You are here in Metatag 7

Metatag primary classes.

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 * @file
 * Metatag primary classes.

 * The master interface for all tags.
interface DrupalMetaTagInterface {

   * Constructor.
   * @param array $info
   *   The information about the meta tag from metatag_get_info().
   * @param array $data
   *   The data to load for this meta tag, usually including the item 'value'.
  public function __construct(array $info, array $data = array());

   * Build the form for this meta tag.
   * @return array
   *   A standard FormAPI array.
  public function getForm();

   * Get the string value of this meta tag.
   * @return string
   *   The value of this meta tag.
  public function getValue();

   * Calculate the weight of this meta tag.
   * @return int
   *   Weight.
  public function getWeight();

   * Get the HTML tag for this meta tag.
   * @return array
   *   A render array for this meta tag.
  public function getElement();

   * Copied from text.module with the following changes:.
   * Change 1: $size is required.
   * Change 2: $format is removed.
   * Change 3: Don't trim at the end of short sentences
   *   (
   * Change 4: Word boundaries (
   * Change 5: Trim the final string.
   * @param string $text
   *   The string to be processed.
   * @param int $size
   *   The maximum length to trim the string to.
   * @return string
   *   The string after it is truncated.
  public static function textSummary($text, $size);


 * The default meta tag class from which all others inherit.
class DrupalDefaultMetaTag implements DrupalMetaTagInterface {

   * All of the basic information about this tag.
   * @var array
  protected $info;

   * The values submitted for this tag.
   * @var array
  protected $data = array(
    'value' => '',

   * This item's weight; used for sorting the output.
   * @var float
  protected $weight = 0;

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public function __construct(array $info, array $data = NULL) {
    $this->info = $info;
    if (isset($data)) {
      $this->data = $data;

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public function getWeight() {
    static $counter = 0;

    // If no weight value is found, stack this meta tag at the end.
    $weight = 100;
    if (!empty($this->info['weight'])) {
      $weight = $this->info['weight'];
    return $weight + $counter++ * 0.1;

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public function getForm(array $options = array()) {
    return array();

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public function getValue(array $options = array()) {
    $value = $this

    // Translate the final output string prior to output. Use the
    // 'output' i18n_string object type, and pass along the meta tag's
    // options as the context so it can be handled appropriately.
    $value = metatag_translate_metatag($value, $this->info['name'], $options, NULL, TRUE);
    return $this

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public function getElement(array $options = array()) {
    $value = $this
    if (strlen($value) === 0) {
      return array();

    // The stack of elements that will be output.
    $elements = array();

    // Dynamically add each option to this setting.
    $base_element = isset($this->info['element']) ? $this->info['element'] : array();

    // Single item.
    if (empty($this->info['multiple'])) {
      $values = array(
    else {
      $values = array_filter(explode(',', $value));

    // Loop over each item.
    if (!empty($values)) {
      foreach ($values as $ctr => $value) {
        $value = trim($value);

        // Some meta tags must be output as secure URLs.
        if (!empty($this->info['secure'])) {
          $value = str_replace('http://', 'https://', $value);

        // Combine the base configuration for this meta tag with the value.
        $element = $base_element + array(
          '#theme' => 'metatag',
          '#tag' => 'meta',
          '#id' => 'metatag_' . $this->info['name'] . '_' . $ctr,
          '#name' => $this->info['name'],
          '#value' => $value,
          '#weight' => $this

        // Add header information if desired.
        if (!empty($this->info['header'])) {
          $element['#attached']['drupal_add_http_header'][] = array(
        $elements[] = array(
    if (!empty($elements)) {
      return array(
        '#attached' => array(
          'drupal_add_html_head' => $elements,

   * Remove unwanted formatting from a meta tag.
   * @param string $value
   *   The meta tag value to be tidied up.
   * @return string
   *   The meta tag value after it has been tidied up.
  protected function tidyValue($value) {

    // This shouldn't happen, but protect against tokens returning arrays.
    if (!is_string($value)) {
      return '';

    // Check for Media strings from the WYSIWYG submodule.
    if (module_exists('media_wysiwyg') && strpos($value, '[[{') !== FALSE) {

