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Functions in JS Callback Handler 7.2

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Namesort descending Location Description Direct uses Strings
hook_js_callback_filter_xss_alter ./js.api.php Alter allowed tags used in XSS filtering. Uses filter_xss_admin() defaults.
hook_js_captured_content_alter ./js.api.php Allows modules to alter delivery content with captured (printed) output.
hook_js_info ./js.api.php Register JS callbacks. Read the documentation for a detailed explanation.
hook_js_info_alter ./js.api.php Alters registered JS callbacks.
hook_js_server_info ./js.api.php Register JS server information.
hook_js_server_info_alter ./js.api.php Alters registered JS server information.
js_array_replace_recursive ./js.module Wrapper function for array_replace_recursive().
js_bootstrap ./js.module Ensures Drupal is bootstrapped to the specified phase. 7
js_callback_bootstrap includes/ Bootstraps Drupal to the correct level based on callback info. 1
js_callback_examples_form js_callback_examples/js_callback_examples.module Menu callback for "js-callback-examples". 1
js_callback_examples_init js_callback_examples/js_callback_examples.module Implements hook_init().
js_callback_examples_js_callback_get_uid js_callback_examples/js_callback_examples.module Implements MODULE_js_callback_CALLBACK().
js_callback_examples_js_info js_callback_examples/js_callback_examples.module Implements hook_js_info().
js_callback_examples_menu js_callback_examples/js_callback_examples.module Implements hook_menu().
js_callback_examples_redirect_result js_callback_examples/js_callback_examples.module Menu callback for "js-callback-redirect-result". 1
js_callback_execute includes/ Execute a callback. 1
js_callback_filter_xss includes/ Filters callback results against XSS vulnerabilities. 1
js_callback_process_request includes/ Process request data for callbacks. 1
js_configure_form ./ Form callback for the JS configuration form. 1
js_custom_theme ./js.module Implements hook_custom_theme().
js_deliver ./js.module Sends content to the browser via the delivery callback. 2
js_delivery_callback includes/ Determines the delivery callback to use for final output. 3
js_deliver_json includes/ Callback for delivering JSON responses to the browser. 1 4
js_drupal_goto_alter ./js.module Implements hook_drupal_goto_alter().
js_element_info_alter ./js.module Implements hook_element_info_alter().
js_execute_request ./js.module Loads the requested module and executes the requested callback. 1
js_get_callback ./js.module Provides callback information provided by modules. 4
js_get_page includes/ Handler for JS GET requests. 2
js_get_token ./js.module Generate a unique token for JS callbacks. 3
js_hook_info ./js.module Implements hook_hook_info().
js_http_response includes/ Sets the HTTP response code for JS requests. 3
js_install ./js.install Implements hook_install().
js_is_renderable includes/ Helper function to determine if an array is renderable. 1
js_js_callback_form ./js.module Implements MODULE_js_callback_CALLBACK().
js_js_info ./js.module Implements hook_js_info().
js_js_server_info ./js.module Implements hook_js_server_info().
js_library ./js.module Implements hook_library().
js_menu ./js.module Implements hook_menu().
js_module_implements_alter ./js.module Implements hook_module_implements_alter().
js_permission ./js.module Implements hook_permission().
js_preprocess_html ./js.module Implements hook_preprocess_html().
js_pre_render_element ./js.module Generic #pre_render callback. 1
js_process_autocomplete ./js.module Autocomplete #process callback. 1
js_reinitialize_theme includes/ Helper function that re-initializes theme.
js_requirements ./js.install Implements hook_requirements().
js_server_info ./js.module Provides server information provided by modules. 1
js_uninstall ./js.install Implements hook_uninstall().
js_update_path ./js.module Updates the request path after that the JS prefixes has been stripped. 1
MODULE_js_callback_CALLBACK ./js.api.php A callback hook.
_js_cache_initialize ./js.module Initializes the cache system and our custom handler. 1


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