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Functions in D7 Media 6

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Namesort descending Location Description Direct uses Strings
media_active_fields_for_node_type ./media.module Get a list of fields for the requested node type. 1
media_ahah_formatter_load ./ This function builds the form elements for the file formater based on the node type and field for settings and the file extension to get the formatters. 2
media_ahah_metadata_ahah ./ TODO: Document 1
media_browser_metadata_submit ./media.module Submit callback for the media_browser metadata. 1
media_browser_metadata_validate ./media.module Validate callback for the media_browser metadata. 1
media_browser_submit ./media.module Submit callback for the media_browser. 1
media_browser_validate ./media.module Validate callback for the media_browser. 1
media_build_browser_form ./media.module Build data for the media browser display. 1
media_create_id ./media.module Sanitize the incoming name to be used for a html #id.
media_elements ./media.module Implementation of hook_media_elements().
media_file_browser_local_files media_file_browser/media_file_browser.module Builds the local directory file browser form @TODO build admin interface to set the location of the local directory @TODO build the ahah callbacks for browsing the directories @TODO abstract this so that all file browsing functions can use the same… 1
media_file_browser_media_register media_file_browser/media_file_browser.module Implementation of hook_media_register
media_file_browser_menu media_file_browser/media_file_browser.module Implementation of hook_menu
media_file_list_element_process ./media.module Process callback for the media_browser element. 1
media_file_list_element_submit ./media.module Submit callback for the media_browser element. 1
media_file_list_element_validate ./media.module Validate callback for the media_browser element. 1
media_form_alter ./media.module Implementation of hook_form_alter().
media_get_applicable_formatters ./media.module Select registrations for use by matching against uri and file extension.
media_get_fields ./media.module Get all fields that can be enabled on a field type. 2
media_get_registered_modules ./media.module Gets all of the modules which register with Media. 6
media_get_registration_kinds ./media.module Parsing function for the registrations to hand back the kinds of modules registering. Used to select all formatters, resources, etc.
media_get_resources ./media.module Fetch all resources registered and call the specified callback. I 1
media_media_mover_all_files media_media_mover/media_media_mover.module Retrives all media mover files for reuse 1
media_media_mover_formatter_form media_media_mover/media_media_mover.module
media_media_mover_media_register media_media_mover/media_media_mover.module Implementation of hook_media_register
media_media_mover_user_files media_media_mover/media_media_mover.module Retrives users media mover files 1
media_menu ./media.module Implementation of hook_menu().
media_metadata_form media_metadata/media_metadata.module
media_metadata_form_submit media_metadata/media_metadata.module 1
media_metadata_install media_metadata/media_metadata.install Implementation of hook_install().
media_metadata_keys media_metadata/media_metadata.module Returns the metadata keys associated with a file stream mimetype. 1
media_metadata_schema media_metadata/media_metadata.install Implementation of hook_schema().
media_metadata_uninstall media_metadata/media_metadata.install Implementation of hook_uninstall().
media_registration_data ./media.module Parsing function for the registrations to hand back the kinds of modules registering.
media_registration_item_formatters ./media.module Return a set of formatters which can format the specified item.
media_registration_kinds ./media.module Build a list of possible registration types. 'resource' handles building file resource lists. 'formatter' displays a list of file resources for the file browser. 'attach' passes an FID to the registered module for handling. 2
media_registration_types ./media.module Parsing function for the registrations to hand back the kinds of modules registering.
media_resource_display_upload_form ./media.module Display the upload form for the tab. 1
media_resource_display_user_files_form ./media.module Display files in a form element. 3
media_settings_content_type ./ Provide per content type settings. 1
media_settings_global ./ Provide global settings. 1
media_theme ./media.module Implements hook_theme(). Register theming functions
media_upload_formatter_form media_upload/media_upload.module Format Media Upload form 1
media_upload_media_action media_upload/media_upload.module Implementation of hook_media_action
media_upload_media_register media_upload/media_upload.module Implementation of hook_media_register
media_upload_resource_add_file media_upload/media_upload.module Implementation of registration media_upload_resource_add_file 1
media_upload_resource_embed_file media_upload/media_upload.module Implementation of registration media_upload_resource_embed_file 1
media_upload_user_files_select media_upload/media_upload.module Implementation of callback media_upload_media_user_files_select(). 1
resource_debug resource/resource.module Debug Logging function. 6
resource_disable resource/resource.install


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