You are here in JS Callback Handler 7.2


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 * @file

 * Execute a callback.
 * @param array $info
 *   The callback info array, passed by reference.
 * @return mixed
 *   The results of the callback.
function js_callback_execute(array $info) {
  $xhprof = !empty($info['xhprof']) && function_exists('xhprof_enable') && function_exists('xhprof_disable');

  // If callback is being profiled, a full bootstrap is required.
  if ($xhprof) {
    $info['bootstrap'] = DRUPAL_BOOTSTRAP_FULL;

  // Bootstrap the callback to minimal requirements.

  // Process request data and append/replace arguments if necessary.

  // By default, return JS_MENU_NOT_FOUND. This will be overridden below.
  $result = JS_MENU_NOT_FOUND;

  // Check callback access.
  if (!empty($info['access callback']) && !call_user_func_array($info['access callback'], $info['access arguments'])) {
    $result = JS_MENU_ACCESS_DENIED;
  elseif (!empty($info['callback function']) || function_exists($info['callback function'])) {
    if ($xhprof) {
      xhprof_enable(0, array(
        'ignored_functions' => array(

    // Execute the callback.
    $result = call_user_func_array($info['callback function'], $info['callback arguments']);
    if ($xhprof) {
      drupal_set_message('XHProf results:<ul><li>' . implode('</li><li>', array_keys(xhprof_disable())) . '</li></ul>');

    // Enforce sensitization of the result if the "xss" variable is not
    // explicitly set to a boolean of FALSE.
    if ($info['xss'] !== FALSE) {
      $result = js_callback_filter_xss($result);
  return $result;

 * Bootstraps Drupal to the correct level based on callback info.
 * @param array $info
 *   The callback info array, passed by reference.
 * @throws Exception
 * @see _drupal_bootstrap_full()
function js_callback_bootstrap(array &$info) {
  global $_js;

  // Replace integer based arguments with corresponding value from path.
  foreach (array(
  ) as $type) {
    foreach ($info["{$type} arguments"] as $key => $value) {

      // Numeric argument exists, replace it.
      if (is_int($value) && !empty($_js['args'][$value])) {
        $info["{$type} arguments"][$key] = check_plain($_js['args'][$value]);
      elseif (is_int($value)) {
        unset($info["{$type} arguments"][$key]);

  // Load a file, if it exists.
  module_load_include('inc', $info['module'], $info['module'] . '.js');

  // If the callback function is located in another file, load that file.
  $path = !empty($info['path']) ? $info['path'] : drupal_get_path('module', $info['module']);
  if (isset($info['file']) && ($filepath = $path . '/' . $info['file']) && file_exists($filepath)) {
    require_once $filepath;

  // The following mimics the behavior of _drupal_bootstrap_full().
  // The difference is that not all modules and includes are loaded.
  if (js_bootstrap($info['bootstrap']) < DRUPAL_BOOTSTRAP_FULL) {

    // If "access callback" isn't passed, but "access arguments" is,
    // default to using "user_access" and bootstrap Drupal to at least
    // DRUPAL_BOOTSTRAP_SESSION and ensure the user module has loaded.
    if (empty($info['access callback']) && !empty($info['access arguments'])) {
      if (!in_array('user', $info['dependencies'])) {
        $info['dependencies'][] = 'user';
      $info['access callback'] = 'user_access';

    // If language is enabled or a language prefix was detected and site is
    // multilingual, bootstrap at least to DRUPAL_BOOTSTRAP_LANGUAGE and ensure
    // the required modules are enabled.
    if (!empty($info['lang']) || $_js['lang']) {
      if (!in_array('user', $info['dependencies'])) {
        $info['dependencies'][] = 'user';
      if (!in_array('path', $info['includes'])) {
        $info['includes'][] = 'path';

      // Boot at least DRUPAL_BOOTSTRAP_VARIABLES to ensure
      // drupal_multilingual() works.
      if (drupal_multilingual()) {

    // Load required include files based on the callback.
    if (isset($info['includes']) && is_array($info['includes'])) {
      foreach ($info['includes'] as $include) {
        $file = "./includes/{$include}.inc";

        // Check if base includes are overwritten.
        if (isset($GLOBALS['conf'][$include . '_inc'])) {
          $file = $GLOBALS['conf'][$include . '_inc'];
        if (file_exists($file)) {
          require_once $file;

    // Detect string handling method.

    // Undo magic quotes.

    // Create an associative array with weights as values.
    $module_info = array(
      'filename' => NULL,
    $modules = array(
      $info['module'] => $module_info,
    foreach ($info['dependencies'] as $dependency) {
      $modules[$dependency] = $module_info;

    // Reset module list and load them.
    $module_list = module_list(FALSE, TRUE, FALSE, $modules);
    foreach ($module_list as $module) {
      drupal_load('module', $module);

    // Make sure all stream wrappers are registered.

