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function media_get_resources in D7 Media 6

Fetch all resources registered and call the specified callback. I

Also add item to the media browser as a horizontal tab.

@TODO Implement admin weighting here somehow.


array $registration_ids: Array of registration ids to be loaded.

string $node_type: Drupal node type.

field $field: CCK field name.

int $uid: Drupal {user} id.

Return value


1 call to media_get_resources()
media_build_browser_form in ./media.module
Build data for the media browser display.


./media.module, line 417
Media API


function media_get_resources($registration_ids, $node_type, $field, $uid) {

  // Get all the registrations that define the resources.
  $registrations = media_get_registered_modules($registration_ids);
  foreach ($registrations as $id => $registration) {

    // Get the callback function.
    $function = $registration['callbacks']['resource'];
    if (function_exists($function)) {

      // Get the results of the callback function.
      $item = $function($node_type, $field, $uid);
      $tab_name = check_plain(key($item));

      // Add a resource_id to the item.
      $item[$tab_name][key($item[$tab_name])]['resource_id'] = array(
        '#type' => 'value',
        '#value' => $id,

      // Add a resource module to the item so that we don't have to figure it out later
      $item[$tab_name][key($item[$tab_name])]['registered_module'] = array(
        '#type' => 'value',
        '#value' => $registration['module'],

      // Add tabs under the tab name.
      $items[$tab_name][key($item[$tab_name])] = $item[$tab_name][key($item[$tab_name])];
  return $items;