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media_metadata.module in D7 Media 6

This module provides metadata integration with the Media module.


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 * @file
 * This module provides metadata integration with the Media module.

 *  Returns the metadata keys associated with a file stream mimetype.
 *  The hook_media_metadata_keys of all implementing modules will be invoked
 *  with the mimetype to build a list of keys to be collected and saved for
 *  file resources of that mimetype.
 *  @param string $mimetype
 *    The file mimetype to return the keys. If '*' is passed, then only the
 *    keys stored for all mimetypes will be returned.
 *  @param boolean $exclusive
 *    If TRUE, then only the keys exclusive to that metadata will be returned.
 *    Otherwise, also include all metadata for the wildcard '*' mimetype.
 *  @param boolean $reset
 *    If TRUE, then rebuild the static cache of keys.
 *  @return array
 *    An array of unique metadata keys that will be saved for that mimetype.
function media_metadata_keys($mimetype = '*', $exclusive = FALSE, $reset = FALSE) {
  static $keys;

  // Build our static cache.
  if (is_null($keys)) {
    $keys = array();

    // Collect all metadata keys for the wildcard/all '*' mimetype.
    $keys['*'] = module_invoke_all('media_metadata_keys', '*');

  // If NULL is passed, assume it's the wildcard.
  if (is_null($mimetype)) {
    $mimetype = '*';

  // Don't call module_invoke_all more than necessary; use the static variable.
  if (isset($mimetype) && $mimetype != '*' && ($reset || is_null($keys[$mimetype]))) {

    // Build a unique array from all modules implementing hook_metadata_keys.
    $keys[$mimetype] = array_unique(module_invoke_all('media_metadata_keys', $mimetype));

  // Return either the keys for that mimetype, or the merged array of keys for
  // the mimetype and for all '*' mimetypes, depending on $exclusive.
  return $exclusive || $mimetype == '*' ? $keys[$mimetype] : array_unique(array_merge($keys['*'], $keys[$mimetype]));

// @TODO: Add the file info here as well.
function media_metadata_form($form_state, $mimetype = '*') {
  $form = module_invoke_all('media_metadata_form', $form_state, $mimetype);
  $form['mimetype'] = array(
    '#type' => 'value',
    '#value' => $mimetype,
  $form['#submit'] = array(
function media_metadata_form_submit($form, &$form_state) {
  $mimetype = $form_state['values']['mimetype'];
  $keys = media_metadata_keys($mimetype);
  $values = array();
  foreach ($keys as $key) {
    $values[$key] = $form_state['values'][$key];

  // @TODO: Grab the file info and save the record.


Namesort descending Description
media_metadata_keys Returns the metadata keys associated with a file stream mimetype.