      // In media_wysiwyg_filter() was
      // changed to require several additional arguments.
      $langcode = language_default('language');
      $value = media_wysiwyg_filter($value, NULL, NULL, $langcode, NULL, NULL);

    // Specifically replace encoded spaces, because some WYSIWYG editors are
    // silly. Do this before decoding the other HTML entities so that the output
    // doesn't end up with a bunch of a-circumflex characters.
    $value = str_replace('&nbsp;', ' ', $value);

    // Decode HTML entities.
    $value = decode_entities($value);

    // First off, remove the <style> tag, because strip_tags() leaves the CSS
    // inline.
    $value = preg_replace('/<style\\b[^>]*>(.*?)<\\/style>/is', '', $value);

    // Ditto for JavaScript.
    $value = preg_replace('/<script\\b[^>]*>(.*?)<\\/script>/is', '', $value);

    // Remove any HTML code that might have been included.
    $value = strip_tags($value);

    // Strip errant whitespace.
    $value = str_replace(array(
    ), ' ', $value);
    $value = str_replace('  ', ' ', $value);
    $value = str_replace('  ', ' ', $value);
    $value = trim($value);
    return $value;

   * Make sure a given URL is absolute.
   * @param string $url
   *   The URL to convert to an absolute URL.
   * @return string
   *   The argument converted to an absolute URL.
  protected function convertUrlToAbsolute($url) {

    // Convert paths relative to the hostname, that start with a slash, to
    // ones that are relative to the Drupal root path; ignore protocol-relative
    // URLs.
    if (strpos($url, base_path()) === 0 && strpos($url, '//') !== 0) {

      // Logic:
      // * Get the length of the base_path(),
      // * Get a portion of the image's path starting from the position equal
      //   to the base_path()'s length; this will result in a path relative
      //   to the Drupal installation's base directory.
      $len = strlen(base_path());
      $url = substr($url, $len);

    // Pass everything else through file_create_url(). The alternative is to
    // use url() but it would insert '?q=' into the path.
    return file_create_url($url);

   * Shorten a string to a certain length using ::textSummary().
   * @param string $value
   *   String to shorten.
   * @return string
   *   Shortened string.
  protected function truncate($value) {
    $maxlength = $this
    if (!empty($value) && $maxlength > 0) {
      $value = $this
        ->textSummary($value, $maxlength);
    return $value;

   * Identify the maximum length of which strings will be allowed.
   * @return int
   *   Maxlenght.
  protected function maxlength() {
    if (isset($this->info['maxlength'])) {
      return intval(variable_get('metatag_maxlength_' . $this->info['name'], $this->info['maxlength']));
    return 0;

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public static function textSummary($text, $size) {

    // What used to be called 'teaser' is now called 'summary', but
    // the variable 'teaser_length' is preserved for backwardscompatibility.
    // @code
    // if (!isset($size)) {
    //   $size = variable_get('teaser_length', 600);
    // }
    // @endcode
    // Find where the delimiter is in the body.
    $delimiter = strpos($text, '<!--break-->');

    // If the size is zero, and there is no delimiter, the entire body is the
    // summary.
    if ($size == 0 && $delimiter === FALSE) {
      return $text;

    // If a valid delimiter has been specified, use it to chop off the summary.
    if ($delimiter !== FALSE) {
      return substr($text, 0, $delimiter);

    // We check for the presence of the PHP evaluator filter in the current
    // format. If the body contains PHP code, we do not split it up to prevent
    // parse errors.
    // @code
    // if (isset($format)) {
    //   $filters = filter_list_format($format);
    //   if (isset($filters['php_code']) && $filters['php_code']->status && strpos($text, '<?') !== FALSE) {
    //     return $text;
    //   }
    // }
    // @endcode
    // If we have a short body, the entire body is the summary.
    if (drupal_strlen($text) <= $size) {
      return $text;

    // If the delimiter has not been specified, try to split at paragraph or
    // sentence boundaries.
    // The summary may not be longer than maximum length specified.
    // Initial slice.
    $summary = truncate_utf8($text, $size);

    // Store the actual length of the UTF8 string -- which might not be the same
    // as $size.
    $max_rpos = strlen($summary);

    // How much to cut off the end of the summary so that it doesn't end in the
    // middle of a paragraph, sentence, or word.
    // Initialize it to maximum in order to find the minimum.
    $min_rpos = $max_rpos;

