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MetatagHreflangWithEntityTranslationTest.test in Metatag 7

Tests for hreflang handle when Entity Translation is used.


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 * @file
 * Tests for hreflang handle when Entity Translation is used.

 * Tests for hreflang handle when Entity Translation is used.
class MetatagHreflangWithEntityTranslationTest extends MetatagTestBase {

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public static function getInfo() {
    return array(
      'name' => 'Metatag tests for hreflang with Entity Translation',
      'description' => 'Test Metatag:hreflang with the Entity Translation module.',
      'group' => 'Metatag',
      'dependencies' => array(

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public function setUp(array $modules = array()) {

    // Used for debugging some token values.
    $modules[] = 'devel';

    // Need Locale for the multiple languages.
    $modules[] = 'locale';

    // Need Entity Translation for the tokens to work.
    $modules[] = 'entity_translation';

    // This module.
    $modules[] = 'metatag_hreflang';

    // Enable all of the modules & install the site.

    // Add some new languages.

    // The content that will be used.
    $content_type = 'page';

    // Create an admin user that can also manage locales.
    $perms = array(
      // For Locale, so languages can be added.
      'administer languages',
      // For Entity Translation, so content can be translated.
      'translate any entity',
      // For Devel, for access to the node's "devel" tab.
      'access devel information',
      // For Field UI, so field settings can be changed.
      'administer fields',
      // For Node, so content type settings can be changed.
      'administer content types',
      // For Node, so content can be created and edited.
      'create ' . $content_type . ' content',
      'edit any ' . $content_type . ' content',
    $this->adminUser = $this

    // Log in the admin user.

    // Enable translation support for the content type.
    variable_set('language_content_type_' . $content_type, ENTITY_TRANSLATION_ENABLED);

    // Allow the body field to be translated.
      ->drupalGet('admin/structure/types/manage/' . $content_type . '/fields/body');
    $edit = array(
      'field[translatable]' => TRUE,
      ->drupalPost(NULL, $edit, t('Save settings'));

    // Clear all the caches so that all of the various hooks are activated and
    // the appropriate tokens, fields, meta tags, etc are available.

   * The list of locales that are being tested.
   * @return array
   *   A simple list of language codes.
  private function supportedLocales() {
    return array(

   * Assert that the appropriate hreflang meta tag fields are present.
   * @param string $form_langcode
   *   The langcode of the current form. Defaults to LANGUAGE_NONE, which is
   *   what is used on an empty node/add form.
  protected function assertHreflangFields($form_langcode = LANGUAGE_NONE) {

    // The x-default field has a specific default.
      ->assertFieldByName("metatags[{$form_langcode}][hreflang_xdefault][value]", "[node:url-original]", 'Found the hreflang=x-default meta tag and it has the correct default value.');

    // Confirm each of the support locales has its own field and the appropriate
    // default value.
    foreach ($this
      ->supportedLocales() as $langcode) {
        ->assertFieldByName("metatags[{$form_langcode}][hreflang_{$langcode}][default]", "[node:url-{$langcode}]", format_string('Found the hreflang field for the "%lang" locale and it has the correct default value.', array(
        '%lang' => $langcode,

   * Confirm each locale has a field and shows the appropriate default value.
  public function testFormFields() {

    // Confirm the fields exist.

   * Confirm that the meta tags output are correct.
  public function testOutput() {

    // All of the locales we're supporting in these tests. The languages have
    // been enabled already, so this gets a list of language objects.
    $languages = language_list('enabled');
    $locales = $languages[1];

    // Identify the site's default language.
    $default_language = language_default('language');

    // Create an English node so it can be translated.
    $args = array(
      'language' => $default_language,
    $node = $this

    // Load the translation page.
      ->drupalGet('node/' . $node->nid . '/translate');
      ->assertText(t('Not translated'));

    // Confirm that there are links to translate the node.
    $urls = array();
    foreach ($locales as $langcode => $locale) {

      // There won't be a link to translate to English, that's the default
      // language for thos node.
      if ($langcode == $default_language) {

      // Confirm that a link to translate the node into each locale exists.
      $url = 'node/' . $node->nid . '/edit/add/' . $node->language . '/' . $langcode;
      $urls[$langcode] = $url;

      // @todo This fails in testbot.
      // $this->assertLinkbyHref(url($url));

    // Check each of the 'translate' pages loads properly.
    foreach ($urls as $langcode => $url) {

      // Confirm the 'translate' page loads.

