().
i18n_string_metatag_config_insert ./metatag.module Implements hook_config_insert(). 1
i18n_string_metatag_config_update ./metatag.module Implements hook_config_update().
metatags_get_entity_metatags ./metatag.module Generate the metatags for a given entity.
metatag_action_info ./metatag.module Implements hook_action_info().
metatag_admin_menu_cache_info ./metatag.module Implements hook_admin_menu_cache_info().
metatag_admin_settings_form ./ Misc settings page. 1
metatag_admin_settings_form_submit ./ Form API submission callback for metatag_admin_settings_form(). 1
metatag_app_links_ctools_plugin_api metatag_app_links/metatag_app_links.module Implements hook_ctools_plugin_api().
metatag_app_links_metatag_info metatag_app_links/ Implements hook_metatag_info().
metatag_bulk_revert_batch_finished ./ Batch finished callback. 1
metatag_bulk_revert_batch_operation ./ Batch callback: delete custom metatags for selected bundles. 1
metatag_bulk_revert_form ./ Form constructor to revert nodes to their default metatags. 1
metatag_bulk_revert_form_submit ./ Form submit handler for metatag reset bulk revert form.
metatag_cache_default_cid_parts ./metatag.module Generate the cache ID to use with metatag_cache_get/metatag_cache_set calls. 2
metatag_cache_get ./metatag.module Wrapper for cache_get. 5
metatag_cache_set ./metatag.module Wrapper for cache_set. 5
metatag_commerce_product_form_submit ./metatag.module Form API submission callback for Commerce product. 1
metatag_config_access ./metatag.module Access callback for meta tag configuration instances. 3 1
metatag_config_add_form ./ Form API callback for adding a default configuration. 1
metatag_config_add_form_submit ./ Form API submission callback for metatag_config_add_form().
metatag_config_cache_clear ./metatag.module Clear the metatag configuration cache. 7 1


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