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Classes, traits, and interfaces in Metatag 7

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Namesort descending Type Namespace Location Description Direct uses Use statements Strings
DrupalDateIntervalMetaTag class ./ Date interval meta tag controller.
DrupalDefaultMetaTag class ./ The default meta tag class from which all others inherit. 3
DrupalLinkMetaTag class ./ Link type meta tag controller.
DrupalListMetaTag class ./ Multiple value meta tag controller.
DrupalMaskIconMetaTag class metatag_favicons/ Mask icon meta tag controller.
DrupalMetaTagInterface interface ./ The master interface for all tags. 1
DrupalSchemaMetaTag class metatag_google_plus/ Schema meta tag controller.
DrupalTextMetaTag class ./ Text-based meta tag controller. 4
DrupalTitleMetaTag class ./ Title meta tag controller.
MetatagAppLinksTagsTest class metatag_app_links/tests/MetatagAppLinksTagsTest.test Tests that each of the Metatag App Links tags work correctly.
MetatagBulkRevertTest class tests/MetatagBulkRevertTest.test Tests for the Metatag module to ensure the bulk revert functionality works.
MetatagContextTest class metatag_context/tests/MetatagContextTest.test Functional tests for the Metatag:Context module.
MetatagContextWithI18nTest class metatag_context/tests/MetatagContextWithI18nTest.test Tests the Metatag:Context module for i18n integration.
MetatagCoreImageTest class tests/MetatagCoreImageTest.test Tests for the Metatag module to ensure image handling doesn't break.
MetatagCoreLocaleTest class tests/MetatagCoreLocaleTest.test Tests for the Metatag module to ensure Locale integration doesn't break.
MetatagCoreNodeTest class tests/MetatagCoreNodeTest.test Tests for the Metatag module and node entities.
MetatagCoreNodeWithI18nTest class tests/MetatagCoreNodeWithI18nTest.test Tests for the Metatag module to ensure i18n integration doesn't break.
MetatagCoreOutputCachingTest class tests/MetatagCoreOutputCachingTest.test Tests for the Metatag module's output caching.
MetatagCoreStringHandlingTest class tests/MetatagCoreStringHandlingTest.test Tests for Metatag's string handling. 1
MetatagCoreStringHandlingWithI18nTest class tests/MetatagCoreStringHandlingWithI18nTest.test Tests for Metatag's string handling when the i18n module is enabled.
MetatagCoreTagRemovalTest class tests/MetatagCoreTagRemovalTest.test Tests for the Metatag module to ensure removal of core tags works correctly.
MetatagCoreTermTest class tests/MetatagCoreTermTest.test Tests for the Metatag module and taxonomy term entities.
MetatagCoreTermWithI18nTest class tests/MetatagCoreTermWithI18nTest.test Tests for the Metatag module to ensure i18n integration doesn't break.
MetatagCoreUnitTest class tests/MetatagCoreUnitTest.test Unit tests for the Metatag module.
MetatagCoreUserTest class tests/MetatagCoreUserTest.test Tests for the Metatag module of user entities. 1
MetatagCoreWithI18nConfigTest class tests/MetatagCoreWithI18nConfigTest.test Tests for Metatag's i18n integration for the configurations.
MetatagCoreWithI18nDisabledTest class tests/MetatagCoreWithI18nDisabledTest.test Tests for Metatag for when i18n is enabled but not actually configured.
MetatagCoreWithI18nOutputTest class tests/MetatagCoreWithI18nOutputTest.test Tests for Metatag for when i18n is enabled and actively being used.
MetatagCoreWithMediaTest class tests/MetatagCoreWithMediaTest.test Tests for the Metatag module for Media integration.
MetatagCoreWithMeTest class tests/MetatagCoreWithMeTest.test Tests for the Metatag module for Me module integration.
MetatagCoreWithPanelsTest class tests/MetatagCoreWithPanelsTest.test Tests for Panels integration, outside of Metatag:Panels.
MetatagCoreWithProfile2Test class tests/MetatagCoreWithProfile2Test.test Tests for the Metatag module for Profile2 integration.
MetatagCoreWithSearchApiTest class tests/MetatagCoreWithSearchApiTest.test Tests for the Search API integration.
MetatagCoreWithViewsTest class tests/MetatagCoreWithViewsTest.test Tests for the Views integration, outside of Metatag:Views.
MetatagCoreWithWorkbenchModerationTest class tests/MetatagCoreWithWorkbenchModerationTest.test Tests for the Metatag module for Workbench Moderation integration.
MetatagCoreXSSTest class tests/MetatagCoreXSSTest.test Tests Metatag module to ensure there are no XSS scripting vulnerabilities.
MetatagDcAdvancedTagsTest class metatag_dc_advanced/tests/MetatagDcAdvancedTagsTest.test Tests that each of the Metatag Advanced Dublin Core tags work correctly.
MetatagDcTagsTest class metatag_dc/tests/MetatagDcTagsTest.test Tests that each of the Metatag Dublin Core tags work correctly.
MetatagDevelTest class metatag_devel/tests/MetatagDevelTest.test Tests for the Metatag Devel module.
MetatagFacebookTagsTest class metatag_facebook/tests/MetatagFacebookTagsTest.test Tests that each of the Metatag Facebook tags work correctly.
MetatagFaviconsTagsTest class metatag_favicons/tests/MetatagFaviconsTagsTest.test Tests that each of the Metatag Favicons tags work correctly.
MetatagGoogleCseTagsTest class metatag_google_cse/tests/MetatagGoogleCseTagsTest.test Tests that each of the Metatag Google CSE tags work correctly.
MetatagGooglePlusTagsTest class metatag_google_plus/tests/MetatagGooglePlusTagsTest.test Tests that each of the Metatag GooglePlus tags work correctly.
MetatagHreflangTagsTest class metatag_hreflang/tests/MetatagHreflangTagsTest.test Tests that each of the Metatag Hreflang tags work correctly.
MetatagHreflangWithEntityTranslationTest class metatag_hreflang/tests/MetatagHreflangWithEntityTranslationTest.test Tests for hreflang handle when Entity Translation is used.
MetatagImporterTest class metatag_importer/tests/MetatagImporterTest.test Tests for the Metatag Importer module.
MetatagMobileTagsTest class metatag_mobile/tests/MetatagMobileTagsTest.test Tests that each of the Metatag Mobile tags work correctly.
MetatagOpenGraphProductsTagsTest class metatag_opengraph_products/tests/MetatagOpenGraphProductsTagsTest.test Tests that each of the Metatag OpenGraph Products tags work correctly.
MetatagOpenGraphTagsTest class metatag_opengraph/tests/MetatagOpenGraphTagsTest.test Tests that each of the Metatag OpenGraph tags work correctly.
MetatagPanelsI18nTest class metatag_panels/tests/MetatagPanelsI18nTest.test Tests for the Metatag module for the direct Panels integration, using i18n.


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