    // Ensure the language variable is set, if not it might cause problems
    // (e.g. entity info).
    global $language;
    if (!isset($language)) {
      $language = language_default();
      $types = language_types();
      foreach ($types as $type) {
        $GLOBALS[$type] = $language;

    // Invoke implementations of hook_init() if the callback doesn't indicate it
    // should be skipped.
    if (empty($info['skip init'])) {

      // Do not use module_invoke_all() because it will load DB cached data for
      // modules that implement the hook.
      foreach ($module_list as $module) {
        module_invoke($module, 'init');

    // At this point in the execution flow it is safe to allow our cache handler
    // to perform a full bootstrap in case of cache misses.
    if ($info['cache']) {

 * Process request data for callbacks.
 * By default, all callbacks will have request data processed automatically.
 * A callback must explicitly set $info['process request'] to a boolean of
 * FALSE to disable this functionality.
 * It will match against the callback's parameters and default value variable
 * types. These values are always appended to any integer path values already
 * assigned in the arguments array.
 * This allows callbacks to specify explicit path arguments or simply allow
 * request values to match against the callback's parameter names.
 *   $_REQUEST['my_variable'] = 'foo';
 *   function my_callback($my_variable) {
 *     // Outputs: "foo".
 *     print $my_variable;
 *   }
 *   function my_callback($arbitrary_parameter_name) {
 *     // Outputs: "Array".
 *     // The callback's parameter name does not match the key name in the
 *     // request data. See below why the output is an "Array".
 *     print $arbitrary_parameter_name;
 *   }
 * Regardless if this advanced "mapping" functionality is used, you can always
 * access the entire request data. This data is always appended as the last
 * parameter passed to the callback. Parameters that have been previously
 * matched are excluded from this array. Example:
 *   $_REQUEST['my_variable'] = 'foo';
 *   $_REQUEST['my_second_variable'] = 'bar';
 *   function my_callback($my_variable, $data) {
 *     // Outputs: "foo".
 *     print $my_variable;
 *     // Outputs: NULL.
 *     print $data['my_variable'];
 *     // Outputs: "bar".
 *     print $data['my_second_variable'];
 *   }
 * @param array $info
 *   The callback info array, passed by reference.
function js_callback_process_request(array &$info) {
  if ($info['process request'] === FALSE) {

  // Iterate over the raw $_REQUEST array.
  $request_data = array();
  $json_values = array(
  foreach ($_REQUEST as $key => $value) {

    // Convert possible JSON strings into arrays.
    if (is_string($value) && $value !== '' && ($value[0] === '[' || $value[0] === '{') && ($json = drupal_json_decode($value))) {
      $request_data[$key] = $json;
    elseif (!is_int($value) && in_array($value, $json_values)) {
      $request_data[$key] = (bool) $value;
    else {
      $request_data[$key] = $value;

  // Load argument callbacks.
  $load_arguments = $info['load arguments'];

  // Retrieve the default parameters of the callback function.
  foreach (array(
  ) as $type) {
    $data = $request_data;

    // Match the callback function's parameter names against the names of keys
    // in the $_REQUEST array. Ensure the values have the correct type as well.
    $parameters = array();
    $function = $info[$type === 'callback' ? 'callback function' : "{$type} callback"];
    if (function_exists($function)) {
      $f = new ReflectionFunction($function);
      foreach ($f
        ->getParameters() as $param) {

        // Don't add parameters that have no default value and are not in $_REQUEST
        if (!$param
          ->isDefaultValueAvailable() && !isset($data[$param->name])) {

        // Determine if there's a default value.
        $default = $param
          ->isDefaultValueAvailable() ? $param
          ->getDefaultValue() : NULL;

        // Determine if callback parameter has been type hinted with a class.
        if ($class = $param
          ->getClass()) {
          $default = array(
            'class' => $class
            'default' => $default,

        // Set the default value.
        $parameters[$param->name] = $default;

        // Give callback definitions a chance to completely disable autoloading.
        if ($load_arguments !== FALSE && is_array($load_arguments)) {

          // Automatically determine load function, if it wasn't explicitly set.
          if (!isset($load_arguments[$param->name])) {
            $load_callback = $param->name . '_load';
            if (function_exists($load_callback)) {
              $load_arguments[$param->name] = $load_callback;
          elseif (!$load_arguments[$param->name] || !is_callable($load_arguments[$param->name])) {
    foreach ($parameters as $name => $default_value) {

      // Check to see if the parameter exists.
      if (isset($data[$name])) {
        $value = $data[$name];

        // Load the parameter using a load argument callback, if one exists.
        if (is_array($load_arguments) && isset($load_arguments[$name])) {
          $value = call_user_func_array($load_arguments[$name], array(

        // Ensure class type hinting is passing the proper value.
        if (is_array($default_value) && isset($default_value['class'])) {
          if (!is_object($value) || get_class($value) !== $default_value['class'] && !is_subclass_of($value, $default_value['class'])) {
            $value = $default_value['default'];
        elseif (!is_null($default_value)) {
          settype($value, gettype($default_value));

        // Move the value of the $_REQUEST data into the parameter array.
        $parameters[$name] = $value;

        // Remove the request data since it has been moved.

    // Sort the remaining $_REQUEST data based on key name.

    // Merge existing arguments, parameters and any remaining request data.
    $info["{$type} arguments"] = array_merge($info["{$type} arguments"], $parameters, array(

 * Filters callback results against XSS vulnerabilities.
 * @param mixed $result
 *   The result to process.
 * @return array
 *   The filtered result.
function js_callback_filter_xss($result) {
  static $allowed_tags;
  if (!isset($allowed_tags)) {
    $allowed_tags = array(
    drupal_alter('js_callback_filter_xss', $allowed_tags);
  if (is_string($result)) {
    $result = filter_xss($result, $allowed_tags);
  elseif (is_array($result)) {
    foreach ($result as $key => $value) {

      // Iterate over multi-dimensional arrays.
      if (is_array($value)) {
        $result[$key] = js_callback_filter_xss($value);
      elseif (is_string($value)) {
        $result[$key] = filter_xss($value, $allowed_tags);
  return $result;


Namesort descending Description
js_callback_bootstrap Bootstraps Drupal to the correct level based on callback info.
js_callback_execute Execute a callback.
js_callback_filter_xss Filters callback results against XSS vulnerabilities.
js_callback_process_request Process request data for callbacks.