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function media_get_applicable_formatters in D7 Media 6

Select registrations for use by matching against uri and file extension.


array $registrations: Array of extensions.

string $uri: The kind of uri being used.

string $file_extension: The current file extension.

Return value

array An array of applicable formatters.


./media.module, line 272
Media API


function media_get_applicable_formatters($registrations, $file_extension) {

  // Do we have a file extension?
  if ($file_extension) {
    foreach ($registrations as $id => $formatter) {

      // Does this formatter use any file type? If not, then we have to dig.
      if (!$formatter['types'] == MEDIA_TYPES_DEFAULT) {

        // We need to see if this file type is supported specifically.
        if (!in_array($file_extension, $registration['types'])) {

          // This registration is not useful.
  return $registrations;