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function hook_metatag_metatags_view_alter in Metatag 7

Alter metatags before being cached.

This hook is invoked prior to the meta tags for a given page are cached.


array $output: All of the meta tags to be output for this page in their render format. This is a heavily nested array.

string $instance: An identifier for the current page's page type, typically a combination of the entity name and bundle name, e.g. "node:story".

array $options: All of the options used to generate the meta tags.

1 function implements hook_metatag_metatags_view_alter()

Note: this list is generated by pattern matching, so it may include some functions that are not actually implementations of this hook.

metatag_hreflang_metatag_metatags_view_alter in metatag_hreflang/metatag_hreflang.module
Implements hook_metatag_metatags_view_alter().
3 invocations of hook_metatag_metatags_view_alter()
metatag_context_reaction::execute in metatag_context/
Output a list of active contexts.
metatag_metatags_view in ./metatag.module
Build a renderable array of meta tag output.
metatag_panels_ctools_render_alter in metatag_panels/metatag_panels.module
Implements hook_ctools_render_alter().


./metatag.api.php, line 313
API documentation for the Metatag module.


function hook_metatag_metatags_view_alter(array &$output, $instance, array $options) {
  if (isset($output['description']['#attached']['drupal_add_html_head'][0][0]['#value'])) {
    $output['description']['#attached']['drupal_add_html_head'][0][0]['#value'] = 'O rly?';