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function hook_metatag_views_post_render_get_entity in Metatag 7

Identify the entity type provided by a specific view.

When a view is used to display a page it can be difficult to identify what entity type is being managed. Use this hook to inform Metatag what type of entity is being displayed.


object $view: The view object being displayed.

Return value

string|null Should return a string indicating an entity type that will be paired with the views' first argument ($view->args[0]) to load that entity.


./metatag.api.php, line 452
API documentation for the Metatag module.


function hook_metatag_views_post_render_get_entity($view) {
  $display = $view->display[$view->current_display];
  if ($display->display_options['path'] == 'coolpage/%') {
    return 'my_entity';