    // Store the reverse of the summary. We use strpos on the reversed needle
    // and haystack for speed and convenience.
    $reversed = strrev($summary);

    // Build an array of arrays of break points grouped by preference.
    $break_points = array();

    // A paragraph near the end of sliced summary is most preferable.
    $break_points[] = array(
      '</p>' => 0,

    // If no complete paragraph then treat line breaks as paragraphs.
    // $line_breaks = array('<br />' => 6, '<br>' => 4);
    // Newline only indicates a line break if line break converter
    // filter is present.
    // @code
    // if (isset($filters['filter_autop'])) {
    //   $line_breaks["\n"] = 1;
    // }
    // $break_points[] = $line_breaks;
    // @endcode
    // If the first paragraph is too long, split at the end of a sentence.
    // @code
    // $break_points[] = array('. ' => 1, '! ' => 1, '? ' => 1, '。' => 0, '؟ ' => 1);
    // @endcode
    // From
    // If the first sentence is too long, split at the first word break.
    $word_breaks = array(
      ' ' => 0,
      "\t" => 0,
    $break_points[] = $word_breaks;

    // Iterate over the groups of break points until a break point is found.
    foreach ($break_points as $points) {

      // Look for each break point, starting at the end of the summary.
      foreach ($points as $point => $offset) {

        // The summary is already reversed, but the break point isn't.
        $rpos = strpos($reversed, strrev($point));
        if ($rpos !== FALSE) {
          $min_rpos = min($rpos + $offset, $min_rpos);

      // If a break point was found in this group, slice and stop searching.
      if ($min_rpos !== $max_rpos) {

        // Don't slice with length 0. Length must be <0 to slice from RHS.
        $summary = $min_rpos === 0 ? $summary : substr($summary, 0, 0 - $min_rpos);

    // If the htmlcorrector filter is present, apply it to the generated
    // summary.
    // @code
    // if (isset($filters['filter_htmlcorrector'])) {
    //   $summary = _filter_htmlcorrector($summary);
    // }
    // @endcode
    return trim($summary);


 * Text-based meta tag controller.
class DrupalTextMetaTag extends DrupalDefaultMetaTag {

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public function getForm(array $options = array()) {
    $options += array(
      'token types' => array(),
    $form['value'] = isset($this->info['form']) ? $this->info['form'] : array();
    $form['value'] += array(
      '#type' => 'textfield',
      '#title' => $this->info['label'],
      '#description' => !empty($this->info['description']) ? $this->info['description'] : '',
      '#default_value' => isset($this->data['value']) ? $this->data['value'] : '',
      '#element_validate' => array(
      '#token_types' => $options['token types'],
      '#maxlength' => 1024,

    // Optional handling for items that allow multiple values.
    if (!empty($this->info['multiple'])) {
      $form['value']['#description'] .= ' ' . t('Multiple values may be used, separated by a comma. Note: Tokens that return multiple values will be handled automatically.');

    // Optionally limit the field to a certain length.
    $maxlength = $this
    if (!empty($maxlength)) {
      $form['value']['#description'] .= ' ' . t('This will be truncated to a maximum of %max characters.', array(
        '%max' => $maxlength,

    // Optional handling for images.
    if (!empty($this->info['image'])) {
      $form['value']['#description'] .= ' ' . t('This will be able to extract the URL from an image field.');

    // Optional handling for languages.
    if (!empty($this->info['is_language'])) {
      $form['value']['#description'] .= ' ' . t('This will not be displayed if it is set to the "Language neutral" (i.e. "und").');

    // Optional support for select_or_other.
    if ($form['value']['#type'] == 'select' && !empty($this->info['select_or_other']) && module_exists('select_or_other')) {
      $form['value']['#type'] = 'select_or_other';
      $form['value']['#other'] = t('Other (please type a value)');
      $form['value']['#multiple'] = FALSE;
      $form['value']['#other_unknown_defaults'] = 'other';
      $form['value']['#other_delimiter'] = FALSE;
      $form['value']['#theme'] = 'select_or_other';
      $form['value']['#select_type'] = 'select';
      $form['value']['#element_validate'] = array(