      // Confirm all of the hreflang fields exist.

      // Save the translation.
      $edit = array(
        // Add a custom title.
        "metatags[{$langcode}][title][value]" => "Tranlation for {$langcode}",
        ->drupalPost(NULL, $edit, t('Save'));

    // Load the translation page again to confirm everything was translated.
      ->drupalGet('node/' . $node->nid . '/translate');
      ->assertNoText(t('Not translated'));

    // Load the node's devel page to see the translations data.
      ->drupalGet('node/' . $node->nid . '/devel');

    // Load the node's devel page and confirm each of the tokens is available.
      ->drupalGet('node/' . $node->nid . '/devel/token');
    foreach ($locales as $langcode => $locale) {

    // Load the node page again, confirm each hreflang meta tag.
      ->drupalGet('node/' . $node->nid);
    $xpath = $this
      ->assertEqual(count($xpath), count($locales), 'The correct number of hreflang meta tags was found');

    // Try to find the position of the xdefault value in the $xpath structure.
    $xdefault_pos = NULL;

    // This is slightly messy logic as the sort order of $locales may be
    // different to the meta tags.
    foreach ($locales as $langcode => $locale) {
      $found = FALSE;
      foreach ($xpath as $ctr => $item) {
        if ($item['hreflang'] == 'x-default') {
          $xdefault_pos = $ctr;
        elseif ($item['hreflang'] == $langcode) {
          $found = TRUE;
            ->assertEqual($xpath[$ctr]['hreflang'], $langcode);

          // @todo Fix this. Not sure why, but the url() call returns the URL
          // without the language prefix.
          // @code
          // $url_options = array(
          //   'language' => $locale,
          //   'absolute' => TRUE,
          // );
          // $this->assertEqual($xpath[$ctr]['href'], url('node/' . $node->nid, $url_options));
          // @endcode

      // The node's default language should not have been found, it should have
      // been turned into an xdefault.
      if ($langcode == $node->language) {
          ->assertFalse((bool) $found, format_string("A regular hreflang meta tag for the node's default language (%lang) was not found.", array(
          '%lang' => $langcode,
      else {
          ->assertTrue((bool) $found, format_string('The hreflang meta tag for %lang was found.', array(
          '%lang' => $langcode,

    // Confirm the hreflang=xdefault meta tag was found.
      ->assertNotNull($xdefault_pos, 'The hreflang=xdefault meta tag was found.');
    if (!is_null($xdefault_pos)) {
        ->assertEqual($xpath[$xdefault_pos]['href'], url('node/' . $node->nid, array(
        'absolute' => TRUE,
      )), 'Found the x-default value.');

    // Enable the xdefault-dupe option.
    variable_set('metatag_hreflang_allow_dupe', TRUE);

    // Load the node page again.
      ->drupalGet('node/' . $node->nid);

    // Confirm there are now more meta tags.
    $xpath = $this
      ->assertEqual(count($xpath), count($locales) + 1, 'The correct number of hreflang meta tags was found.');
    $found = FALSE;
    foreach ($xpath as $ctr => $item) {
      if ($item['hreflang'] == $node->language) {
        $found = $ctr;
      ->assertTrue((bool) $found, "Found an hreflang meta tag for the node's default locale.");
    if ($found) {
        ->assertEqual($xpath[$found]['hreflang'], $node->language);



Namesort descending Description
MetatagHreflangWithEntityTranslationTest Tests for hreflang handle when Entity Translation is used.