    // Support for dependencies, using Form API's #states system.
    // @see metatag.api.php.
    // @see
    if (!empty($this->info['dependencies'])) {
      foreach ($this->info['dependencies'] as $specs) {
        $form['value']['#states']['visible'][':input[name*="[' . $specs['dependency'] . '][' . $specs['attribute'] . ']"]'] = array(
          $specs['condition'] => $specs['value'],
    return $form;

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public function getValue(array $options = array()) {
    $options += array(
      'instance' => '',
      'token data' => array(),
      // Remove any remaining token after the string is parsed.
      'clear' => TRUE,
      'sanitize' => variable_get('metatag_token_sanitize', FALSE),
      'raw' => FALSE,

    // If the value wasn't set there's no point in proceeding.
    if (!isset($this->data['value'])) {
      return '';
    $value = $this->data['value'];
    if (empty($options['raw'])) {

      // Keep a copy of the original body value from before the summary string
      // is extracted, so that this doesn't break output from other modules.
      $old_value = NULL;

      // There can be problems extracting the [node:summary] token due to
      // certain modules using custom placeholders, e.g. Media WYSIWYG. To avoid
      // that problem, the string needs to be filtered using tidyValue() before
      // the tokens are processed.
      if (strpos($value, '[node:summary]') !== FALSE) {

        // Make sure there is a node to work with.
        if (isset($options['token data']['node'])) {

          // Get language to use for selecting body field value.
          $lang = field_language('node', $options['token data']['node'], 'body');
          if (!empty($options['token data']['node']->body[$lang][0]['value'])) {
            $old_value = $options['token data']['node']->body[$lang][0]['value'];

            // Pre-tidy the node body for token_replace if it's not empty.
            $options['token data']['node']->body[$lang][0]['value'] = $this

      // Give other modules the opportunity to use hook_metatag_pattern_alter()
      // to modify defined token patterns and values before replacement.
      drupal_alter('metatag_pattern', $value, $options['token data'], $this->info['name']);
      $value = token_replace($value, $options['token data'], $options);

      // Put back the original value, if one was retained earlier.
      if (!is_null($old_value)) {
        $options['token data']['node']->body[$lang][0]['value'] = $old_value;

    // Special handling for language meta tags.
    if (!empty($this->info['is_language'])) {

      // If the meta tag value equals LANGUAGE_NONE, i.e. "und", then don't
      // output it.
      if (is_string($value) && $value == LANGUAGE_NONE) {
        $value = '';

    // Special handling for images and other URLs.
    if (!empty($this->info['image']) || !empty($this->info['url'])) {

      // Support multiple items, whether it's needed or not. Also remove the
      // empty values and reindex the array.
      $values = array_values(array_filter(explode(',', $value)));

      // If this meta tag does *not* allow multiple items, only keep the first
      // one.
      if (empty($this->info['multiple']) && !empty($values[0])) {
        $values = array(
      foreach ($values as &$image_value) {

        // Remove any unwanted whitespace around the value.
        $image_value = trim($image_value);

        // If this contains embedded image tags, extract the image URLs.
        if (!empty($this->info['image']) && strip_tags($image_value) != $image_value) {
          $matches = array();
          preg_match('/src="([^"]*)"/', $image_value, $matches);
          if (!empty($matches[1])) {
            $image_value = $matches[1];

        // Convert the URL to an absolute URL.
        $image_value = $this

        // Replace spaces the URL encoded entity to avoid validation problems.
        $image_value = str_replace(' ', '%20', $image_value);

      // Combine the multiple values into a single string.
      $value = implode(',', $values);

    // Clean up the string a bit.
    $value = $this

    // Optionally truncate the value.
    $value = $this

    // Translate the final output string prior to output. Use the
    // 'output' i18n_string object type, and pass along the meta tag's
    // options as the context so it can be handled appropriately.
    $value = metatag_translate_metatag($value, $this->info['name'], $options, NULL, TRUE);
    return $value;


 * Link type meta tag controller.
class DrupalLinkMetaTag extends DrupalTextMetaTag {

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public function getElement(array $options = array()) {
    $element = isset($this->info['element']) ? $this->info['element'] : array();
    $value = $this
    if (strlen($value) === 0) {
      return array();
    $element += array(
      '#theme' => 'metatag_link_rel',
      '#tag' => 'link',
      '#id' => 'metatag_' . $this->info['name'],
      '#name' => $this->info['name'],
      '#value' => $value,
      '#weight' => $this
    if (!isset($this->info['header']) || !empty($this->info['header'])) {

      // Also send the generator in the HTTP header.
      // @todo This does not support 'rev' or alternate link headers.
      $element['#attached']['drupal_add_http_header'][] = array(
        '<' . $value . '>;' . drupal_http_header_attributes(array(
          'rel' => $element['#name'],
    return array(
      '#attached' => array(
        'drupal_add_html_head' => array(


 * Title meta tag controller.
 * This extends DrupalTextMetaTag as we need to alter variables in
 * template_preprocess_html() rather output a normal meta tag.
class DrupalTitleMetaTag extends DrupalTextMetaTag {

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public function getElement(array $options = array()) {
    $element = array();
    if ($value = $this
      ->getValue($options)) {
      $element['#attached']['metatag_set_preprocess_variable'][] = array(
      $element['#attached']['metatag_set_preprocess_variable'][] = array(
          'title' => $value,
    return $element;


 * Multiple value meta tag controller.
class DrupalListMetaTag extends DrupalDefaultMetaTag {

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public function __construct(array $info, array $data = NULL) {

    // Ensure that the $data['value] argument is an array.
    if (empty($data['value'])) {
      $data['value'] = array();
    $data['value'] = (array) $data['value'];
    parent::__construct($info, $data);

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public function getForm(array $options = array()) {
    $form['value'] = isset($this->info['form']) ? $this->info['form'] : array();
    $form['value'] += array(
      '#type' => 'checkboxes',
      '#title' => $this->info['label'],
      '#description' => !empty($this->info['description']) ? $this->info['description'] : '',
      '#default_value' => isset($this->data['value']) ? $this->data['value'] : array(),
    return $form;

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public function getValue(array $options = array()) {
    $values = array_keys(array_filter($this->data['value']));
    $value = implode(', ', $values);
    $value = $this

    // Translate the final output string prior to output. Use the
    // 'output' i18n_string object type, and pass along the meta tag's
    // options as the context so it can be handled appropriately.
    $value = metatag_translate_metatag($value, $this->info['name'], $options, NULL, TRUE);
    return $value;


 * Date interval meta tag controller.
class DrupalDateIntervalMetaTag extends DrupalDefaultMetaTag {

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public function getForm(array $options = array()) {
    $form['value'] = array(
      '#type' => 'textfield',
      '#title' => t('!title interval', array(
        '!title' => $this->info['label'],
      '#default_value' => isset($this->data['value']) ? $this->data['value'] : '',
      '#element_validate' => array(
      '#maxlength' => 4,
      '#description' => isset($this->info['description']) ? $this->info['description'] : '',
    $form['period'] = array(
      '#type' => 'select',
      '#title' => t('!title interval type', array(
        '!title' => $this->info['label'],
      '#default_value' => isset($this->data['period']) ? $this->data['period'] : '',
      '#options' => array(
        '' => t('- none -'),
        'day' => t('Day(s)'),
        'week' => t('Week(s)'),
        'month' => t('Month(s)'),
        'year' => t('Year(s)'),
    return $form;

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public function getValue(array $options = array()) {
    $value = '';
    if (!empty($this->data['value'])) {
      $interval = intval($this->data['value']);
      if (!empty($interval) && !empty($this->data['period'])) {
        $period = $this->data['period'];
        $value = format_plural($interval, '@count ' . $period, '@count ' . $period . 's');

    // Translate the final output string prior to output. Use the 'output'
    // i18n_string object type, and pass along the meta tag's options as the
    // context so it can be handled appropriately.
    $value = metatag_translate_metatag($value, $this->info['name'], $options, NULL, TRUE);
    return $value;



Namesort descending Description
DrupalDateIntervalMetaTag Date interval meta tag controller.
DrupalDefaultMetaTag The default meta tag class from which all others inherit.
DrupalLinkMetaTag Link type meta tag controller.
DrupalListMetaTag Multiple value meta tag controller.
DrupalTextMetaTag Text-based meta tag controller.
DrupalTitleMetaTag Title meta tag controller.


Namesort descending Description
DrupalMetaTagInterface The master interface for all tags.